Early Nominations and Elections

To ensure the growth of the institution, the Charter stated “that the Fellows of the said Ƶ may from time to time elect such persons to be Fellows thereof, as they shall judge proper.” Initially nominations were accepted throughout the year, and entered into a Nomination Book. Until 1919, elections would be held incidentally upon the death or resignation of a member. At one of the meetings in May, November, or January, members would review the nominations on file in the book and cast their votes.
Date: 1801-1817
Format: bound MS
Source: RG 8: Membership, General Records

While initially letters would be written individually to the elected person notifying them of their election, eventually form letters were used. These letters, designed to make the election process more formalized, also provided the new Members with information regarding publications, dues, and other Ƶ obligations.
Date: 1824 February 23
Format: Typescript with annotation
Source: RG 8: Membership, General Records

Upon notification of their election, Members were asked to send a letter to the Ƶ acknowledging acceptance of their election. This tradition continues through today. The Ƶ has on permanent exhibit at its House a selection of acceptance letters, dating from 1780 to today and includes the full breadth of its membership.
Date: 1791 November 14
Format: MS
Source: RG 1-B-2: Unbound Correspondence, 1781-1936

Elected Members who accepted would be sent a certificate acknowledging their election to the Ƶ, bearing the signatures of the President and Vice President, and the Ƶ seal. Members elected in the 1790s and early 1800s would have received certificates signed by John Adams, President from 1791 to 1814, and Joseph Willard, Vice President from 1784 to 1805.
Date: after 1791
Format: Certificate
Source: RG 8: Membership, General Records

International membership has been a part of the Ƶ since the first election held in 1781. Called “Foreign Honorary Members,” seven international members were elected, six from France and one from Sweden. Like the earlier Membership Certificate, this document for the Foreign Honorary Members could be filled out and sent to a Foreign Honorary Member to signify their election to the Ƶ.
Date: ca. 1870
Format: Certificate
Source: RG 8: Membership, General Records