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RG I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks — Bound. Volume 15


Historical note

The Ƶ has received letters, announcements, and other forms of correspondence since the founding in 1780. All such correspondence was the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary, one of the original officers of the Ƶ. Beginning sometime in the late 1800s, incoming letters were pasted into bound scrapbooks, which the Ƶ referred to as “letterbooks.” This practice continued until 1988, when staff began saving correspondence in folders.

For the time period covered by Volume 15, the President of the Ƶ was John Trowbridge (1908-1915). The Corresponding Secretary was Edwin Herbert Hall (1904-1915).

Scope and Content

The series of letterbooks in its entirety includes letters from newly-elected Fellows, formally accepting their elections; communications with other learned societies (especially, invitations to attend meetings or send representatives to official events, and offers to exchange publications); correspondence concerning gifts of books, maps, and natural history specimens; and inquiries from members and nonmembers regarding the submission and publication of articles.

Volume 15 contains letters and other documents received by the American Ƶ from 1911-1913. Beginning with this volume, letterbooks increasingly recorded primarily the acceptance letters of the Ƶ’s members. The majority of the incoming correspondence within this letterbook pertains to the election, resignation, and death of members. Other topics, of lesser number, include notices of member deaths, circulars from national and international scientific societies and institutions, announcements of international congresses and invitations to various institutional anniversaries. There is also correspondence with local Boston organizations such as the Colonial Society and the American Antiquarian Society. Some correspondence pertains to the financial and administrative activities of the Ƶ, such as the transfer of a bust on deposit at the Athenaeum back into the possession of the Ƶ, and a bequest to the Ƶ of the property of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford.


1 volume contained within 2 document cases, Boxes 0288.4 and 0289.1 (0.5 linear feet)


The Ƶ has begun disbinding the volumes and conserving the individual letters, and will continue that practice until all letters are in stable condition. The letterbooks in Series I-B are arranged numerically by volume number. Within each volume, the original order of the pages has been retained. Generally the records are arranged in chronological order. Multiple unrelated documents on one support page are labeled a, b; enclosures or envelopes are labeled e.

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Series I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks. Bound letterbooks. Volume 15, 1911-1913. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Learned institutions and societies—America
Letter books


Page 15-1a

Letter from Edward Perkins Channing to Hall, 1911 October 21; 74 Sparks Street, Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Channing, Edward Perkins 1856-1931; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003365.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003365.002.jpg

Page 15-1b

Letter from Charles Cutler Torrey to Hall, 1911 October 28; New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Torrey, Charles Cutler 1863-1956; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003366.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003366.002.jpg

Page 15-2

Letter from Frederick Jackson Turner to E. H. Hall, 1911 October 21; 153 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Turner, Frederick Jackson 1861-1932; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003367.001.jpg

Page 15-3

Letter from William Sturgis Bigelow to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 25; 56 Beacon Street.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bigelow, William Sturgis 1850-1926; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003368.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003368.002.jpg

Page 15-4

Letter from J. Franklin Jameson to Edmin H. Hall, 1911 October 23; 500 Bond Building, Washington, DC.

Declines election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 1859-1937

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003369.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003369.002.jpg

Page 15-5a

Circular from International Congress of Applied Chemistry (Edward W. Morley, Honorary President; William H. Nichols, President; Bernard C. Hesse, Secretary), 1912 January 20; 25 Broad Street, New York.

Requests the recipient share applications with its members to the eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, to be held September 1912, and briefly describes recent past congresses.

Creator:  International Congress of Applied Chemistry

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003370.001.jpg

Page 15-5b

Circular, 1911 September 25; Cavoretto, Torino, Italy.

Describes logic and rules of pasigraphia (ideographia) and neosinographia as linguistic innovations in universal grammar.

Creator:  Academia pro interlingua
Language:  Italian, French
Related documents:  p. 7v

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003371.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003371.002.jpg

Page 15-6a

Letter from Boston Athenaeum (Andrew McFarland Davis) to John Trowbridge, 1911 October 23; 10 Appleton Street, Cambridge, [MA].

Announces the Boston Athenaeum’s presentation to the Ƶ of a bust of Benjamin Franklin previously held at the Athenaeum. Encloses a copy of a letter from the Athenaeum.

Creator:  Boston Athenaeum

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003372.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003372.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003372.003.jpg

Page 15-6b

Copy of a letter addressed to Andrew McFarland Davis, 1911 October 17; Boston.

Responds to a letter from Andrew McFarland Davis and announces the Athenaeum’s presentation to the Ƶ of a Benjamin Franklin bust.

Creator:  Bolton, Charles K.

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003373.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003373.002.jpg

Page 15-7a

Letter from Henry Bryant Bigelow to Edwin H. Hall, [1911] December 8; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bigelow, Henry Bryant 1879-1967; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003374.001.jpg

Page 15-7b

Letter from Elmer Ernest Southard to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 November 11; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Southard, Elmer Ernest 1876-1920; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003375.001.jpg

Page 15-7v

Letter from Academia pro interlingua, 1911 October 8; Russia.

Requests the opinion of the Ƶ on the universal written Language project (neosinography) described in the attached publication.

Creator:  Academia pro interlingua
Language:  French
Related documents:  p. 5B

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003376.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003376.002.jpg

Page 15-8

Invitation from New Hampshire Historical Society (Henry A. Kimball, Recording Secretary), [1911]; Concord, NH.

Invites the Ƶ to the dedication of the New Hampshire Historical Society’s library building and the banquet in honor of its donor, Edward Tuck.

Creator:  New Hampshire Historical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003377.001.jpg

Page 15-9

Letter from M. S. Agassiz to John Trowbridge, 1911 December 11; 76 Mount Vernon Street.

Offers the Ƶ a life-size bas-relief of Mr. Alexander Agassiz by Bela Pratt.

Creator:  Agassiz, M. S.

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003378.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003378.002.jpg

Page 15-10

Letter from Edwin Bidwell Wilson to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 January 2; 5 Park Vale, Brookline, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wilson, Edwin Bidwell 1879-1964; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003379.001.jpg

Page 15-11

Death notice from Royal Gardens, Kew (David Prain, Director), 1911 December 11.

Announces the death of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker 1817-1911), foreign honorary member elected 1866.

Creator:  Royal Gardens, Kew
Related documents:  Volume 6, p. 120

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003380.001.jpg

Page 15-12

Death notice from [Family of Jean Baptiste Edouard Bornet], [1912]; 9 Place du Pantheon, Paris, France.

Announces the death of Jean Baptiste Edouard Bornet 1828-1911), foreign honorary member elected 1893.

Creator:  Family of Jean Baptiste Edouard Bornet
Language:  French
Related documents:  Volume 10, p. 56b

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003381.001.jpg

Page 15-14

Letter from Forris Jewett Moore, 1912 January 31; [Cambridge, MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Moore, Forris Jewett 1867-1926; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003383.001.jpg

Page 15-15

Letter from Heinrich Oscar Hofman, 1912 January 29; Boston.

Resigns membership in the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hofman, Heinrich Oscar 1852-1924; Elected 1902
Related documents:  Volume 12, p. 37B

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003384.001.jpg

Page 15-16

Invitation from Royal Society of London (Archibald Geikie, President), 1912 January 8; [London, England].

Invites the Ƶ to the 250th anniversary celebration of the Royal Society to be held in London, July 1912.

Creator:  Royal Society (Great Britain)
Language:  Latin

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003385.001.jpg

Page 15-17

Invitation from American Philosophical Society (I. Minis Hays, Secretary), 1912 January 19; Philadelphia, PA.

Invites the Ƶ to be represented by a delegate at the annual general meeting of the American Philosophical Society, to be held April 18, 19, and 20, 1912.

Creator:  American Philosophical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003386.001.jpg

Page 15-18

Invitation from Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1912 [January]; [Philadelphia, PA].

Invites the Ƶ to be represented at the centenary celebration of the Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, to be held March 19, 20, and 21, 1912, in Philadelphia.

Creator:  Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003387.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003387.002.jpg

Page 15-20

Letter from Otto Knut Olof Folin, 1912 February 21; Longwood Avenue, Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Folin, Otto Knut Olof 1867-1934; Elected 1911
Related documents:  Volume 17, p. 125

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003389.001.jpg

Page 15-21

Letter from Roscoe Pound to A. H. Holden, 1912 February 24; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Pound, Roscoe 1870-1964; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003390.001.jpg

Page 15-22

Letter from Charles Proteus Steinmetz to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 February 24; Wendell Avenue, Schenectady, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Steinmetz, Charles Proteus 1865-1923; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003391.001.jpg

Page 15-23

Letter from Carnegie Institution of Washington (R. S. Woodward) to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 March 1; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges the receipt of a previous communication from the Ƶ transmitting a copy of its preamble and a resolution passed by the Ƶ on February 14, 1912, relative to the publication of a Handbook of Learned Societies of the Old World. Inquires as to the interest of Ƶ members in purchasing a volume of the text for a nominal fee.

Creator:  Carnegie Institution of Washington

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003392.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003392.002.jpg

Page 15-24

Letter from Smithsonian Institution (Charles D. Walcott, Secretary) to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 March 2; Washington, [DC].

Acknowledges an Ƶ letter written February 28, 1912, enclosing a copy of a vote relative to the publication of a Handbook of Learned Societies of the Old World.

Creator:  Smithsonian Institution

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003393.001.jpg

Page 15-25

Invitation from Princeton University, [1912]; Princeton, [NJ].

Invites a delegate from the Ƶ to attend the inauguration of John Grier Hibben as president of Princeton University on May 11, 1912.

Creator:  Princeton University

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003394.001.jpg

Page 15-26

Invitation from III Congresso Archeologico Internazionale (Lucio Mariani, Segretariato generale), [1912]; Rome, [Italy].

Invites the Ƶ to be represented at the Third International Achaeological Conference in Rome, October 1912. Indicates included copy of conference sessions.

Creator:  Congresso Archeologico Internazionale
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003395.001.jpg

Page 15-26e

Circular from III Congresso Archeologico Internazionale (Comm. Corrado Ricci, Presidente effettivo, et al.), [1912]; Rome, [Italy].

Lists and describes twelve sessions and their participants at the Third International Archaeological Conference to be held in Rome, October 9 to 16, 1912.

Creator:  Congresso Archeologico Internazionale
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003396.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003396.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003396.003.jpg

Page 15-27

Invitation from Congrès international d’Histoire des religions, [1912]; Leiden, [Netherlands].

Invites a delegate from the Ƶ to participate in the fourth International Congress on the History of Religions to begin on September 10, 1912.

Creator:  Congrès international d’Histoire des religions
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003397.001.jpg

Page 15-27e

Circular from Congrès international d’Histoire des religions, [1912]; Leiden, [Netherlands].

Lists and describes committees, participants, and content to the fourth International Congress on the History of Religions to be held in Leiden from September 9 to 13, 1912.

Creator:  Congrès international d’Histoire des religions
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003398.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003398.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003398.003.jpg

Page 15-28

Invitation from Smithsonian Institution, [1912]; [Washington, DC].

Invites the Ƶ to attend a special view of art objects from the Freer Collection, National Gallery of Art, in the new building of the U. S. National Museum.

Creator:  Smithsonian Institution

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003399.001.jpg

Page 15-29

Invitation from International Congress of Americanists (Alfred P. Maudslay, Chairman of Organizing Committee), 1912 March 27; 50 Great Russell Street, London, [England].

Invites a representative of the Ƶ to attend the eighteenth session of the International Congress of Americanists to be held from May 27 to June 1, 1912, at the Imperial Institute in London.

Creator:  International Congress of Americanists

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003400.001.jpg

Page 15-29e

Circular from International Congress of Americanists, [1912]; London, [England].

Lists and describes the committees, participants, and contents of the Eighteenth Session of the International Congress of Americanists to be held at the Imperial Institute in London from May 27 to June 1, 2012. Solicits papers for presentation and lists papers already received.

Creator:  International Congress of Americanists

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003401.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003401.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003401.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003401.004.jpg

Page 15-30

Circular from Association des ingénieurs électriciens sortis de l’Institut électrotechnique Montefiore (G. L’Hoest, Secrétaire général; O. De Bast, Président), 1912 March 20; Liége [Belgium].

Introduces and announces the 1914 competition rules for the triennial prize known as the George Montefiore Levi Foundation (Fondation George Montefiore Levi), awarded for the best original work in the advancement of science and technical applications of electricity.

Creator:  Association des ingénieurs électriciens sortis de l’Institut électrotechnique Montefiore
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003402.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003402.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003402.003.jpg

Page 15-31a

Letter from Simeon Eben Baldwin to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18; New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Baldwin, Simeon Eben 1840-1927; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003403.001.jpg

Page 15-31b

Letter from George Russell Agassiz to [Charles P. Bowditch], 1912 July 1; North Haven, ME.

Encloses dues and mentions having already acknowledged election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Agassiz, George Russell 1862-1951; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003404.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003404.002.jpg

Page 15-32

Letter from Louis Agricola Bauer to [Edwin H. Hall], 1912 May 23; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and requests copy of diploma.

Creator:  Bauer, Louis Agricola 1865-1932; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003405.001.jpg

Page 15-33a

Letter from William Herbert Bixby to Edwin H. Hall, [1912]; Washington, [D. C.].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Bixby, William Herbert 1849-1928; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003406.001.jpg

Page 15-33b

Letter from Percy Williams Bridgman to [John] Trowbridge, 1912 May 24; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bridgman, Percy Williams 1882-1961; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003407.001.jpg

Page 15-34

Letter from Ernest William Brown to John Trowbridge, 191 2 May 20; 116 Everit Street, New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Brown, Ernest William 1866-1938; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003408.001.jpg

Page 15-35

Letter from Henry Leland Chapman to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 20; Brunswick, ME.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Chapman, Henry Leland 1845-1913; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003409.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003409.002.jpg

Page 15-37

Letter from George Henry Chase to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Chase, George Henry 1874-1952; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003411.001.jpg

Page 15-38

Letter from Russell Henry Chittenden to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 17; No. 3 Sheffield Hall, New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Chittenden, Russell Henry 1856-1943; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003412.001.jpg

Page 15-39

Letter from Daniel Frost Comstock, 1912 May 30; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Comstock, Daniel Frost 1883-1970; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003413.001.jpg

Page 15-40

Letter from William Healey Dall to President and Fellows, 1912 May 18; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dall, William Healey 1845-1927; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003414.001.jpg

Page 15-41

Letter from Arthur Louis Day to John Trowbridge, 1912 August 27; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Day, Arthur Louis 1869-1960; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003415.001.jpg

Page 15-42

Letter from Frederic Dodge to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 23; Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dodge, Frederic 1847-1927; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003416.001.jpg

Page 15-43a

Letter from Alexander William Evans to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 17; New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Evans, Alexander William 1868-1959; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003417.001.jpg

Page 15-43b

Letter from Wilberforce Eames to [John Trowbridge], 1912 May 21; 476 Fifth Avenue, New York, [NY].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Eames, Wilberforce 1855-1937; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003418.001.jpg

Page 15-44

Letter from Irving Fisher to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 23; 460 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Fisher, Irving 1867-1947; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003419.001.jpg

Page 15-45

Letter from Desmond Fitzgerald to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 20; Brookline, MA. 81 Bay State Road, [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fitzgerald, Desmond 1846-1926; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003420.001.jpg

Page 15-46

Letter from Simon Flexner to H. H. Holden, 1912 June 28, 66th Street and Avenue A, New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Flexner, Simon 1863-1946; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003421.001.jpg

Page 15-47

Letter from George Washington Goethals to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 28, Culebra, [Panama].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Goethals, George Washington 1858-1928; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003422.001.jpg

Page 15-48

Letter from Lawrence Joseph Henderson to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18, Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Henderson, Lawrence Joseph 1878-1942; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003423.001.jpg

Page 15-49

Letter from Henry Lee Higginson to H. H. Holden, 1912 September 3, 44 State Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Higginson, Henry Lee 1834-1919; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003424.001.jpg

Page 15-50a

Letter from Joslin Elliott Proctor to John Trowbridge, 1912 June 7, 81 Bay State Road, [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Joslin, Elliott Proctor 1869-1962; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003425.001.jpg

Page 15-50b

Letter from Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe, 1912 May 22; 26 Brimmer Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe 1864-1960; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003426.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003426.002.jpg

Page 15-51

Letter from Alfred Louis Kroeber to John Trowbridge, 1912 June 29; San Francisco, CA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Kroeber, Alfred Louis 1876-1960; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003427.001.jpg

Page 15-52

Letter from Waldemar Lindgren to A. H. Holden, 1912 September 9; Washington, [D.C.].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lindgren, Waldemar 1860-1939; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003428.001.jpg

Page 15-53a

Letter from Samuel Parsons Mulliken to John Trowbridge, [1912]; Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Mulliken, Samuel Parsons 1864-1934; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003429.001.jpg

Page 15-53b

Letter from Lionel Simeon Marks to [John Trowbridge], 1912 June 5; 192 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Marks, Lionel Simeon 1871-1955; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003430.001.jpg

Page 15-54a

Letter from Hanns Oertel to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 22; 2 Phelps Hall, New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Oertel, Hanns 1868-1952; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003431.001.jpg

Page 15-54b

Letter from George Herbert Palmer to [John] Trowbridge, 1912 May 17; 11 Quincy Street, Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Palmer, George Herbert 1842-1933; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003432.001.jpg

Page 15-55

Letter from Robert Swain Peabody to John Trowbridge, 1912 June 7; 53 State Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Peabody, Robert Swain 1845-1917; Elected 1912
Related documents:  Volume 16, p. 61

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003433.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003433.002.jpg

Page 15-56

Letter from Charles Pickering Putnam to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 23; 63 Marlborough Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Putnam, Charles Pickering 1844-1914; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003434.001.jpg

Page 15-57

Letter from Arthur Prentice Rugg, 1912 June 12.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rugg, Arthur Prentice 1862-1938; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003435.001.jpg

Page 15-58

Letter from William Berryman Scott to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18; Princeton, NJ.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Scott, William Berryman 1858-1947; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003436.001.jpg

Page 15-59a

Letter from Maurice deKay Thompson to [Edwin H. Hall], 1912 May 24; [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Thompson, Maurice deKay 1877-1963; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003437.001.jpg

Page 15-59b

Letter from John Eliot Thayer to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18; Lancaster, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Thayer, John Eliot 1862-1933; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003438.001.jpg

Page 15-60

Letter from William Jewett Tucker to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 25; Occum Ridge, Hanover, NH.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Tucker, William Jewett 1839-1926; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003439.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003439.002.jpg

Page 15-61

Letter from Williston Walker to John Trowbridge, 1912 June 3; 281 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Walker, Williston 1860-1922; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003440.001.jpg

Page 15-62a

Letter from Frederick Shenstone Woods, 1912 June 8; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Woods, Frederick Shenstone 1864-1950; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003441.001.jpg

Page 15-62b

Letter from Simeon Burt Wolbach to William Watson, 1912 June 19; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Wolbach, Simeon Burt 1880-1954; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003442.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003442.002.jpg

Page 15-63

Letter from James Homer Wright to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 18; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wright, James Homer 1869-1928; Elected 1912
Related documents:  Volume 17, p. 120

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003443.001.jpg

Page 15-64

Letter from Svante August Arrhenius to [John] Trowbridge, 1912 July 5.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Arrhenius, Svante August 1859-1927; Elected 1912, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003444.001.jpg

Page 15-65

Letter from Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand, 1912 May 20; Washington, [DC].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules 1855-1932; Elected 1912, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003445.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003445.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003445.003.jpg

Page 15-66a

Letter from Augusto Righi to John Trowbridge, 1912 May 28; Bologna, [Italy].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses note.

Creator:  Righi, Augusto 1850-1920; Elected 1912, FHM
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003446.001.jpg

Page 15-66b

Note from Augusto Righi, [1912 May 28].

Offers respect of Augusto Righi’s wife to the wife of Professor John Trowbridge, the recipient of the letter in which this note is enclosed.

Creator:  Righi, Augusto 1850-1920
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003447.001.jpg

Page 15-66v Translation of

Note from Augusto Righi, [1912 May 28].

Translates note enclosed in Augusto Righi’s letter of acknowledgement for his election to the Ƶ.

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003448.001.jpg

Page 15-67

Letter from Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 1912 July 3; Leiden, [Netherlands].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853-1928; Elected 1912, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003449.001.jpg

Page 15-68

Letter from Louis Cabot, 1912 July 25; Northeast Harbor, ME.

Resigns membership in the Ƶ upon a copy of a dues assessment for the year ending May 14, 1913.

Creator:  Cabot, Louis 1837-1914; Elected 1891

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003450.001.jpg

Page 15-69

Letter from John Fritz, [1912].

Resigns membership from the Ƶ upon a copy of a dues assessment for the year ending May 14, 1913.

Creator:  Fritz, John 1822-1913; Elected 1901

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003451.001.jpg

Page 15-70

Letter from Rufus Byam Richardson, [1912].

Resigns membership from the Ƶ upon a copy of a dues assessment for the year ending May 14, 1913.

Creator:  Richardson, Rufus Byam 1845-1914)

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003452.001.jpg

Page 15-71

Invitation from Rice Institute (Edgar Odell Lovett, President), [1912]; [Houston, TX].

Invites the President of the Ƶ to attend the first academic festival of the Rice Institute on October 10, 11, and 12, 1912, in recognition of the university’s opening. Requests reply addressed to the President of Rice Institute.

Creator:  Rice Institute

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003453.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003453.002.jpg

Page 15-72

Program from the American Antiquarian Society, 1912; Worcester, MA.

Presents the order of events of the centennial celebration of the American Antiquarian Society to be held in Worcester, Massachusetts on October 15 and 16, 1912.

Creator:  American Antiquarian Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003454.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003454.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003454.003.jpg

Page 15-73

Invitation from Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts du Bordeaux (Paul Courteault, Président), 1912 June 30; [Bordeaux, France].

Invites a delegate from the Ƶ to the bicentennial celebration of the Bourdeaux Ƶ of Sciences, Arts, and Letters to be held in Bordeaux, France on November 11 and 12, 1912.

Creator:  Académie nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux
Language:  Latin

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003455.001.jpg

Page 15-74

Invitation from Société de pathologie comparée (H. Roger, Présidente du comité d’organisation), 1912 August 12; Paris, France.

Invites the President of the Ƶ to be a representative to the premier Congrčs international de pathologie comparée (First International Congress of Comparative Pathology) to be held in Paris, France from October 17 to 23, 1912.

Creator:  Société de pathologie comparée
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003456.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003456.002.jpg

Page 15-75

Letter from Panama-Pacific International Exposition (John Brisben Walker, Director of Congresses) to [Edwin H. Hall], 1912 August 22; San Francisco, CA.

Describes the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to be held in San Francisco in 1915 and asks whether the Ƶ might combine its meeting of that year with the Exposition, in California.

Creator:  Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company
Related documents:  Volume 16, p. 56

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003457.001.jpg

Page 15-76

Death notice from [Family of Eduard Adolf Strasburger, 1912; Bonn, Switzerland].

Announces the death of Eduard Adolf Strasburger 1844-1912), FHM elected 1892.

Creator:  Family of Eduard Adolf Strasburger
Language:  German
Related documents:  Volume 10, p. 28b

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003458.001.jpg

Page 15-77

Letter from Franz Boas to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 October 22; New York, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boas, Franz 1858-1942; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003459.001.jpg

Page 15-78

Invitation from International Congress of Historical Studies (I. Gollancz, Secretary of the Congress, et al.), 1912 September 10; London, [England].

Invites the Ƶ to nominate one or more delegates to attend the Third International Congress of Historical Studies to be hosted by the British Ƶ in London, England from April 3 to April 8 or 9, 1913. Encloses a brief statement of the preliminary arrangements for the congress.

Creator:  International Congress of Historical Studies

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003460.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003460.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003460.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003460.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003460.005.jpg

Page 15-79

Circular from Accademia reale delle scienze di Torino (Paolo Boselli, Presidente), [1912]; Torino, Italy.

Announces a competition for the Avogadro Prize (Premio Avogadro), an award for 1500 lira to be given by the Royal Ƶ of Science of Torino to a scholar in the field of chemistry whose work is submitted to review before December 31, 1914.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003461.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003461.002.jpg

Page 15-81

Letter from Loammi F. Baldwin; Baldwin Coolidge to Chas. R. Cross, 1912 October 8; 12 Elm Street, Woburn, MA.

Notifies the Ƶ of the execution of the will of a late Mrs. Griffith and of several bequests intended for the Ƶ, many of which items were formerly the property of the Count and Countess of Rumford.

Creator:  Baldwin, Loammi F.

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003463.001.jpg

Page 15-82

Letter from Elihu Root to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 November 29; New York, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Root, Elihu 1845-1937; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003464.001.jpg

Page 15-83

Letter from Richard Olney to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 December 2; 710 Sears Building, Boston, [MA].

Declines election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Olney, Richard 1835-1917)

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003465.001.jpg

Page 15-84

Letter from Colonial Society (Charles Edwards Park, Corresponding Secretary) to Edwin H. Hall, 1912 November 12; [Boston].

Expresses gratitude and accepts the Ƶ’s invitation to the Colonial Society to continue to hold its meetings in the Ƶ’s hall at the Boston Athenaeum. Encloses a copy of the record of the Society vote that requests Corresponding Secretary Park convey the Society’s thanks for this invitation.

Creator:  Colonial Society of Massachusetts

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003466.001.jpg

Page 15-84e

Letter from Colonial Society (Charles Edwards Park, Corresponding Secretary), [1912 November 7]; Boston.

Presents a copy of a vote by the Colonial Society that requests its Corresponding Secretary convey the Society’s thanks to the Ƶ for its invitation to the Society to continue to hold its meetings in the Ƶ’s hall at the Boston Athenaeum.

Creator:  Colonial Society of Massachusetts

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003467.001.jpg

Page 15-85

Invitation from Congrès international de zoologie (L. Joubin, Secrétariat Général), 1912 November 20; Paris, France.

Invites representatives of the Ƶ to attend the ninth session of the International Congress of Zoology to be held in Monaco from March 25 to 30, 1913, and overseen by Prince Albert of Monaco.

Creator:  Congrès international de zoologie
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003468.001.jpg

Page 15-86

Letter from Charles S. Hastings to Hall, 1912 December 13; New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and precedes eventual decline of admission.

Creator:  Hastings, Charles Sheldon 1849-1932)

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003469.001.jpg

Page 15-87

Death notice [from Family of Sir George Darwin], 1912 December]; Newnham Grange, Cambridge, [England].

Announces the death of Sir George Howard Darwin 1845-1912), FHM elected 1898.

Creator:  Family of Sir George Darwin
Related documents:  Volume 11, p. 51a

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003470.001.jpg

Page 15-88

Death notice [from Family of Jules Henri Poincaré], [1912]; Paris, [France]

Announces the death of M. Jules Henri Poincaré 1854-1912), FHM elected 1901.

Creator:  Family of Jules Henri Poincaré
Language:  French
Related documents:  Volume 12, p. 17a

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003471.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003471.002.jpg

Page 15-89

Letter from Edwin B. Frost to E. H. Hall, 1913 January 29; Nice, [France].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Frost, Edwin Brant 1866-1935)

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003472.001.jpg

Page 15-90a

Letter from Ezra Ripley Thayer, 1913 January 14; 77 Bay State Road, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Thayer, Ezra Ripley 1866-1915; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003473.001.jpg

Page 15-90b

Letter from Wilder Dwight Bancroft to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 13; 7 East Avenue, Ithaca, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Bancroft, Wilder Dwight 1867-1953; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003474.001.jpg

Page 15-91

Letter from Leland Ossian Howard to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 18; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Howard, Leland Ossian 1857-1950; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003475.001.jpg

Page 15-92

Letter from David Linn Edsall, [1913] January 31; 80 Marlborough St., Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Edsall, David Linn 1869-1945; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003476.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003476.002.jpg

Page 15-93

Letter from Ernest Fox Nichols to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 February 15; Hanover, NH.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Nichols, Ernest Fox 1869-1924; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003477.001.jpg

Page 15-94

Letter from Robert Williams Wood to E. H. Hall, 1913 January 27; Baltimore, MD.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Wood, Robert Williams 1868-1955; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003478.001.jpg

Page 15-95

Letter from John R. Freeman, 1913 January 15; Providence, RI.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Freeman, John Ripley 1852-1932; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003479.001.jpg

Page 15-96

Letter from Kakuzo Okakura to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 17; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Okakura, Kakuzo 1862-1913; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003480.001.jpg

Page 15-97

Letter from George Cary Comstock to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 22; Madison, WI.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Comstock, George Cary 1855-1934; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003481.001.jpg

Page 15-98

Letter from Bertram Borden Boltwood to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 February 4; New Haven, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Boltwood, Bertram Borden 1870-1927; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003482.001.jpg

Page 15-99

Letter from Alfred Noble to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 31; New York, [NY].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Noble, Alfred 1844-1914; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003483.001.jpg

Page 15-100

Letter from Charles Atwood Kofoid, 1913 January 23; Berkeley, CA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Kofoid, Charles Atwood 1865-1947; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003484.001.jpg

Page 15-101

Letter from William Emerson Ritter to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 January 24; La Jolla, CA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Ritter, William Emerson 1856-1944; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003485.001.jpg

Page 15-102

Letter from Thomas Franklin Waters to Charles P. Bowditch, 1913 January 23; Ipswich, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Waters, Thomas Franklin 1851-1919; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003486.001.jpg

Page 15-103

Letter from Eduard Seler, 1913 January 30; Berlin, [Germany].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Seler, Eduard 1849-1922; Elected 1913, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003487.001.jpg

Page 15-104

Letter from John A. Aiken, 1913 January 13; Boston, [MA].

Declines election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Aiken, John A.

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003488.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003488.002.jpg

Page 15-105

Invitation from Congrés Gèologique International, [1913]; [Ottawa, Canada].

Invites representatives of the Ƶ to attend the twelfth International Geological Congress to be held in Canada in August 1913.

Creator:  International Geological Congress
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003489.001.jpg

Page 15-106

Circular from R. Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna (Pietro Albertoni, Presidente), 1913 March 9; Bologna, [Italy].

Announces the third international competition for the biennial Elia de Cyon Prize, an award in the amount of 3000 lira presented for a selected work in the physical and human sciences. Lists competition rules and stipulations.

Creator:  R. Accademia delle scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003490.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003490.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003490.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003490.004.jpg

Page 15-107

Circular from Institut international de physique Solvay, 1912 December 11; Brussels, [Belgium].

Introduces and encloses the bylaws of the Solvay International Institute of Physics in Brussels, including recently adopted regulations on the disposition of research funding.

Creator:  Institut international de physique Solvay
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.005.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.006.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.007.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.008.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.009.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.010.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.011.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003491.012.jpg

Page 15-108

Memorandum from Frank William Taussig, [1913].
Read at Stated Meeting, 1913 May 14.

Recommends that the Ƶ allow the use of its name in favor of certain redactions to the Tariff Act of 1909 proposed by Francis E. Hamilton. Encloses draft of proposed redactions.

Creator:  Taussig, Frank William 1859-1940; Elected 1889

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003492.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003492.002.jpg

Page 15-109

Letter from George David Birkhoff to Edwin H. Hall, [1913].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Birkhoff, George David 1884-1944; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003493.001.jpg

Page 15-110

Letter from Charles Jesse Bullock to E. H. Hall, 1913 June 3; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Bullock, Charles Jesse 1869-1941; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003494.001.jpg

Page 15-111a

Letter from Julian Lowell Coolidge to [Edwin H. Hall], [1913] May [22]; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Coolidge, Julian Lowell 1873-1954; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003495.001.jpg

Page 15-111b

Letter from George Whitefield Chadwick to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 June 14; [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Chadwick, George Whitefield 1854-1931; Elected 1913
Related documents:  Volume 17, p. 61

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003496.001.jpg

Page 15-112a

Letter from Henry Crew to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 27; Evanston, IL.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Crew, Henry 1859-1953; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003497.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003497.002.jpg

Page 15-112b

Letter from Henry Asbury Christian to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 22; 252 Marlborough Street, [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Christian, Henry Asbury 1876-1951; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003498.001.jpg

Page 15-113

Letter from Samuel McChord Crothers to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 June 21; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Crothers, Samuel McChord 1857-1927; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003499.001.jpg

Page 15-114

Letter from Davis Rich Dewey to Hall, 1913 June 27; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dewey, Davis Rich 1858-1942; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003500.001.jpg

Page 15-115

Letter from Frederick Perry Fish to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 23; 84 State Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Fish, Frederick Perry 1855-1930; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003501.001.jpg

Page 15-116

Letter from Arthur William Foote to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 22; 81 Green Street, Brookline, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Foote, Arthur William 1853-1937; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003502.001.jpg

Page 15-117

Letter from Daniel Chester French to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 June 16; Glendale, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  French, Daniel Chester 1850-1931; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003503.001.jpg

Page 15-118a

Letter from Edwin Francis Gay to Hall, 1913 June 9; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Gay, Edwin Francis 1867-1946; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003504.001.jpg

Page 15-118b

Letter from Charles Hall Grandgent to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 21; 107 Walker Street, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Grandgent, Charles Hall 1862-1939; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003505.001.jpg

Page 15-119

Letter from Robert Grant to Edwin Herbert Hall, 1913 May 26; 211 Bay State Road, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Grant, Robert 1852-1940; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003506.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003506.002.jpg

Page 15-120

Letter from Charles Burton Gulick to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 25; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gulick, Charles Burton 1868-1962; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003507.001.jpg

Page 15-121

Letter from Charles Homer Haskins to Hall, 1913 June 28; Rome, Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Haskins, Charles Homer 1870-1937; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003508.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003508.002.jpg

Page 15-122

Letter from Edward Vermilye Huntington to Charles P. Bowditch, 1913 May 28; 27 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Huntington, Edward Vermilye 1874-1952; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003509.001.jpg

Page 15-123a

Letter from Hans Carl Gunther von Jagemann to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 September 27; 113 Walker Street, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jagemann, Hans Carl Gunther von 1859-1926; Elected

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003510.001.jpg

Page 15-123b

Letter from James Richard Jewett to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 29; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Jewett, James Richard 1862-1943; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003511.001.jpg

Page 15-124

Letter from Norton Adams Kent to Hall, 1913 May 22; 688 Boylston Street, Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Kent, Norton Adams 1873-1944; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003512.001.jpg

Page 15-125

Letter from William Lawrence to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 23; 122 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Lawrence, William 1850-1941; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003513.001.jpg

Page 15-126

Letter from Arthur Dehon Little to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 June 3; 93 Broad Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Little, Arthur Dehon 1863-1935; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003514.001.jpg

Page 15-127

Letter from Frank Burr Mallory to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 24; Brookline, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Mallory, Frank Burr 1862-1941; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003515.001.jpg

Page 15-128

Letter from William Bennett Munro to E. H. Hall, 1913 May 23; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Munro, William Bennett 1875-1957; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003516.001.jpg

Page 15-129

Letter from Edward H. Nichols to Edwin H. Hall, [1913]; 294 Marlboro Street, Boston, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Nichols, Edward Hall 1864-1922; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003517.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003517.002.jpg

Page 15-130

Letter from William Albert Noyes to Edwin H. Hall, 1913 May 27; Urbana, IL.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Noyes, William Albert 1857-1941; Elected 1913

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003518.001.jpg

Page 15-131

[Index, A-P].

Alphabetical index to letters (A-P).

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003519.001.jpg

Page 15-132

[Index, P-W].

Alphabetical index to letters (P-W).

Image:  /RG-IB_v15/003520.001.jpg