By æ岹ܲ Editorial
How do we counter implicit bias in its individual and systemic manifestations? This question is explored in the Winter 2024 issue of æ岹ܲ by leading scholars, scientists, and policymakers who examine the science behind implicit bias—the residue of stereotyped associations and social patterns that exists outside our conscious awareness but reinforces inequality in the world.
“Understanding Implicit Bias: Insights & Innovations,” edited by Goodwin Liu and Camara Phyllis Jones, features research and perspectives from a range of areas, including antidiscrimination law, early education, neuroscience, policing, social psychology, and workforce diversity.
Stemming from a workshop convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the volume highlights the work of those conducting research and leading interventions, as well as those with deep experience navigating issues of diversity, discrimination, and antiracism. Each provides models to help us understand the individual-level and structural causes of persistent inequalities.
“Understanding Implicit Bias: Insights & Innovations” features the following essays:
Preface: Recognizing Implicit Bias in the Scientific & Legal Communities
David Baltimore, David S. Tatel & Anne-Marie Mazza
Introduction: Implicit Bias in the Context of Structural Racism
Goodwin Liu & Camara Phyllis Jones
Seeing the Unseen
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
The Case for Data Visibility
Marcella Nunez-Smith
The Science of Implicit Race Bias: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test
Kirsten N. Morehouse & Mahzarin R. Banaji
The Implicit Association Test
Kate A. Ratliff & Colin Tucker Smith
Young Children & Implicit Racial Biases
Andrew N. Meltzoff & Walter S. Gilliam
Uncovering Implicit Racial Bias in the Brain: The Past, Present & Future
Jennifer T. Kubota
Implicit Bias as a Cognitive Manifestation of Systemic Racism
Manuel J. Galvan & B. Keith Payne
“When the Cruiser Lights Come On”: Using the Science of Bias & Culture to Combat Racial Disparities in Policing
Rebecca C. Hetey, MarYam G. Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus & Jennifer L. Eberhardt
Disrupting the Effects of Implicit Bias: The Case of Discretion & Policing
Jack Glaser
Roles for Implicit Bias Science in Antidiscrimination Law
Anthony G. Greenwald & Thomas Newkirk
Little Things Matter a Lot: The Significance of Implicit Bias, Practically & Legally
Jerry Kang
Retooling Career Systems to Fight Workplace Bias: Evidence from U.S. Corporations
Alexandra Kalev & Frank Dobbin
Implicit Bias versus Intentional Belief: When Morally Elevated Leadership Drives Transformational Change
Wanda A. Sigur & Nicholas M. Donofrio
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All?
Alice Xiang
Deprogramming Implicit Bias: The Case for Public Interest Technology
Darren Walker
Beyond Implicit Bias
Thomas D. Albright, William A. Darity Jr., Diana Dunn, Rayid Ghani, Deena Hayes-Greene, Tanya Katerí Hernández & Sheryl Heron
“Understanding Implicit Bias: Insights & Innovations” is available on the ’s&Բ;ɱٱ. æ岹ܲ is an open access publication.