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RG I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks — Bound. Volume 14


Historical note

The Ƶ has received letters, announcements, and other forms of correspondence since the founding in 1780. All such correspondence was the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary, one of the original officers of the Ƶ. Beginning sometime in the late 1800s, incoming letters were pasted into bound scrapbooks, which the Ƶ referred to as “letterbooks.” This practice continued until 1988, when staff began saving correspondence in folders.

For the time period covered by Volume 14, the President of the Ƶ was John Trowbridge (1908-1915). The Corresponding Secretary was Edwin Herbert Hall (1904-1915).

Scope and Content

The series of letterbooks in its entirety includes letters from newly-elected Fellows, formally accepting their elections; communications with other learned societies (especially, invitations to attend meetings or send representatives to official events, and offers to exchange publications); correspondence concerning gifts of books, maps, and natural history specimens; and inquiries from members and nonmembers regarding the submission and publication of articles.

Volume 14 contains letters and other documents received by the American Ƶ from 1909 to 1911. The majority of this incoming correspondence pertains to the election, resignation, and death of members, most notably Woodrow Wilson’s letter acknowledging election to the Ƶ prior to his taking office as President of the United States in 1913. Other topics, of lesser number, include notices of member deaths, circulars from national and international scientific societies and institutions, announcements of international congresses and invitations to various institutional anniversaries. A significant portion of this type concerns international scientific congresses and events, preparations for the Boston-1915 Exposition, President Howard Taft’s medal ceremony in recognition of Orville and Wilbur Wright’s discovery of flight, and requests for nominations for Nobel prizes in physics, chemistry, and literature. Some correspondence pertains to the financial and administrative activities of the Ƶ, particularly one member’s reminiscence of past meetings on the anniversary of the Ƶ’s one thousandth, as well as the activities of other learned societies, such as the American Philosophical Society and the Amerika-Institut in Berlin, Germany.


1 volume contained within 3 document cases, Boxes 0288.2, 0288.3, and 0288.4 (0.75 linear feet)


The Ƶ has begun disbinding the volumes and conserving the individual letters, and will continue that practice until all letters are in stable condition. The letterbooks in Series I-B are arranged numerically by volume number. Within each volume, the original order of the pages has been retained. Generally the records are arranged in chronological order. Multiple unrelated documents on one support page are labeled a, b; enclosures or envelopes are labeled e.

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Series I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks. Bound letterbooks. Volume 14, 1909-1911. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Exchange of publications
Learned institutions and societies—America
Learned institutions and societies—Publishing
Letter books
Nobel Prizes
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924
Wright, Orville, 1871-1948
Wright, Wilbur, 1867-1912

Processing Information

Processed by Kittle Evenson, Simmons GSLIS intern, December 2012.


Page 14-01

Letter from Herbert Wilbur Rand to Edwin H. Hall, 1909 March 17; Cambridge, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rand, Herbert Wilbur, 1872-1960; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003201.001.jpg

Page 14-02

Letter from William Morton Wheeler to Edwin H. Hall, 1909 March 17; Boston, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wheeler, William Morton, 1865-1937; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003202.001.jpg

Page 14-03

Letter from William Townsend Porter, 1909 April 7; Boston, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Resigns from the Ƶ.

Creator:  Porter, William Townsend, 1862-1949; Elected 1901

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003203.001.jpg

Page 14-04

Letter from Crawford Toy to [William] Watson, 1909 April 10; Cambridge, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Resigns from the Ƶ.

Creator:  Toy, Crawford Howell, 1836-1919; Elected 1888

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003204.001.jpg

Page 14-05

Letter from Franz Boas to Secretary of the Ƶ, 1909 March 23; Columbia University.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Invites Ƶ to join in expressing good wishes to Professor Frederic Ward Putnam on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.
Note: Contemporary, handwritten note from Edwin Hall expresses regrets and suggests that fellow Ƶ members be invited to the celebratory dinner.

Creator:  Boas, Franz, 1858-1942; Elected 1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003205.001.jpg

Page 14-06

Circular from Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Mineralogical and Geological Section (Frank J. Keeley, Silas L. Schumo, Edgar T. Wherry, Committee), 1909 March 1; Philadelphia.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Proposes dates for upcoming Spring meeting on Friday and Saturday, April 23rd and 24th, 1909, and calls for contributions of papers or informal accounts of current work.

Creator:  Ƶ of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Mineralogical and geological section

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003206.001.jpg

Page 14-07

Circular from Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Johannes Paulus Lotsy, secretaire perpetuel), 1909 February; Harlem, Netherlands.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 14.

Notifies Ƶ of the resignation of M. J. Bosscha of the Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities due to health reasons, and announces J. P. Lotsy as M.J. Bosschas successor.

Creator:  Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003207.001.jpg

Page 14-08

Circular from Societa Ligure di Storia Patria (Cesare Imperiale de SantAngelo, Il Presidente), 1908 December 24; Genoa, Italy.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 April 26.

The Ligurian Society of Native History offers the Ƶ a commemorative medal in honor of its fiftieth anniversary.
Note: Oiled paper.

Creator:  Società ligure di storia patria
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003208.001.jpg

Page 14-09

Circular from Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino; Comite International en lHonneur de Amedeo Avogadro sous le Patronage de S. M. Victor Emanuel III Roi dItalie (Stanislao Cannizzaro, President honoraire), [1909 May]; [Turin, Italy].

Notifies the Ƶ of upcoming events to commemorate the late scientist Amedeo Avogadro, including a publication of a volume of his works and the erection of a statue of him in Turin, Italy. Includes a list of the Italian and International members of the International Committee in Honor of Amedeo Avogadro, in charge of organizing the events.
Note: Contemporary note that it was acknowledged by the corresponding secretary May 12, 1909.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003209.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003209.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003209.003.jpg

Page 14-10

Death notice from Societe de Geographie Commerciale de Bordeaux (Gilbert Lasserre, Le Secretaire general, F. Samazeuilh, Le President), 1909 April 7; Bordeaux, France.

Announces the death of Julien Manes on April 2, 1909.
Note: Contemporary note that it was acknowledged by the corresponding secretary May 12, 1909.

Creator:  Societé de géographie commerciale de Bordeaux
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003210.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003210.002.jpg

Page 14-11

Circular from Der Vorstand des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg (E. Koehne), [1909 May]; Friedenau bei Berlin, Germany.

Invites the Ƶ to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Botany Society of the Province of Brandenburg, to be held on the May 31, through June 2, 1909 at the Royal Botanical Museum in Dahlem, Germany. Includes a program of events and detachable RSVP.
Note: Contemporary note that it was acknowledged by the corresponding secretary May 12, 1909.

Creator:  Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003211.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003211.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003211.003.jpg

Page 14-12

Circular from American Oriental Society, [1909].

Announces the officers elected to the American Oriental Society on April 17, 1909.
Note: Contemporary note that it was acknowledged by the corresponding secretary May 12, 1909.

Creator:  American Oriental Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003212.001.jpg

Page 14-13a

Letter from Frederick James Furnivall, 1909 [May 22]; London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003213.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003213.002.jpg

Page 14-13b

Letter from Hermann Georg Jacobi, 1909 May 29; Bonn, Germany. Expresses gratitude at his recent election to the Ƶ as Foreign Honorary Member.

Creator:  Jacobi, Hermann Georg, 1850-1937; Elected 1909, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003214.001.jpg

Page 14-14a

Letter from [Francis Gano Benedict] to John Trowbridge, 1909 May 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Benedict, Francis Gano, 1870-1957; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003215.001.jpg

Page 14-14b

Letter from Arthur Woolsey Ewell to Edwin H. Hall, 1909 May 14; Worcester, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ewell, Arthur Woolsey, 1873-; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003216.001.jpg

Page 14-15a

Letter from James Hardy Ropes to Edwin H. Hall, 1909 May 14; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ropes, James Hardy, 1866-1933; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003217.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003217.002.jpg

Page 14-15b

Letter from William Wallace Fenn to Edwin H. Hall, 1909 May 18; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fenn, William Wallace, 1862-1932; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003218.001.jpg

Page 14-16

Letter from Gardiner Martin Lane to John Trowbridge, 1909 May 15; Manchester, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lane, Gardiner Martin; Elected 1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003219.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003219.002.jpg

Page 14-17

Form letter from Universal Scientific Association (William Jasper Spillman, American Secretary), 1909 September 20; Washington, DC.

Writes as the American Secretary for the Universal Scientific Association, and announces the Associations attempt to establish technical vocabularies in Esperanto for the various sciences. Requests participation from any willing scientists. Includes a list of international congresses that have met in the present year and conducted proceedings or submitted reports in Esperanto. Announces the next meeting of the International Congress of Esperantists in Washington City in 1910.
Note: Written on stationery of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry; contemporary note by corresponding secretary Edwin H. Hall that it was acknowledged November 10, 1909.

Creator:  Universal Scientific Association

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003220.001.jpg

Page 14-18

Letter from Edwin Herbert Hall to Holden, 1909 October 13; Boston.

Notifies Agnes Holden that he is taking the Wildeman card and Newcomb notice with him that night.

Creator:  Hall, Edwin Herbert, 1855-1938

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003221.001.jpg

Page 14-18e

Letter from Congrès international de botanique Bruxelles (Emile De Wildeman, Le Secretaire general) Emile De Wildeman, 1909 September 15; Brussels, Belgium.

Notifies the Ƶ that the International Botanical Congress has not yet received the Ƶs response to their fourth circular and asks that it be sent immediately.
Note: Contemporary, handwritten note by Edwin H. Hall noting that he answered the note and could remember no previous communications of this respect.

Creator:  Congrés international de botanique

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003222.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003222.002.jpg

Page 14-19

Invitation from Harvard University (Henry Pickering Walcott, Senior Fellow), 1909 May 20; Cambridge, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 June 7.

Invites the Ƶs President and Fellows to attend the inauguration of Abbott Lawrence Lowell, LL.D. as the 24th President of Harvard University, on Wednesday and Thursday, October 6-7, 1909.
Note: Contemporary note to ask Prof. Trowbridge to reply, and Agassiz appointed as delegate.

Creator:  Harvard University; Elected 1889

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003223.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003223.003.jpg

Page 14-20a

Form letter from Nobelkommitte för Physique (Wilhelm Palmaer, Secretaire), [1909 September]; Stockholm.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1909 October 11.

The Nobel Committee for Physics of the Royal Swedish Ƶ of Science invites the Ƶ to submit the names of its members for the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Creator:  Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Nobel Commitees for Physics
Language:  Swedish; French (translation)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003224.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003224.003.jpg

Page 14-20b

Form letter from Nobelkommitte för Kemi (Wilhelm Palmaer, Secretaire), [1909 October 11]; Stockholm.

The Nobel Committee for Chemistry of the Royal Swedish Ƶ of Science invites the Ƶ to submit the names of its members for the 1910 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Creator:  Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Nobel Commitees for Chemistry
Language:  Swedish; French (translation)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003225.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003225.002.jpg

Page 14-20c

Circular from [Nobel Prize Committees for Physics and Chemistry, 1909 October 11; Stockholm, Sweden].

Lists the award recipients of both the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry from 1901 through 1908.

Creator:  Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Nobel Commitees for Physics and Chemistry
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003226.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003226.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003226.003.jpg

Page 14-21

Circular from Joseph Zavodny, 1909 April 15; Prague, Bohemia.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October 13].

Requests admission to the society of the recipient, as a corresponding member.

Creator:  Zavodny, Joesph
Language:  French
Related documents:  Proceedings Vol. 45, No. 21, Sep., 1910, p [553]

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003227.001.jpg

Page 14-21e

Circular from Kongress Oesterreichischer Export-vereine in Prag (Jos. Zawodny, Secretary), 1909 April 15; Prague, Bohemia.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October 13].

Announces the Congress of Austrian Export Societies in Prague,

Creator:  Kongress österreichischer export-vereine in Prag
Language:  German
Related documents:  Proceedings Vol. 45, No. 21, Sep., 1910, p [553]

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003228.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003228.002.jpg

Page 14-22

Circular from American Philosophical Society (Isaac Minis Hays, Secretary), 1909 May 20; Philadelphia.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October].

Requests support from the Ƶ in urging the Government of the United States to send an exploration and survey expedition to the coast of Wilkes Land and other parts of Antarctica.
Note: Contemporary note by Edward Hall records that a response was sent to the American Philosophical Society acknowledging receipt of the circular and informing them that it could not be read at an Ƶ meeting until October, 1909.

Creator:  American Philosophical Society
Related documents:  p. 30

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003229.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003229.002.jpg

Page 14-23

Circular from Anaboli Pavlov, 1909 [June 18]; [Moscow, Russia].
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October 13].

Details Pavlovs theory of numbers.
Note: Two copies; includes handwritten contemporary English translation by Professor Wiener.

Creator:  Pavlov, Anaboli
Language:  Russian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003230.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003230.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003230.003.jpg

Page 14-24

Letter from Boston-1915 (Edward A. Filene; C. Bertrand Thompson; Horace G. Wadlin), 1909 July 12 - 1909 September 21; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Series of correspondence from various members of the Boston-1915 Organization, which was charged with organizing a City Planning Exposition to be held in the city in the fall of 1909. Letters request participation by the Ƶ in the preparatory meetings and final exhibition. Includes handwritten notes by E. H. Hall acknowledging response to a letter and a referral to the Ƶ Librarian for consideration of the question of an exhibit of the Ƶ at the October meeting.
Note: Six documents total.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003231.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003231.002.jpg
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Page 14-25

Circular from Carlos A. Hesse, 1908 December 5 [1909 September]; Iquique, [Chile].
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October 13].

Series of correspondence from Carlos A. Hesse regarding Hesses Calendar Reform Project. Requests support for and sends copy of Proyecto de reforma del Calendario; sends copy of letter requesting Mr. Herniman of English Parliament to present Hesses Calendar Reform Project, in opposition to Robert Pearces proposal.
Note: Four documents total.

Creator:  Hesse, Carlos A.
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003232.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003232.002.jpg
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Page 14-26

Circular from Aero Club of America (DeWitt C. Morrell), 1909 May 20; New York.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 October 13].

Invites the Ƶ to participate in proceedings at the presentation of medals, by President Taft, to Wilbur and Orville Wright, in honor of their discovering the art of flying. The presentation is to be held on June 10, 1909 at 2:30PM In the East Room of the White House.

Creator:  Aero Club of America

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003233.001.jpg

Page 14-26

File copy addressed to DeWitt C. Morrell, 1909 June 10; Boston.

Acknowledges receipt of Morrells letter requesting participation in the medal ceremony for Orville and Wilbur Wright. Expresses regret that the letter was received after a meeting of the Ƶ, and so it was unable to respond with an official, congratulatory letter.

Creator:  American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003234.001.jpg

Page 14-27

Place holder.

Holds page for invitation sent to President Trowbridge to the inauguration of President of Institute of Technology.
Note: Invitation to President Trowbridge on May 22, 1909 and never returned.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003235.001.jpg

Page 14-28

Circular from Organizing Commission for the XVII International Congress of Americanists, 1909 July 1; Buenos Aires.

Announces and presents information pertaining to the sixteenth session of the International Congress of Americanists, to be held in Buenos Aires on May 16-21, 1910.

Invites the Ƶ to attend. Includes an announcement letter, copy of a note sent on February 10, 1909 to the Minister for Public Worship and Instruction in Vienna by the General Secretary of the sixteenth International Congress of Americanists, a decree officiating the date and location of the seventeenth Congress, General Program for the Congress and lists of committees and members.

Creator:  International Congress of Americanists. Commission of Organization

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003236.001.jpg
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Page 14-29

Invitation from [President and Trustees of Museum of Fine Arts 1909; Boston].

Invites the Ƶ to a reception in celebration of the opening of the new building on the Fenway, on Tuesday, November 9, 1909.

Creator:  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003237.001.jpg

Page 14-30

Place holder.

Place holder for a letter from the American Philosophical Society, expressing pleasure at hearing that they would have the support of the Ƶ.
Note: Sent to Prof. Hall on November 13, 1909.

Related documents:  p. 22

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003238.001.jpg

Page 14-31

Invitation from International Zoological Congress (Ludwig von Graff, President), [1909 December 8]; Graz, Austria.

Invites Ƶ to send delegates to the eighth International Zoological Congress, to be held from August 15-20, 1910, in Graz, Austria.

Creator:  International Zoological Congress

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003239.001.jpg

Page 14-32

Death notice from [The family of Henry Charles Lea], [1909 October]; [Philadelphia].

Announces death of Henry Charles Lea, in Philadelphia, on October 24, 1909.

Creator:  The family of Henry Charles Lea

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003240.001.jpg

Page 14-33

Death notice from Comite Geologique de la Russie, [1909].
Read at Stated Meeting, [1909 December 8].

The Geological Committee of Russia announces the death of M. Serge Nikitin, who died November 5/18, 1909.

Creator:  Геологический комитет России
Language:  French
Related documents:  Proceedings of the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences Vol. 45, No. 21, Sep., 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003241.001.jpg

Page 14-34

Death notice from Die Königlich böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften , 1909 November 20; Prague, Bohemia.

The Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences announces the death of Karl Domalip, on November 19, 1909.

Creator:  Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003242.001.jpg

Page 14-35

Letter from Arthur Fairbanks to President of the Ƶ, 1910 January 28; Boston, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fairbanks, Arthur, 1864-1944; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003243.001.jpg

Page 14-36

Letter from William Arthur Heidel to Edwin H. Hall, 1910, January 25; Middletown, CT.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Heidel, William Arthur, 1868-1941; Elected 1910, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003244.001.jpg

Page 14-37

Letter from Boston-1915 (C. Bertrand Thompson, Organization Secretary) to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 January 18 - 1910 January 29; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Series of correspondence, informs the Ƶ of their placement within the Educational group for the Boston-1915 Exposition, and calls upon them to attend preliminary planning meetings.
Note: Series contains two letters. Handwritten note from E. H. H. marking letters as answered on February 10, 1910.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003245.001.jpg
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Page 14-37e

Bulletin No. 3, 1910 January; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Organizational bulletin for Boston-1915. Provides brief history of the organization and the titles of the classified groups within it.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003246.000.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003246.001.jpg
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Page 14-38

Circular from Congrès international de botanique, [1909; Brussels, Belgium].

Calls for submission of topics to be discussed. Includes the provisional program for the third International Botanical Congress to be held in Brussels, on the 14-22 of May 1910; includes circulars 1-6
Note: Handwritten note by Edwin H. Hall, saying that this letter and corresponding circulars were acknowledged on February 10, 1910.

Creator:  Congrès international de botanique
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003247.001.jpg
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Page 14-38e

Circulars from Congrès international de botanique, [1909; Brussels, Belgium].

Circulars 1-6, including an annex for Circular no. 4, from the Third International Botanical Congress to be held in Brussels in 1910.
Note: The annex for Circular no. 4 is only printed in French, with no English or German translations.

Creator:  Congrès international de botanique
Language:  French; English, German (translations)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003248.001.jpg
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Page 14-39

Letter from Auguste Marie François Beernaert to Perpetual Secretary, 1909 November 21; Brussels, Belgium.

Transmits 375 copies of a manifesto for distribution amongst members of the Ƶ.
Note: Note from Edwin H. Hall that the letter was acknowledged on February 10, 1910.

Creator:  Beernaert, Auguste Marie François, 1829-1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003249.001.jpg

Page 14-39e

Circular from, Auguste Marie François Beernaert et al., 1909 November 21; Brussels, Belgium.

Defends Belgiums treatment and colonial actions in the Congo. Includes a list of signatories.

Creator:  Beernaert, Auguste Marie François, 1829-1912

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003250.000.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003250.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003250.002.jpg
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Page 14-40

Death notice Societe dEmulation dAbbeville, [1909; Abbeville, France].

Announces the death of the Society of Emulation of Abbevilles honorary president Philippe-Constant-Ernest Prarond, November 7, 1909.
Note: Contemporary note by E.H.H. that the notice was not acknowledged.

Creator:  Société démulation dAbbeville
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003251.001.jpg

Page 14-41

Death notice from La Societe Royale Norvegienne des Sciences a Trondhjem, 1909 November; Trondheim, Norway.

Announces death of Michael Heggelund Foslie, director of the museum botanical society, who died on November 9, 1909.
Note: Contemporar note by Edwin H. Hall that the notice was acknowledged on February 10, 1910.

Creator:  Kongelige Norske videnskabers selskab
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003252.001.jpg

Page 14-42

Death notice from Königlich Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1910 January 20; Prague, Bohemia.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1910 February 10.

Announces death of Ottokar Hostinsky, who died on January 19, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note by E.H.H. that the notice was presented on February 10, 1910 but not acknowledged.

Creator:  Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003253.001.jpg

Page 14-43

Holiday card from Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnología, 1910 January 1; Mexico.

The director, professors, and staff of the National Museum of Archeology, History, and Ethnology wishes the recipient a happy New Year.
Note: Includes landscape print in color.

Creator:  Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnología (Mexico)
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003254.000.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003254.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003254.002.jpg

Page 14-44

Circular from International Congress of Entomology, 1909 May; [Brussels, Belgium].

Announces the first International Congress of Entomology, to be held from August 1-6, 1910 in Brussels, Belgium. The Congress desires to bring Entomologists into closer contact with general zoology and the practical applications of their own study. Includes preliminary list of local committees and their chairmen.
Note: Contemporary note from Edwin H. Hall that letter was acknowledged on February 10, 1910.

Creator:  International Congress of Entomology

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003255.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003255.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003255.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003255.004.jpg

Page 14-45

Letter from William Howard Taft to William Watson, 1909 December 21; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges receipt of the Ƶs approval of the President of the United States recommendation in regards to the Naval Observatory.
Note: Contemporary note by E. H. H. that he will acknowledge the letter unless the Recording Secretary wishes to do so.

Creator:  Taft, William Howard, Pres. U.S., 1857-1930; Elected 1914

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003256.001.jpg

Page 14-46

Circular from American Philosophical Society, 1909 November; Independence Square, [Philadelphia].

Announces the Societys adoption of resolutions regarding Earthquakes and the Societys urging of Congress to establish a National Bureau of Seismology.
Note: oversized.

Creator:  American Philosophical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003257.001.jpg

Page 14-47

Circular from Harvard College (Jerome Davis Greene, Secretary to the Corporation), 1909 November 30; Cambridge, MA.

Thanks the Ƶ for their participation in the inauguration of Abbot Lawrence Lowell as President of Harvard University.

Creator:  Harvard College (1780- )

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003258.001.jpg

Page 14-48a

Letter from Eduard Kohlrausch, 1910 January 30; Königsberg, Germany.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1910 March 9].

Informs the Ƶ of the death of Dr. Kohlrauschs father, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrausch (1900, Associate Fellow), on January 17, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note by E.H.H. that the letter is to be read on March 9th and it was answered on April 17, 1910.

Creator:  Kohlrausch, Eduard, 1874-1948
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003259.001.jpg

Page 14-48b

Letter from William Harmon Niles, 1910 February 19; Back Bay, Boston.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1910 March 9].

Resigns membership in the Ƶ due prolonged ill health.
Note: Contemporary note from E.H.H. that the letter was acknowledged on February 23, and is to be read on March 9, and answered on March 10.

Creator:  Niles, William H.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003260.001.jpg

Page 14-49

Letter from Harry G. Chase to Wm. Watson, 1910 February 25; Tufts College, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1910 March 9].

Announces the death of Amos E. Dolbear (1877, Fellow) on February 26, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note from E.H.H. that the letter is to be read on March 9 and answered on March 10.

Creator:  Chase, Harry G.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003261.001.jpg

Page 14-50

Circular from Universal Races Congress (G. Spiller), 1910 February 23; [London].

Requests the Ƶ’s moral support for the first inter-racial General Order of Honour of Congress.

Creator:  Universal Races Congress
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003262.001.jpg

Page 14-51

Circular from Commissione Editrice delle Opere di Matematica di Giulio Fagnani (Vito Volterra; Gino Loria; Dionisio Gambioli), 1910 February; Rome.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1910 March 9].

Announces the publication of the first complete edition of the Mathematical Works of Count Julius Charles of Fagnano. Requests the assistance of the Ƶ in locating any and all manuscripts of the Count of Fagnano that they know to be housed in their library.
Note: Includes English, French, and German translations. Handwritten note by E.H.H. that the circular is to be read on March 9 and acknowledged on March 9.

Creator:  Commissione Editrice delle Opere di Matematica di Giulio Fagnani
Language:  Italian, English, French, German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003263.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003263.002.jpg

Page 14-52

Circular from R. Accademia delle scienze dellistituto di bologna, Classe di Scienze Fisiche (Augusto Righi, Presidente; Ercole Giacomini, Segretario), 1910 January 16; Bologna, Italy.
Read at Stated Meeting, [1910 March 9].

Announces an international competition for a biennial prize, funded by the Societys member, Elia de Cyon. The prize is to be awarded to a person who conduct fruitful research in areas of human anatomy and medicine, specifically those that Elia de Cyon focused in. Lists and explains conditions of the competition.
Note: Contemporary note by E.H.H. that the circular is to be read on March 9 and acknowledged on March 9.

Creator:  R. Accademia delle scienze dellIstituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003264.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003264.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003264.003.jpg

Page 14-53

Invitation from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, [1910 April]; 1300 Locust Street, [Philadelphia].

Invites the President of the Ƶ to the formal opening of the New Hall of the Society, to be held on Wednesday April 6, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note that the invitation was answered by Professor Trowbridge.

Creator:  Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003265.001.jpg

Page 14-54

Letter from Vesto Melvin Slipher to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 March 12; Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ as Associate Fellow.

Creator:  Slipher, Vesto Melvin, 1875-1969; Elected 1909, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003266.001.jpg

Page 14-55

Letter from Charles Pomeroy Parker to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 April 1; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Parker, Charles Pomeroy, 1852-1916; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003267.001.jpg

Page 14-56

Letter from Clifford Herschel Moore to Hall, 1910 April 4; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Moore, Clifford Herschel, 1866-1931; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003268.001.jpg

Page 14-57

Letter from John Ritchie, Jr. to Secretary of the Ƶ, 1910 March 24; Boston. Tenders resignation in the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ritchie, John, Jr., 1853- [from old catalog]; Elected 1887

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003269.001.jpg

Page 14-58

Form letter from Exposicion Universal del Centenario de la Republica Argentina, 1910 January 28; Buenos Aires.

Requests participation in the international centennial exposition in Buenos Aires, in 1910.
Note: Author signatures of the Presidente and Secretario are present but illegible.

Creator:  Exposicion Universal del Centenario de la Republica Argentina

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003270.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003270.002.jpg

Page 14-59

Circular from Worlds congress of international associations (The Organizing Commission of the Congress), 1909 November 27; Brussels, Belgium.

Invites Ƶ to take part in the Worlds Congress of International Associations, to be held in Brussels in May 1910.

Creator:  Worlds congress of international associations

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003271.001.jpg
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Page 14-60

Circular from Congres Geologique International (Johan Gunnar Andersson, Secretaire general), 1910 February; Stockholm, Sweden.

Invites the Ƶ to attend the 11th International Geological Conference, to be held on August 18-25, 1910, in Stockholm, Sweden, as well as the 2nd International Agrogeological Conference to be held at the same time in Stockholm, Sweden.

Creator:  Congrés géologique international. Comite executif.
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003272.001.jpg

Page 14-61

Circular from Boston-1915 (James P. Munroe, Executive Director), 1910 March 30; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Announces the new Boston-1915 monthly publication: The Chronicle of Boston-1915, with release date of April 25, 1910, and asks that the recipient subscribe to the magazine.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003273.001.jpg

Page 14-62a

Death notice from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1910 April 4; Cambridge, MA.

Announces the death of Alexander Agassiz (1862, Fellow) on March 27, 1910.

Creator:  Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003274.001.jpg

Page 14-62b

Notice from Probate Court of the City of Newport (Duncan A. Hazard, Clerk), 1910 May 9; [Newport, RI].

Informs the Ƶ that Alexander Agassiz, deceased, named it as a beneficiary of his estate.

Creator:  Rhode Island. Probate Court (Newport)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003275.001.jpg

Page 14-63

Circular from lAssociation des Ingenieurs Electriciens sortis de lInstitut Electrotechnique Montefiore (Gustave LHoest, Le Secretaire general; Omer de Bast, Le President), 1910 March 15; Liege, Belgium.

Announces the conditions of the Fondation George Montefiore contest for 1911.
Note: Contemporary note that the letter was acknowledged on May 11, 1910.

Creator:  Association des Ingenieurs Electriciens sortis de lInstitut Electrotechnique Montefiore. Conseil dAdministration
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003276.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003276.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003276.003.jpg

Page 14-64

Circular from Congreso Internacional de los Americanistas, 1910 March 1; Buenos Aires.

Announces the conferences to be held during the 17th International Congress of Americanists, which will take place in Buenos Aires May 16-21, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note that the circular was acknowledged on May 11, 1910.

Creator:  Congreso Internacional de los Americanistas
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003277.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003277.002.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003277.004.jpg

Page 14-65

Letter from Internationale Hygiene-Ausstellung (G. Weber, Regierungsrat), 1910 April 29; Dresden, Germany.

Invites the Ƶ to participate in the International Hygiene Exhibition to be held in Dresden, German, in 1911.

Creator:  Internationale Hygiene-Ausstellung

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003278.001.jpg

Page 14-66a

Letter from James Jackson Putnam, 1910 October 6; Back Bay, [Boston].

Resigns membership in the Ƶ.

Creator:  Putnam, James Jackson, 1846-1918; Elected 1878

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003279.001.jpg

Page 14-66b

Letter from Worthington Chauncey Ford to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 May 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003280.001.jpg

Page 14-67

Letter from Archibald Cary Coolidge, 1910 May 19; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1866-1928; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003281.001.jpg

Page 14-68

Letter from Roland Burrage Dixon to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 May 13; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003282.001.jpg

Page 14-69

Letter from Edward Caldwell Moore to Hall, 1910 May 13; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Moore, Edward Caldwell, 1857-1943; Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003283.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003283.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003283.003.jpg

Page 14-70

Death notice from [The family of Friedrich Daniel von Recklinhausen, 1910 August; Germany].

Announces the death of Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (1898, FHM) on August 25, 1910.
Note: Contemporary note by E.H.H that the notice was replied to on October 28, 1910.

Creator:  The family of Friedrich Daniel von Recklinhausen
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003284.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003284.002.jpg

Page 14-71

Letter from David Gill, 1910 June 21; London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gill, David, Sir, 1843-1914; Elected 1910, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003285.001.jpg

Page 14-72

Circular from Instituts Solvay, Brussels, Institut de sociologie. (D. Warnotte, Chief of the Department of Documentation), 1910 April; Brussels, Belgium.

Solicits the recipient to join the Solvay Institute of Sociology, at Brussels.

Creator:  Instituts Solvay, Brussels. Institut de sociologie.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003286.002.jpg

Page 14-73

Letter from Amerika Institut (Hugo Münsterberg) to William Watson, 1910 September 23; Berlin.

Announces the formal opening of the Amerika-Institut of the German Government. Requests that the Ƶ send their administrative publications to the Institut as soon as possible.

Creator:  Freie Universität Berlin. Amerika-Institut; Elected 1902
Related documents:  p. 83

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003287.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003287.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003287.003.jpg
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Page 14-74

Draft response addressed to Hugo Münsterberg, [1910 September].

Acknowledges receipt of Hugo Münsterbergs letter to the Ƶ informing it of the opening of the Amerika-Institut in Berlin. States that the letter was read at the Ƶ meeting the night before and that the Ƶ is ready to assist the Institut in whatever ways it can.
Note: The letter appears to be a draft as there are many visible corrections and it is neither signed nor dated.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003288.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003288.002.jpg

Page 14-75

Circular from Universal Races Congress (G. Spiller, Hon. Organiser), [1910, London].

Invites the Ƶ to participate in the First Universal Races Congress, to be held in London, July 26-29, 1911.

Creator:  Universal Races Congress
Language:  Englishl; French (translation)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003289.001.jpg

Page 14-76

Letter from Boston 1915 (C. Bertrand Thompson, Organization Secretary) to A. Lawrence Rotch, 1910 October 1; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Requests the Ƶs consideration of an enclosed letter from Miss Lotta A. Clark, in regards to a Civic Festival to be held in November.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003290.001.jpg

Page 14-76e

Letter from Boston-1915 (Lotta A. Clark, Director civic pageant), 1910, October 1; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Announces a Civic Festival, to be held by the Directors of Boston- 1915 in November, 1910. Asks for assistance in the preparation and production of the Festival. Includes the proposed program.

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003291.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003291.002.jpg

Page 14-77

Letter from International Congress of Applied Chemistry (Bernhard Conrad Hesse, Secretary) to President of the Ƶ, 1910 September 6; [New York].

Notifies the Ƶ that it has been elected as a member of the Organizing Committee for the International Congress of Applied Chemistry of 1912, to be held in the United State. Requests that the Ƶ return its opinion on several matters of Committee business.

Creator:  International Congress of Applied Chemistry

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003292.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003292.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003292.003.jpg

Page 14-78

Circular from Society for the Development of Experimental Sciences and their practical applications (S. A. Feodoroff, President ; N. A. Oumoff, Vice-President ; N. F. Charnowski, Secretary), [1910, Russia].

Announces the creation of the Society for the Development of Experimental Sciences and Their Practical Applications, founded in Russia on March 9, 1909.

Creator:  Society for the Development of Experimental Sciences et their practical applications.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003293.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003293.002.jpg

Page 14-79

Circular from Congresso Internazionale di Geografia (Marchese Raffaele Cappelli, Presidente; Comandante Giovanni Roncagli, Segretario Generale), 1910 May 1; Rome.

Announces the 10th International Congress of Geography, to be held in Rome, October 15-22, 1911. Invites the Ƶ to attend. Lists the members of the organizing committee, general Congress information, and general regulations.

Creator:  Congresso internazionale di geografia
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003294.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003294.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003294.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003294.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003294.005.jpg
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Page 14-80a

Letter from Winthrop John Vanleuven Osterhout to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 November 5; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Osterhout, Winthrop John Vanleuven (1871-1964); Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003295.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003295.002.jpg

Page 14-80b

Letter from Alfred Church Lane to Edwin H. Hall, 1910 October 21; Tufts College, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lane, Alfred Church (1863-1948); Elected 1910

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003296.001.jpg

Page 14-81

Circular from Conference on Vocational Guidance, 1910 October 4; [Boston].

Announces the Conference on Vocational Guidance, to be held in Boston on November 15-16, 1910, and invites the Ƶ to

Creator:  Conference on Vocational Guidance

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003297.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003297.002.jpg

Page 14-82

Letter from G. R. Agassiz to [John] Trowbridge, 1910 November 1; Cambridge, MA.

Discusses the settlement of the Agassiz estate, in regards to the bequest of either fifty thousand dollars or the building of a house.

Creator:  Agassiz, George Russell, 1862-1951
Related documents:  p. 90

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003298.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003298.002.jpg

Page 14-83

Letter from Amerika-Institut (Hugo Münsterberg, Director) to William Watson, 1910 October 28; Berlin.

Acknowledges that it is acceptable for the Proceedings of the Ƶ to be housed in the Royal Library in Berlin, however he asks that the Ƶ to be sure to send papers that are on American topics to the Amerika-Institut, Berlin.

Creator:  Freie Universität Berlin. Amerika-Institut; Elected 1902
Related documents:  p. 73

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003299.001.jpg

Page 14-84

Letter from William Gilson Farlow to John Trowbridge, 1910 November 9; Cambridge, MA.

Encloses an extract from the Botanical Gazette reporting on the events of the International Botanical Congress held in Brussels in September, 1910.

Creator:  Farlow, William Gilson, 1844-1919; Elected 1874

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003300.001.jpg

Page 14-84e

Letter from William Gilson Farlow; George Francis Atkinson, 1910 May 28; Paris.

Reports on the events of the Third International Botanical Congress held in Brussels on May 14-22, 1910.
Note: W. G. Farlow was asked by President Trowbridge to attend the Congress on behalf of the Ƶ; Reprinted from the Botanical Gazette 50: 2220-225, No. 3, September 1910.

Creator:  Farlow, W. G. (William Gilson), 1844-1919; Atkinson, Geo. F. (George Francis), 1854-1918; Elected 1874

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003301.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003301.002.jpg
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Page 14-85

Death notice from the Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino, 1910 November 24; Turin, Italy.

Announces the death of Angelo Mosso on November 24, 1910.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003302.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003302.002.jpg

Page 14-86

Letter from William Watson Goodwin to President of the Ƶ, 1910 December 12; Cambridge, [MA].

Expresses regrets that he cannot attend the thousandth anniversary meeting of the Ƶ. Notes several happy memories from past meetings and good wishes for the Ƶs future.

Creator:  Goodwin, William Watson, 1831-1912; Elected 1859

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003303.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003303.002.jpg
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Page 14-87a

Letter from Loammi F. Baldwin, 1910 December 20; Woburn, MA.

Notifies the Ƶ of a bequest made to the Ƶ by the late Mrs. Catherine R. Griffith of property that once was Count Rumford, Benjamin Thompsons.
Note: Contemporary note that it was answered on December 21.

Creator:  Baldwin, Loammi F.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003304.001.jpg

Page 14-87b

Letter from Loammi F. Baldwin, 1910 December 23; Woburn, MA.

Replies to a letter of the 21st enquiring after Mrs. Catherine R. Griffith. Gives explanation of association with Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Griffiths association with Count Rumford, Benjamin Thompson. Notes date of death as August 21, 1910.

Creator:  Baldwin, Loammi F.

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003305.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003305.002.jpg

Page 14-88

Holiday greeting from Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnología, 1911 January 1; Mexico.

The director, professors, and staff of the National Museum of Archeology, History, and Ethnology wishes the recipient a happy New Year.
Note: Includes landscape print in color.

Creator:  Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnología (Mexico)
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003306.000.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003306.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003306.002.jpg

Page 14-89

Circular from Svenska Akademiens Nobelkommitte (C. D. af Wirsen, President), 1910 November; Stockholm, Sweden.

Asks the Ƶ to distribute enclosed circulars pertaining to the nomination of persons for the Nobel Prize in Literature, so Ƶ members may submit their suggestions. Includes list of statutes regarding the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Creator:  Svenska Akademiens Nobelkommitte

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003307.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003307.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003307.003.jpg

Page 14-90

Letter from George Russell Agassiz; Maximillian Agassiz; Rodolphe Louis Agassiz, 1911 January 7; Boston.

Informs the Ƶ that Mr. Agassiz did not intend to endow the building that he proposed to give to the Ƶ. Proposes an alternative solution and requests that the Ƶ put the question to a vote of its members.

Creator:  Agassiz, George Russell, 1862-1953; Agassiz, Maximillian; Agassiz, Rodolphe Louis; Elected 1912
Related documents:  p. 82

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003308.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003308.002.jpg

Page 14-91

Letter from Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology (Samuel Henshaw) to John Trowbridge, 1911 January 9; Cambridge, MA.

Notifies the Ƶ that the Committee of the University Museum of Harvard University voted to invite the Ƶ to hold a meeting in the spring of 1911 in the University Museum.

Creator:  Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology; Elected 1889

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003309.001.jpg

Page 14-92

Letter from Boston 1915 (Clarence Bertrand Thompson, Organization Secretary) to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 February 6; 6 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Invites the Ƶ to send delegates to the first annual meeting of the Boston-1915 Education Conference, to be held on March 16,

Creator:  Boston-1915

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003310.001.jpg

Page 14-93

Invitation from The American Philosophical Society ; Library Company of Philadelphia ; University of Pennsylvania ; Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, [ca. 1911].

Invites the Ƶ to attend a meeting in memory of Henry Charles Lea, to be held on Friday, January 20, 1911, in the Hall of the College of Physicians.

Creator:  American Philosophical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003311.001.jpg

Page 14-94

Circular from Congrès international de philosophie, 1910 November 15; Bologne, Italy.

Announces the fourth International Congress of Philosophy. Lists talks to be given and discussions that will take place. Provides a list of rules and advice.

Creator:  Congrés international de philosophie
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003312.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003312.002.jpg
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Page 14-95a

Letter from Alfred M. Tozzer, 1911 January 21; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Tozzer, Alfred Marston (1877-1954); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003313.001.jpg

Page 14-95b

Letter from William Curtis Farabee to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 January 23; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Farabee, William Curtis (1865-1925); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003314.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003314.002.jpg

Page 14-96

Letter from Albert Matthews to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 January 20; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Matthews, Albert (1860-1946); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003315.001.jpg

Page 14-97

Letter from Richard Cockburn Maclaurin to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 January 20; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Maclaurin, Richard Cockburn (1870-1920); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003316.001.jpg

Page 14-98

Circular from Universitatis Regiae Fredericianae (W. C. Brøgger, Rector Universitatis), [1911, Christiania, Norway].

The Royal Frederick University [later University of Oslo] invites the Ƶ to attend an event at the University on September 5-6, 1911.

Creator:  Kongelige Norske Frederiks universitet

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003317.001.jpg

Page 14-99


Page 14-100

Letter from Frederic Jesup Stimson, 1911 February 24; Boston.

Resigns membership in the Ƶ.

Creator:  Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 1855-1943; Elected 1902

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003319.001.jpg

Page 14-101

Circular from Verein für Naturkunde zu Cassel, 1911 February 25; [Cassel, Germany].

Invites the Ƶ to the seventy fifth anniversary of the Association of Natural History in Cassel, to take place on April 23, 1911. Includes program of events.

Creator:  Verein für Naturkunde zu Cassel
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003320.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003320.002.jpg

Page 14-102

Letter from American Year Book Corporation (Albert Bushnell Hart), 1911 March 9; 1911 March 27; Cambridge, MA.

Two letters: announces then details the meeting of the Year Book Corporation, held at the Yale Club, on March 25, 2011.

Creator:  American Year Book Corporation

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003321.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003321.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003321.003.jpg

Page 14-102e

Organization and Activities of the American Year Book Corporation (March, 1911), 1911 March.

Creator:  American Year Book Corporation

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.005.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.006.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.007.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.008.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003322.011.jpg

Page 14-103

Circular from Congresso Internazionale di Geografia (Giovanni Roncagli, Segretario Generale; Raffaele Cappelli, Presidente), 1911 March 15; Rome.

Announces and invites the Ƶ to the tenth International Congress of Geography, to be held in Rome, October 15-22, 1911. Includes program details and general information.

Creator:  Congresso internazionale di geografia
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003323.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003323.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003323.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003323.004.jpg

Page 14-104

Letter from Lucien Carr to John Trowbridge, 1911 April 20; Cambridge, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1911 May 10.

Resigns membership in the Ƶ due to inability to attend meetings.

Creator:  Carr, Lucien, 1829-1915; Elected 1881

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003324.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003324.002.jpg

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Page 14-106

Circular from Universal Races Congress, 1911 March 17; [London].
Read at Stated Meeting, 1911 May 10.

Urges the Ƶ to attend the First Universal Races Congress, to be held at the University of London July 26-29, 1911.

Creator:  Universal Races Congress

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003326.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003326.002.jpg

Page 14-107

Invitation from University of Minnesota, [1911].

Invites the Ƶ to attend the inauguration of George Edgar Vincent as President of the University, to be held on October 18,

Creator:  University of Minnesota

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003327.001.jpg

Page 14-108

Invitation from [The Officers and Members of the Executive Committee of the Eight Internation al Congress of Applied Chemistry], [1911 October]; [New York].
Read at Stated Meeting, 1911 November 8.

Invites the Ƶ to Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, to be held on September 4, 1912 and the subsequent meetings in New York City on September 13, 1912.
Note: Contemporary note by E. H. H. that the invitation was acknowledged on November 8, 1911.

Creator:  International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Executive Committee

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003328.001.jpg

Page 14-109

Circular from R. Accademia delle scienze dellIstituto di Bologna, Classe die Scienze Fisiche (Pietro Albertoni, Presidente; Ercole Giacomini, Segretario), 1911 March 12; Bologna, Italy.

Announces the second International Competition for the Elia De Cyon Award. Includes conditions of competition.
Note: Contemporary note from E. H. H. that the circular was acknowledged on October 19, 1911.

Creator:  R. Accademia delle scienze dellIstituto di Bologna. Classe di scienze fisiche
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003329.001.jpg
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Page 14-110

Circular from Projet dAcquisition de la Maison Natale de Pasteur (M. Pieyre, Maire de Doel, President du Comite dexecution), 1911 May 15; Dole, France.

Announces the proposed acquisition of the birthplace of Pasteur and asks for support. Includes pamphlet on the proposed project.
Note: Contemporary note from E. H. H. that the letter was acknowledged on October 19, 1911.

Creator:  Projet dAcquisition de la Maison Natale de Pasteur

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003330.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003330.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003330.003.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003330.005.jpg

Page 14-111

Circular from Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Görlitz, 1911 April 1; Görlitz, Germany.

Invites the recipient to the centennial celebration for the Naturalist Society in Görlitz, to be held on October 8-10, 1911. Includes the program of events for the celebrations.
Note: Contemporary note from E. H. H. that the invitation was acknowledged on October 19, 1911.

Creator:  Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Görlitz (Dresden, Germany)
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003332.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003332.002.jpg

Page 14-112a

Notice from Surrogates Court, County of New York, New York (Frank K. Bowers, Appraiser), 1911 May 25; New York.

Announces the appraisal of the estate of Catherine R.B. Griffith, on June 22, 1911.
Note: Handwritten note that the record was referred to the [Ƶs] treasurer.

Creator:  New York (State). Surrogates Court (New York County)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003333.001.jpg

Page 14-112b

Notice from Probate Court, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (W. E. Rogers, register), [1911]; [Cambridge, MA].

Announces the presence of the estate of Mary H. Cooke in the probate court of Middlesex County.
Note: Contemporary note that this notice was referred to the [Ƶs] treasurer.

Creator:  Massachusetts. Probate Court (Middlesex County)

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003334.001.jpg

Page 14-113

Letter from Joel Hastings Metcalf to Edwin H. Hall, [1911]; Winchester, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Metcalf, Joel Hastings (1866-1925); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003335.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003335.002.jpg

Page 14-114

Letter from Lewis Boss to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 24; Albany, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boss, Lewis, 1846-1912; Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003336.001.jpg

Page 14-115

Letter from Harvey Nathaniel Davis to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 23; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Davis, Harvey Nathaniel (1881-1952); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003337.001.jpg

Page 14-116

Letter from Harry Wheeler Morse to E. H. Hall, 1911 November 7; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Morse, Harry Wheeler (1873-1936); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003338.001.jpg

Page 14-117

Letter from Joseph Sweetman Ames to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 22; Baltimore, MD.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ames, Joseph Sweetman (1864-1943); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003339.001.jpg

Page 14-118a

Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 24; Schenectady, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Whitney, Willis Rodney (1868-1958); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003340.001.jpg

Page 14-118b

Letter from William Crowell Bray to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 November 2; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bray, William Crowell (1879-1946); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003341.001.jpg

Page 14-119

Letter from Dugland Caleb Jackson to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 November 7; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jackson, Dugald Caleb (1865-1951); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003342.001.jpg

Page 14-120

Letter from Frederic Pike Stearns to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 22; Boston

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Stearns, Frederic Pike (1851-1919); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003343.001.jpg

Page 14-121

Letter from Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland, 1911 October 23; Williamstown, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Cleland, Herdman Fitzgerald (1869-1935); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003344.001.jpg

Page 14-122

Letter from Hervey Woodburn Shimer to E. H. Hall, 1911 October 25; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Shimer, Hervey Woodburn (1872-1965); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003345.001.jpg

Page 14-123

Letter from Charles Richard Van Hise to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 25; Madison, WI.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Van Hise, Charles Richard (1857-1918); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003346.001.jpg

Page 14-124

Letter from Oakes Ames to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 November 7; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ames, Oakes (1874-1950); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003347.001.jpg

Page 14-125

Letter from Edward Murray East to E. H. Hall, 1911 October 27; Forest Hills, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  East, Edward Murray (1879-1938); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003348.001.jpg

Page 14-126

Letter from Robert Almer Harper to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 26; [New York].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Harper, Robert Almer (1862-1946); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003349.001.jpg

Page 14-127

Letter from Milton Joseph Rosenau to E. H. Hall, 1911 October 23; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rosenau, Milton Joseph (1869-1946); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003350.001.jpg

Page 14-128a

Letter from Marcus Perrin Knowlton to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 27; Springfield, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Knowlton, Marcus Perrin (1839-1918); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003351.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003351.002.jpg

Page 14-128b

Letter from Melville Madison Bigelow to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 1911, Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bigelow, Melville Madison (1846-1921); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003352.001.jpg

Page 14-129

Letter from George Vasmer Leverett to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 November 2; 66 Beacon Street, [Boston].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Leverett, George Vasmer (1846-1917); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003353.001.jpg

Page 14-130

Letter from Woodrow Wilson to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 23; [Newark, NJ].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003354.001.jpg

Page 14-131

Letter from Fred Norris Robinson to Edwin H. Hall, 1911 October 25; Longfellow Park, Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Robinson, Fred Norris (1871-1966); Elected 1911

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003355.001.jpg

Page 14-132v

[Index, A-P]

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003356.001.jpg

Page 14-133

[Index, R-W]

Image:  /RG-IB_v14/003357.001.jpg