Finding Aid |
1974-1984, n.d.

RGXXI: Committee on Translation Activities


Historical Note

The Committee on Translation Activities(var Problems in Translation; Planning Committee for the National Center for Translation; and Survey of Translation Needs) was in operation from 1975-1979. The purpose of the Committee was to address the lack of available translations of foreign manuscripts important to the study of the humanities. Originally the impetus of Reuben Bower, other significant persons involved include Martin Bloomfield, Howard Hibbet, and Harriet Ritvo. The former two acted as chairs alternately, with Bloomfield largely bearing the later responsibility. 

With funds from the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s Committee on Research and Planning, the committee held a conference on May 12, 1975, the result of which was to organize an effort to pursue funding for a National Center for Translation. Other efforts of the committee included a Survey of Translation Needs, using the field of History of Architecture as a test case. Questionnaires were sent to American and Foreign scholars in the field asking what texts they considered overlooked in translation, with a December 11, 1978 meeting organized to review the responses and discuss the theoretical aspects of the issue. Report of the Survey of Translation Needs in the History of Architecture was issued by the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in December 1979. Thereafter further efforts of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ ceased. Responsibility of efforts for translations in the subject of the History of Architecture transferred to the Society of Architectural Historians. 

Funding was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

Scope and Content

The series is contained within the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Archives’ Record Group XXI: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects and Programs. This series contains the records related to the Committee on Trans, from 1974-1984, n.d., with the largest portion created in 1978. Records of the Workshops were kept and created within the executive office of John Voss, including Pat Flaherty. Included among the records are administrative records relating to almost every effort of the Committee including general correspondence, specific correspondence among the committee and to granting agencies, planning for both conferences, and individual Questionnaire responses. Included among the citation records are simply index card files of citations of books suggested by questionnaire responses. 

Significant material includes early correspondence among the executive office, Martin Bloomfield, and Howard Hibbet; as well there are minutes of the 1975 and 1978 conferences, individual Questionnaire responses, index card citations, and the final report of the Committee.

See records of related effort, RG XXI: Committee on the History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and RG XXI: Survey of Sources in the History of Modern Science and Technology, which both produced a Survey of Sources as a final product. The latter Committee was not officially part of the larger Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Program and related records, RG XXI: Committee on Recent Science and Technology.


Processing for the series utilized MPLP principles, thus minimum preservation steps were taken, and folder titles listed in the finding aid are as they appear on the actual folders. Original order was mostly maintained, however, some related loose papers without folders existed outside of the filing system. These were refoldered, given ascribed folder titles, and incorporated chronologically. 

This series is organized into two subseries: Subseries 1: Administration (1974-1984); and Subseries 2: Citations (1978, n.d.). Subseries 1 is arranged chronologically. Subseries 2 is maintained in its original order with undated citations located in another location added at the end.


3 records center cartons (2.5 linear feet)

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Record Group XXI: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects – Committee on Translation Activities, 1974-1984, n.d. Archives, American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Bloomfield, Martin
Flaherty, Patricia, 1938-
Hibbett, Howard
Voss, John, 1917-
National Endowment for the Humanities


Subseries 1: Administrative Records, 1974-1984

Description: This subseries contains records related to the organization and operation of the Committee. It includes committee correspondence, planning for both conferences, transcripts of conferences, and reports. 

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 1

Folder 1 Translation 1974-May 1975 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 2 Translation 1974-May 1975 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 3 Translation - Summary of the Discussion May 12, 1975
Folder 4 Translation Text (incomplete) [1975 December]
Folder 5 NEH - Susan Mango Report [1975]
Folder 6 Translation May 1975-[1977] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 7 Translation May 1975-[1977] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 8 Survey of Translation Needs - General 1975-1977
Folder 9 Survey of Translation Needs - Transl. Series - Other [1975-1979]
Folder 10 Survey of Translation Needs - Trans. Programs, Other [1976-1978] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 11 Survey of Translation Needs - Trans. Programs, Other [1976-1978] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 12 A.A.U.P. Conference on Art & Architecture 1977 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 13 A.A.U.P. Conference on Art & Architecture 1977 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 14 Australian National University Translation Activities 1977
Folder 15 Survey of Translation Needs - UNESCO [1977-1978]
Folder 16 Survey of Translation Needs - HAM & SA 1977-1978
Folder 17 Survey of Translation Needs - List - Miscellaneous [1977-1978]
Folder 18 Survey of Translation Needs - NEH Correspondence [1977-1979]
Folder 19 Survey of Translation Needs - 12/11/78 Meeting
Folder 20 Survey of Translation Needs - Advisory Committee [1978]
Folder 21 Survey of Translation Needs - Advisory Committee Respon. [ca. 1978]
Folder 22 Survey of Translation Needs - Universities [1978]
Folder 23 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - Foreign [1978-1979] [folder 1 of 3]
Folder 24 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - Foreign [1978-1979] [folder 2 of 3]
Folder 25 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - Foreign [1978-1979] [folder3 of 3]

Box 2

Folder 1 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - American [1978-1980] [folder 1 of 4]
Folder 2 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - American [1978-1980] [folder 2 of 4]
Folder 3 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - American [1978-1980] [folder 3 of 4]
Folder 4 Survey of Translation Needs - Responses - American [1978-1980] [folder 4 of 4]
Folder 5 Survey of Translation Needs - General Inquiries 1978-[1984]
Folder 6 Survey of Translation Needs - Canadian Federation [1979]
Folder 7 Survey of Translation Needs - Abstract - Survey Responses [1979]
Folder 8 Translation Survey - Final Report [1979-1980] [folder 1 of 4]
Folder 9 Translation Survey - Final Report [1979-1980] [folder 2 of 4]
Folder 10 Translation Survey - Final Report [1979-1980] [folder 3 of 4]
Folder 11 Translation Survey - Final Report [1979-1980] [folder 4 of 4]

Subseries 2: Citation, 1978, n.d.

Description: This subseries contains index card files of citations of books suggested by questionnaire responses, as well as lists of manuscripts by geographic area or time period.

Arrangement: Original order, with undated citations located in another location added at the end.

Box 2 (cont.)

Folder 12 6911: List of Books Reviewed: [loose] [1978]
Folder 13 6911: List of Books Reviewed: Arch - Book Reviews - in progress [1978]
Folder 14 6911: List of Books Reviewed: Architecture Translation lists [ca. 1978]
Folder 15 6911: List of Books Reviewed: Books reviewed - by sub. Field [ca. 1978]
Folder 16 Modern [ca. 1978]
Folder 17 Medieval [1978]
Folder 18 Eastern Europe, Russia [1978]
Folder 19 Japan, India [1978]
Folder 20 Italy [1978]
Folder 21 Greece [1978]
Folder 22 Early Christian, Byzantine [1978]
Folder 23 France [1978]
Folder 24 Scandinavia [1978]
Folder 25 Dutch - Netherlands [1978]
Folder 26 Germany [1978]
Folder 27 City Planning [1978]
Folder 28 Portugal/Spain [ca. 1978]
Folder 29 Latin America - Colombia [1978]
Folder 30 British Isles [ca.1978]
Folder 31 Switzerland [1978]
Folder 32 Generalists [1978]
Folder 33 Africa [1978]
Folder 34 Title Recommend: Rennaissance [n.d.]
Folder 35 Books reviewed - classified by SA & HAM [n.d.] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 36 Books reviewed - classified by SA & HAM [n.d.] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 37 Reviews from Journals - original lists [n.d.] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 38 Reviews from Journals - original lists [n.d.] [folder 2 of 2]

Box 3

Folder 1 Translation Book lists [n.d.]
Folder 2 Translation Book Lists [n.d.]
Folder 3 [index card] Abstracts of Survey Responses: Modern Europe [n.d.]
Folder 4 [index card] Abstracts of Survey Responses: Greek and Roman Architecture [n.d.]
Folder 5 [index card] Abstracts of Survey Responses: Early Christian/Byzantine [n.d.]
Folder 6 [index card] Abstracts of Survey Responses: General, Including Theory, Urbanism and Construction [n.d.]