Civil Justice Networks

with Erika Rickard, Claire Solot, Miguel Willis, and Moderator Audra Wilson

This session highlighted the critical role of civil justice networks in fostering innovation, promoting best practices, and driving systemic change within the civil justice sector. Panelists discussed the importance of strategic investments and collaborative efforts in building and sustaining these networks, which serve as foundational pillars for advancing justice solutions at national, state, and local levels.


  • Moderator: Audra Wilson, President & CEO, Shriver Center on Poverty Law
  • Claire Solot, Managing Director, Bigglesworth Family Foundation
  • Miguel Willis, Innovator in Residence, University of Pennsylvania School of Law
  • Erika Rickard, Director of Courts & Communities, The Pew Charitable Trusts

This session was part of the Making Justice Accessible Summit in March 2024, which brought together a diverse group of participants from various fields for sessions and workshops addressing the civil justice gap. Learn more.