The scientific and technological opportunities of the twenty-first century are enormous. At the same time, there are pressing societal issues in health, energy, the environment, food, and water. The American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s ARISE II report highlights the path to realize the full potential of the American research enterprise and address these societal issues by calling for deep integration across the physical and life sciences, as well as deep integration between the basic discovery and applied research aspects of science. The report makes specific, thoughtful recommendations for how to facilitate cooperative, synergistic interactions between academia, industry, and government that are critical for success.

—Peter S. Kim, President, Merck Research Laboratories


Scientists must purposefully address the global challenges that face science and society. ARISE IIpoints to a culture of collaboration to advance the human condition and protect our planet.

—Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea and Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison; former President, American Chemical Society


Not surprisingly, given the extraordinary accomplishments of the report’s authors, within its pages are to be found numerous important recommendations to strengthen America’s position in research and innovation. The message appropriately focuses on breaking barriers—such as those that exist among government, industry, and academia and those that continue to persist even among scientific disciplines. Meeting this challenge is particularly important given the problems facing the nation today. But the case is also compellingly made that there is a critical role for research that is purely curiosity-driven.

—Norman R. Augustine, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lockheed Martin Corporation


The past few decades have witnessed an explosion of new and highly specialized scientific and technical insights across various fields. This increasing scientific complexity has often coincided with decreasing R&D productivity as people struggle to understand, synthesize, and leverage specific advances in the process of invention. Undoubtedly, this illustrates the value of integration and collaboration across scientific disciplines. The ARISE II report provides a useful road map for academia, policy-makers, and industrial leaders who seek to increase America’s ability to translate cutting-edge scientific and technical approaches into practical innovation that meets the needs of society.

—Kenneth Frazier, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Company, Inc.


By focusing so clearly on the necessity for transdisciplinary research and seamless collaboration between academia, government, and the private sector, the members of the ARISE II report have highlighted two aspects of the current scientific and technological enterprise that need reform if the United States is to retain its preeminence in innovation that fosters future economic prosperity. Their recommendations are realistic actions that all stakeholders in America’s future should take under serious consideration.

—Shirley M. Tilghman, President, Princeton University


ARISE II takes on the daunting challenges of tearing down the academic silos, fostering transdisciplinary research and education, and discussing ways to bridge the academic-industrial chasm. This is a timely and critical focal point. The report gives excellent historical context and sage advice for moving forward. I consider it inspiring!

—Thomas Cech, Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado Boulder; former President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Science has the power to change our lives for the better. It is hamstrung today by boundaries: boundaries between disciplines and among academia, industry, and government. These are cemented in place by outmoded funding and departmental and educational structures. ARISE IIanalyzes these issues and suggests steps to establish novel boundary-free zones for transdisciplinary science. The analysis is clear and the suggestions eminently implementable. The first institutions and governments to do so will open floodgates for new discoveries, new businesses, and new life-improving innovations.

—Mark C. Fishman, President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research