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RG I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks — Bound. Volume 11


Historical note

The Ƶ has received letters, announcements, and other forms of correspondence since the founding in 1780. All such correspondence was the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary, one of the original officers of the Ƶ. Beginning sometime in the late 1800s, incoming letters were pasted into bound scrapbooks, which the Ƶ referred to as “letterbooks.” This practice continued until 1988, when staff began saving correspondence in folders.

For the time period covered by Volume 11, the President of the Ƶ was Alexander Agassiz (1894-1903). The Corresponding Secretaries were Charles Loring Jackson (1892-1896), Samuel Hubbard Scudder (1896-1900), and William Morris Davis (1900-1904)

Scope and Content

The series of letterbooks in its entirety includes letters from newly-elected Fellows, formally accepting their elections; communications with other learned societies (especially, invitations to attend meetings or send representatives to official events, and offers to exchange publications); correspondence concerning gifts of books, maps, and natural history specimens; and inquiries from members and nonmembers regarding the submission and publication of articles.

Volume 11 contains letters, circulars and other documents received by the American Ƶ during 1896-1901. Most are in the form of incoming correspondence from members acknowledging their election, including Rudyard Kipling, Francis Cabot Lowell, William Osler, and John Singer Sargent. Other topics include notices of member deaths, circulars from national and international scientific societies and institutions, announcements, and calls for papers. Of particular interest are documents regarding the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris, the bicentennial celebrations of the Royal Prussian Ƶ of Science, and the Ƶ’s attention to national matters such as tariffs, taxes, and postal rates.


1 volume contained within 2 document cases, Boxes 0287.2-0287.3 (0.5 linear feet)


The Ƶ has begun disbinding the volumes and conserving the individual letters, and will continue that practice until all letters are in stable condition. The letterbooks in Series I-B are arranged numerically by volume number. Within each volume, the original order of the pages has been retained. Generally the records are arranged in chronological order. Multiple unrelated documents on one support page are labeled a, b; enclosures or envelopes are labeled e.

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Series I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks. Bound letterbooks. Volume 11, 1896-1901. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 (Paris, France)
Königlich Preussiche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin [Royal Prussian Ƶ of Science]
Learned institutions and societies—America
Learned institutions and societies—Europe
Learned institutions and societies—Publishing
Letter books

Processing Information

Processed by Blaire Hiebsch, Simmons GSLIS intern, May 2012.


Page 11-01

Letter from the Northwest Mining Association (L. K. Armstrong, Secretary), 1896 September 22; Spokane, WA.

Opines that a Department of Mines should be created in the United States government as a cabinet office.

Creator:  Northwest Mining Association (U.S.)

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002666.001.jpg

Page 11-02

Death notice, 1896 July 9; Berlin.

Announces the death of Heinrich Ernst Beyrich (1815-1896; Elected 1884, FHM).

Creator:  Helm, Clementine, 1825-1896
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002667.001.jpg

Page 11-03

Death notice, 1896 September 16; Catania, [Sicily].

Announces the death of Guiseppe Zurria.

Creator:  Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002668.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002668.002.jpg

Page 11-04

Circular, 1896 June; St. Petersburg, Russia.

Announces his appointment as Director of the Central Physical Observatory of St. Petersburg.

Creator:  Rykachev, M. (Mikhail), 1840-1919
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002669.001.jpg

Page 11-05a

Letter from James Coolidge Carter to Charles Loring Jackson, 1896 November 13; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Carter, James C. (James Coolidge), 1827-1905; Elected 1896, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002670.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002670.002.jpg

Page 11-05b

Circular from the British Association (F. A. Mather, Secretary) 1896 July; London.

Endorses standards of printing scientific communications.
Note: In pencil – Referred to Publication Committee.

Creator:  British Association

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002671.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002671.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002671.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002671.004.jpg

Page 11-06

Letter from California Ƶ of Sciences (J. O’B. Gunn, Corresponding Secretary) to Charles Loring Jackson, 1896 August 10; San Francisco.

Requests information on editing and publication practices of the Ƶ as part of the California Ƶ’s planning to improve their own publications.

Creator:  California Ƶ of Sciences

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002672.001.jpg

Page 11-07

Death notice, 1896 October.

Announces the death of François Félix Tisserand.

Creator:  Reale Accademia dei Lincei (Royal Lincean Ƶ)
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002673.001.jpg

Page 11-08a

Letter from William Roscoe Livermore to William Watson, 1896 December12; Boston.

Acknowledges appointment as Ƶ Recording Secretary, pro tempore.

Creator:  Livermore, W. R. (William Roscoe), 1843-1919; Elected 1889

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002674.001.jpg

Page 11-08b

Circular from Academie Royale d’Archeologie de Belgique, 1896 November 14; Anvers, [Belgium].

Announces royal declaration that the Academie d’Archeologie de Belgique is now the Academie Royale d’Archeologie de Belgique.

Creator:  Académie royale d’archéologie de Belgique

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002675.001.jpg

Page 11-09a

Letter from Royal Microscopical Society (F. Jeffery Bell, W.H. Dallenger, Honorary Secretaries), 1896 December 16; London.

Informs Ƶ that Mr. F. A. Parsons is the temporary assistant secretary at the Royal Microscopical Society.

Creator:  Royal Microscopical Society (Great Britain)

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002676.001.jpg

Page 11-09b

Invitation, 1896; [Chicago].

Invites recipient to attend the opening of the Chicago Historical Society’s new building.
Note: The Chicago Historical Society is now called the Chicago History Museum.

Creator:  Chicago Historical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002677.001.jpg

Page 11-10

Death notice, 1897 January 5.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1897 January 13.

Announces the death of Francis Amasa Walker (1840-1897; Elected 1882), the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; invites five delegates to come to service.

Creator:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002678.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002678.002.jpg

Page 11-11a

Invitation, 1897; New Orleans.

With compliments of William Beer (Librarian), invites recipient to the opening ceremonies of the Fisk Free and Public Library. Encloses article about the library.

Creator:  New Orleans Public Library

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002679.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002679.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002679.003.jpg

Page 11-11b

Letter from John Trowbridge to William Roscoe Livermore, 1897 January 18; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election as Vice-President of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Trowbridge, John, 1843-1923; Elected 1871

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002680.001.jpg

Page 11-12a

Letter from Theodore William Richards to William Roscoe Livermore, 1897 January 12.

Acknowledges appointment to the Ƶ’s Rumford Committee.

Creator:  Richards, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1868-1928; Elected 1891

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002681.001.jpg

Page 11-12b

Letter from George Sewall Boutwell to William Roscoe Livermore, 1897 March 8; Boston.

Agrees to read a paper on International Bimetallism at the next Stated Meeting.

Creator:  Boutwell, George S. (George Sewall), 1818-1905; Elected 1857

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002682.002.jpg

Page 11-13

Letter from Princeton University (Francis L. Patton, President), 1897 February 1; Princeton, NJ.

Acknowledges and thanks the Ƶ for planning to send William Everett as Delegate to Princeton’s sesquicentennial celebration.

Creator:  Princeton University

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002683.001.jpg

Page 11-14

Printed announcement from Julian Aparicio of the Observatorio Meteorologico y Astronomico Estado del Salvador, 1896 November 10; San Salvador, El Salvador.

Announces his appointment as Director of the National Observatory of Meteorology and Astronomy of El Salvador.

Creator:  Aparicio, Julian
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002684.001.jpg

Page 11-15

Death notice, 1897 February 8; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Galileo Ferraris.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002685.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002685.002.jpg

Page 11-16

Death notice, 1897 February 19; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Luigi Schiaparelli.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002686.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002686.002.jpg

Page 11-17

Circular, 1897 January 11; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces that the upcoming eleventh Bressa Prize competition will now be open to all nationalities.

Creator:  Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002687.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002687.002.jpg

Page 11-18a

Circular, 1897 March; Chicago.

Announces the opening of the John Crerar Library in its temporary quarters; includes pamphlet on the library.
Note: The John Crerar Library is now part of the University of Chicago.

Creator:  John Crerar Library. Board of Directors

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002688.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002688.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002688.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002688.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002688.005.jpg

Page 11-18b

Circular, 1897 April; Worcester, MA.

Announces the Semi-Annual Meeting of the American Antiquarian Society.

Creator:  American Antiquarian Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002689.001.jpg

Page 11-19

Circular, 1897 April 2; New York.

Advertises publication by The Publishers’ Weekly, Societies in the American Catalogue, 1880-1895; invites Ƶ to submit their own name.

Creator:  The Publishers’ Weekly

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002690.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002690.002.jpg

Page 11-20a

Letter from Ludwig Boltzman, 1897 April 2; Vienna, Austria.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boltzmann, Ludwig, 1844-1906; Elected 1897, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002691.001.jpg

Page 11-20b

Letter from Wilhelm Dörpfeld, 1897 April 2; Athens, Greece.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, 1853-1940; Elected 1897, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002692.001.jpg

Page 11-21

Circular, 1897 April 7; Ithaca, NY.

Encourages protest against the proposed Dingley Bill that would put a tariff on books, maps, music, lithographic prints, charts, philosophical and scientific apparatus, among other items (listed); includes re-print of letter written to Senator Aldrich.

Creator:  Cornell University

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002693.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002693.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002693.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002693.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002693.005.jpg

Page 11-22

Letter from Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp Pfeffer to Horace Scudder, 1897 April 20; Leipzig, Germany.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Pfeffer, W. (Wilhelm), 1845-1920; Elected 1897, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002694.001.jpg

Page 11-23

Letter from Samuel G. Dixon, President of the Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, et al. to the Secretary of the Ƶ, 1897 April 12; Philadelphia.

Announces a May 5th meeting of the Ƶ at which they will vote upon an amendment governing the mail of the Universal Postal Union as pertains to specimens and samples.

Creator:  Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002695.001.jpg

Page 11-24

Letter from the Committee of the Council, Boston Society of Natural History, 1897 June 6; Boston.

Encourages the Ƶ to join them and other organizations in inviting the American Association for the Advancement of Science to celebrate their 50th anniversary in Boston.

Creator:  Boston Society of Natural History

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002696.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002696.002.jpg

Page 11-25a

Letter from William Osler to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, May 1897; 1 West Franklin St.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ as an Associate Fellow.

Creator:  Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919; Elected 1897, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002697.001.jpg

Page 11-25b

Letter from Harry Manley Goodwin to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 June 1; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Goodwin, H. M. (Harry Manley), 1870-1949; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002698.001.jpg

Page 11-26a

Letter from Ira Nelson Hollis to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 October 23; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hollis, Ira N. (Ira Nelson), 1856-1930; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002699.001.jpg

Page 11-26b

Letter from Frank Arthur Laws to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 June 4; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Laws, Frank A. (Frank Arthur), 1867-1936; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002700.001.jpg

Page 11-27

Letter from Charles Henry Fernald to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 March 19; Amherst, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fernald, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1838-1921; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002701.001.jpg

Page 11-28

Letter from Charles Henry Fernald to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 November 4; Amherst, MA.

Resigns membership.

Creator:  Fernald, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1838-1921; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002702.001.jpg

Page 11-29a

Letter from Horace Howard Furness to Alexander Agassiz, 1897 February 6; Wallingford, Delaware County, PA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.
Note: Date of letter added by unknown hand, not in original source.

Creator:  Furness, Horace Howard, 1833-1912; Elected 1897, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002703.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002703.002.jpg

Page 11-29b

Letter from Edmund Clarence Stedman to Alexander Agassiz, 1897 June 2; Bronxville, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908; Elected 1897, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002704.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002704.002.jpg

Page 11-30a

Letter from William Henry Welch to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 June 4; Baltimore.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Welch, William Henry, 1850-1934; Elected 1897, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002705.001.jpg

Page 11-30b

Death notice, 1897 May 29; Würtzburg, [Germany].

Announces the death of Julius von Sachs (1832-1897; Elected 1882, FHM).

Creator:  [The family of Julius von Sachs]
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002706.001.jpg

Page 11-31

Death notice, 1897 June; Copenhagen [Denmark].

Announces the death of Johannes Japetus Smith Steenstrup (1813-1897; Elected 1877, FHM).

Creator:  Steenstrup, Sophie Christine, 1846-1898
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002707.001.jpg

Page 11-32

Death notice, 1897 July 30; Vienna, [Austria].

The Imperial Ƶ of Sciences in Vienna announces the death of Alfred Ritter von Arneth (1819-1897).

Creator:  Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenshaften in Wien
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002708.001.jpg

Page 11-33

Death notice, 1897 September 2; Turin, [Italy].

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Tommaso Valluri.

Creator:  Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002709.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002709.002.jpg

Page 11-34

Letter from James P. Monroe of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to William Roscoe Livermore, 1897 September 23; Boston.

Invites the Ƶ to send delegates to the memorial service for Francis Amosa Walker.

Creator:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002710.001.jpg

Page 11-35

Letter from Henry Marion Howe to William Watson, 1897 October 11; New York.

Resigns membership to the Ƶ as he has moved to New York and will no longer be able to attend meetings.

Creator:  Howe, Henry Marion, 1848-1922; Elected 1891

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002711.001.jpg

Page 11-36

Letter from Heinrich Brunner, 1897 November 7; Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Brunner, Heinrich, 1840-1915; Elected 1897, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002712.001.jpg

Page 11-37a

Letter from James Mill Peirce to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1897 November 10; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peirce, James Mills, 1834-1906; Elected 1862

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002713.001.jpg

Page 11-37b

Letter from Fredric William Maitland, 1897 November 14; Divinity College, Cambridge, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Maitland, Frederic William, 1850-1906; Elected 1897, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002714.001.jpg

Page 11-38

Circular, 1897 December 2; Lisbon, Spain.

Announces the election of Adrien Auguste De Pina Vidal as the Secretary General of the Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Lisbon.

Creator:  L’Académie Royal des sciences de Lisbonne

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002715.001.jpg

Page 11-39

Letter from Colonial Society of Massachusetts (John Noble) to John Trowbridge, 1897 December 7; Supreme Judicial Court, Boston.

Thanks the Ƶ for the use of their hall for their meetings. Includes extract from the report of the Council noting resolution.

Creator:  Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Related documents:  pp. 60a-60b

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002716.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002716.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002716.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002716.004.jpg

Page 11-40

Death notice, 1897 December 14; Rome.

The Royal Lincean Ƶ announces the death of Francesco Brioschi (1824-1897; Elected 1874, FHM).

Creator:  Reale Accademia dei Lincei
Related documents:  pp. 41, 119

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002717.001.jpg

Page 11-41

Death notice, 1897 December 15; Milan, [Italy].

The Royal High Technical Institute of Milan announces the death of Francesco Brioschi (1824-1897; Elected 1874, FHM).
Note: Reale Instituto Technico Superiore is now the Politecnico di Milano.

Creator:  Reale Instituto Technico Superiore di Milano
Language:  Italian
Related documents:  pp. 40, 119

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002718.001.jpg

Page 11-42a

Letter from Douglas Houghton Campbell to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 February 4; Stanford University.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Campbell, Douglas Houghton, 1859-1953; Elected 1898, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002719.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002719.002.jpg

Page 11-42b

Letter from Pierre Cecile Puvis de Chavannes, 1897 December 22; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cecile, 1824-1898; Elected 1897, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002720.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002720.002.jpg

Page 11-43

Letter from George Edward Davenport to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 January 31; Medford, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Davenport, Geo. E. (George Edward), 1833-1907; Elected 1898

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002721.001.jpg

Page 11-44a

Letter from John Merle Coulter to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, [1898 January]; [Chicago].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Coulter, John Merle, 1851-1928; Elected 1898, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002722.001.jpg

Page 11-44b

Letter from Elias Metchnikoff, 1898 February 11; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Metchnikoff, Elias, 1845-1916; Elected 1898, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002723.001.jpg

Page 11-45a

Letter from Frank William Taussig to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 January 12; Cambridge, MA.

Resigns membership to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Taussig, F. W. (Frank William), 1859-1940; Elected 1889
Related documents:  Volume 09, p. 37a; Volume 11, p. 127b

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002724.001.jpg

Page 11-45b

Circular, 1898 January 1; Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico.

The Astronomical and Meteorological Observatory of Tuxtla Gutiérrez in Zacatecas wishes a happy New Year.

Creator:  Observatorio Astronómico-Meteorológico del Estado de Zacatecas
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002725.001.jpg

Page 11-46

Letter from Charles Francis Adams to Henry Williamson Hayes, 1897 December 20; Boston.

Asks to use Ƶ rooms for the Historical Society’s monthly meetings.

Creator:  Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915; Elected 1871

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002726.001.jpg

Page 11-47

Letter from Charles Rockwell Lanman to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 March 14; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lanman, Charles Rockwell, 1850-1941; Elected 1881

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002727.001.jpg

Page 11-48

Letter from Massachusetts Forestry Association (Allen Chamberlain, Secretary) to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 March 24; Winchester, MA.

Acknowledges the offer of the Ƶ to allow the Massachusetts Forestry Association use of their hall at the Boston Athenaeum for their next meeting; declines as the hall would not hold all of the Association’s members.

Creator:  Massachusetts Forestry Association

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002728.001.jpg

Page 11-49a

Letter from Alpheus Hyatt to William Watson, 1898 May 14; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election as Vice-President of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hyatt, Alpheus, 1838-1902; Elected 1869

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002729.001.jpg

Page 11-49b

Letter from George Lyman Kittredge to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 August 1; Barnstable, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kittredge, George Lyman, 1860-1941; Elected 1898

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002730.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002730.002.jpg

Page 11-50a

Letter from Francis Cabot Lowell to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 May 18; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lowell, Francis C. (Francis Cabot), 1855-1911; Elected 1898

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002731.001.jpg

Page 11-50b

Letter from Ferdinand Brunetiére, 1898 March 23; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Brunetiére, Ferdinand, 1849-1906; Elected 1898, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002732.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002732.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002732.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002732.004.jpg

Page 11-51a

Letter from George Howard Darwin to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 May 25; Cambridge, [England].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Darwin, George Howard, Sir, 1845-1912; Elected 1898, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002733.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002733.002.jpg

Page 11-51b

Letter from Albert Heim, [1898 March]; Zurich, Switzerland.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Heim, Albert, 1849-1937; Elected 1898, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002734.001.jpg

Page 11-52

Letter from Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education (Lovick Pierce, Acting Commissioner) to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 July 26; Washington, DC.

Announces the First International Congress of Public Art to be held in Brussels; should it agree with the Ƶ and the Department, Fellows chosen by the Ƶ will be sent as Department delegates.

Creator:  United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002735.001.jpg

Page 11-53

Circular, 1898 August 12; Cambridge, MA.

Alexander Agassiz announces resignation as Director and Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology.

Creator:  Agassiz, Alexander, 1835-1910; Elected 1862

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002736.001.jpg

Page 11-54

Death notice, 1898 July 5; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Carlo Giacomini.

Creator:  Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002737.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002737.002.jpg

Page 11-55

Death notice, 1898 September 17; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Giuseppe Gibelli.

Creator:  Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002738.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002738.002.jpg

Page 11-56

Circular, 1898 August; [Vienna, Austria].

Protests action taken against Polish members who are not Prussian subjects; so-called ‘strangers’ are not allowed to attend meetings of the Polish Association for the Promotion of Medical and Natural Knowledge. Announces their protest against the Prussian Authorities at Posen.

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002739.001.jpg

Page 11-57

Circular, 1898 June 2; Königsberg, Prussia.

The Board of Directors of the Physical and Economic Society announces a competition held by the Physical and Economic Society to award 4000 Marks for efforts to use plants or organic materials to produce electricity.

Creator:  Physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft. Vorstand
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002740.001.jpg

Page 11-58

Letter from August Dauber, 1898 September 7; Bochum, Germany.

Calls attention to Professor Eduard Buchner’s experiments proving that live yeast is not necessary to ferment sugars; notes that Buchner’s experiments support his own theory of the affect of nitrogen on chemical and electrical reactions.

Creator:  Dauber, August
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002741.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002741.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002741.003.jpg

Page 11-59

Letter from William Rufus Day to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1898 September 13; Washington, DC.

Requests delegates be sent to the Twelfth International Congress of Orientalists in Rome; includes program for Congress and postcard.

Creator:  Day, William R. (William Rufus), 1849-1923

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002742.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002742.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002742.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002742.004.jpg
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Page 11-60

Letter from John Noble to the Council of the American Ƶ, 1898 November 12; Boston.

As Corresponding Secretary of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, thanks the Ƶ for use of the Ƶ hall at the Boston Athenaeum for the Society’s regular meeting.

Creator:  [Noble, John, 1829-1909]
Related documents:  pp. 39, 61

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002743.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002743.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002743.003.jpg

Page 11-60

Letter from John Noble to Wm. Watson, 1898 December 3; Boston.

Acknowledges letter from the Ƶ offering to host the Colonial Society’s meetings in their hall for the next year.

Creator:  [Noble, John, 1829-1909]
Related documents:  pp. 39, 60

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002744.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002744.002.jpg

Page 11-61

Application, 1898 December 12; Berlin.

The Geographical Society of Berlin invites recipient to request a place at the Seventh International Geographical Congress.

Creator:  Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002745.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002745.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002745.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002745.004.jpg

Page 11-62

Death notice, 1898 October 4; Modena, [Italy].

The Royal Ƶ of Science, Letters, and Art in Modena announces the death of Pietro Riccardi.

Creator:  Reale Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Modena
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002746.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002746.002.jpg

Page 11-63a

Letter from James Ford Rhodes to Samuel Horace Scudder, 1898 November 1; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rhodes, James Ford, 1848-1927; Elected 1898

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002747.001.jpg

Page 11-63b

Letter from Horace Howard Furness to Samuel Horace Scudder, 1898 December 31; Wallingford, PA.

Informs the Ƶ they neglected to ask after membership dues.

Creator:  Furness, Horace Howard, 1833-1912; Elected 1897, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002748.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002748.002.jpg

Page 11-64a

Circular, 1899 January 12; d’Aix en Provence.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 April 14.

The Ƶ of Science, Agriculture, Arts and Letters calls for information about the Battle of Aix, in light of the celebration of its two thousandth anniversary.

Creator:  Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles-Lettres
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002749.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002749.002.jpg

Page 11-64b

Death notice, 1899 January 18; St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Imperial Mineralogical Society announces the death of Paul Iéréméïew.

Creator:  Société Impériale Minéralogique
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002750.001.jpg

Page 11-65

Circular, 1899 February 21; Dresden, Germany.

The Royal and Imperial Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology for museums to provide such materials as ground plans and air system plans for reference in the construction of a new museum in Dresden, Germany.

Creator:  Königliches Zoologisches und Anthropoligisch-Ethnographisches Museum

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002751.001.jpg

Page 11-66

Letter from Edward J. Young, Recording Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 March 18; Boston.

Thanks the Ƶ for allowing them to use their building for meetings over the last two years while the Historical Society’s current building was under construction.

Creator:  Young, Edward James (1829-1906); Elected 1870

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002752.001.jpg

Page 11-67

Circular, 1899 March; Tacubaya, Mexico.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 May 10.

Announces the appointment of Felipe Valle as Director of the National Astronomical Observatory of Mexico.

Creator:  Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Mexicano
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002753.001.jpg

Page 11-67e

Letter from Comision Geodesica Mejicana, 1899 March; Tacubaya, Mexico.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 May 10.

Announces the appointment of Angel Anguiano as Director of the Mexican Geodetic Commission.

Creator:  Comisión Geodésica Mexicana
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002754.001.jpg

Page 11-68

Death notice, 1898 October; Madrid
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 May 10.

Announces the death of the President of the Geographical Society of Madrid, Francisco Coello de Portugal and Quesada.

Creator:  Sociedad Geografica de Madrid
Language:  Spanish

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002755.001.jpg

Page 11-69

Letter from Henry Paul Talbot to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 January 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Talbot, Henry Paul, 1864-1927; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002756.001.jpg

Page 11-70a

Letter from Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 January 14; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield, 1838-1911; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002757.001.jpg

Page 11-70b

Letter from Oliver Heaviside to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 January 23; Newton Abbot, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925; Elected 1899, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002758.001.jpg

Page 11-71

Letter from Charles Doolittle Walcott to Alpheus Hyatt, 1899 January 18; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Walcott, Charles D. (Charles Doolittle), 1850-1927; Elected 1899, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002759.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002759.002.jpg

Page 11-72a

Printed invitation, 1899 January 17; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England.

Invites recipient to the Jubilee Celebration of Professor Sir George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903; Elected 1874, FHM).

Creator:  University of Cambridge

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002760.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002760.002.jpg

Page 11-72b

Draft letter addressed to University of Cambridge.

Acknowledges invitation to the Jubilee Celebration of Professor Sir George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903; Elected 1874, FHM); regretfully declines.

Creator:  American Ƶ of Arts and Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002761.001.jpg

Page 11-73

Circular, 1899 April 15; Paris.

Announces the 13th International Congress of Medicine.

Creator:  International Medical Congress (13th : 1900 : Paris, France)
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002762.001.jpg

Page 11-74a

Letter from Theodore William Richards to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 April 30; Cambridge, MA.

Explains in a response why he has not republished a table of atomic weights, and writes that the enclosed circular of the German Commission on atomic weights will explain the reason; notes what representative the American Chemical Society is sending to the International Committee.

Creator:  Richards, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1868-1928; Elected 1891

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002763.001.jpg

Page 11-74b

Letter from Theodore William Richards to Alpheus Hyatt, 1899 May 8; Cambridge, MA.

Accepts request to represent the Ƶ for the International Committee.

Creator:  Richards, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1868-1928; Elected 1891

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002764.001.jpg

Page 11-74e

Circular addressed to Theodore William Richards, 1899 March 30; Berlin.

States decision of the Commission on the correct amount of decimal places in the atomic weight of Oxygen; Announces formation of International Commission on Atomic Weights.

Creator:  Germany. International Commission on Atomic Weights

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002765.001.jpg

Page 11-75a

Letter from William Elwood Byerly to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 May18; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges re-election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Byerly, William Elwood, b. 1849; Elected 1878

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002766.001.jpg

Page 11-75b

Letter from William Henry Pickering to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 May 15; Boston.

Acknowledges re-election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Pickering, William H. (William Henry), b. 1858; Elected 1883

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002767.001.jpg

Page 11-76

Letter from Charles Russell of Killowen (Baron), 1899 May 25; Tadworth, Surrey, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ as Foreign Honorary Member.

Creator:  Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Baron, 1832-1900; Elected 1899, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002768.001.jpg

Page 11-77

Letter from Marian Thompson Hosmer, 1899 June 12; North Woburn, MA.

Requests funds for the upkeep of the birthplace of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753-1814; Elected 1789, FHM).

Creator:  Hosmer, Marian Thompson

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002769.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002769.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002769.003.jpg

Page 11-78

Printed invitation, 1899.

Invites recipient to the ceremonies presenting the Statue of Benjamin Franklin to the city of Philadelphia on 1899 June 14.

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002770.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002770.002.jpg

Page 11-79

Printed invitation addressed to John Trowbridge, 1899; Philadelphia.

Invites recipient to the 75th Anniversary of the Franklin Institute; contemporary note indicates that Fellow Thomas Corwin Mendenhall was sent as a delegate.

Creator:  Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002771.001.jpg

Page 11-79e

Program addressed to John Trowbridge, 1899; Philadelphia.

Details events of the 75th anniversary of the Franklin Institute.

Creator:  Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002772.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002772.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002772.003.jpg

Page 11-80

Letter from Alfred Stillé to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 October 11; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ; notes that he received no notice but recently received a List of the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members of the Ƶ and found his name therein.

Creator:  Stillé, Alfred, 1813-1900; Elected 1881, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002773.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002773.002.jpg

Page 11-81

Letter from Henry Lefavour to Samuel Horace Scudder, 1899 May 12; Williamstown, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lefavour, Henry, 1862-1946; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002774.001.jpg

Page 11-82

Death notice, 1899 June 2; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Cesare Nani.

Creator:  Reale Academia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002775.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002775.002.jpg

Page 11-83

Death notice, 1899 August 23; Paris.

The National Horticultural Society of France announces the death of Henri de Vilmorin.

Creator:  Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002776.001.jpg

Page 11-84a

Circular from Hydrographisches Amt, 1899 May 1; [Pola, Lesser Poland].

Announces the appointment Constantin Edler von Pott as Director of the Imperial and Royal Hydrographic Office.

Creator:  Germany. Hydrographisches Amt
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002777.001.jpg

Page 11-84b

Circular from Verband der Polytechniker, Zόrich, [1899]; Zurich, Switzerland.

The Polytechnic Association in Zurich announces the 25th anniversary of Prof. Dr. A. Heim teaching.

Creator:  Verband der Polytechniker
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002778.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002778.002.jpg

Page 11-85

Letter from Charles R. Lanman to Samuel H. Scudder, 1899 October 6; Cambridge, MA.

Reports regretfully that due to his scientific work, he is unable to represent the Ƶ in Rome.

Creator:  Lanman, Charles Rockwell (1850–1941); Elected 1881

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002779.001.jpg

Page 11-86

Letter from Congrès International de Physique, 1899 July; Paris.

Announces the first meeting of the International Congress of Physics to be held next year in Paris; encloses pamphlet on the meeting.

Creator:  Congrès International de Physique
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 86e, 89, 90, 96, 115

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002780.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002780.002.jpg

Page 11-86e

Program, 1899; Paris.

Details the events of the International Congress, to be held during the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris.

Creator:  Congrès International de Physique
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 86, 89, 90, 96, 115

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002781.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002781.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002781.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002781.004.jpg

Page 11-87

Printed invitation, 1899 July; New Haven, CT.

Invites recipient to the 100th anniversary of its founding; contemporary note indicates that Fellow George Park Fisher was sent as a delegate.

Creator:  Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002782.001.jpg

Page 11-88

Death notice, 1899 October 21; Turin, Italy.

The Royal Ƶ of Sciences in Turin announces the death of Dominico Perrero.

Creator:  Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002783.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002783.002.jpg

Page 11-89

Circular, 1899 September; Paris.

Announces the International Congress of Ethnography Sciences to be held as part of the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris.

Creator:  Congrès International des Sciences Ethnographiques
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 86, 86e, 89, 96, 115

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002784.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002784.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002784.003.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002784.005.jpg

Page 11-90

Circular, 1899 November 3; Paris.

Announces the International Congress of Botany to be held as part of the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris; includes program that lists and details the events to be held at the Congress.

Creator:  Congrès International de Botanique
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002785.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002785.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002785.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002785.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002785.005.jpg
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Page 11-91a

Letter from Maxime Bôcher to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 November 16; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bôcher, Maxime, 1867-1918; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002786.001.jpg

Page 11-91b

Letter from John Singer Sargent to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 November 22; Chelsea, London, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925; Elected 1899, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002787.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002787.002.jpg

Page 11-92

Letter from Rudyard Kipling, 1899 November 24; Rottingdean, Brighton, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936; Elected 1899, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002788.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002788.002.jpg

Page 11-93

Printed invitation, 1899 November 30; Berlin.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 December 20.

Invites the Ƶ to send delegates to the 200th Anniversary of the Prussian Royal Ƶ of Science.
Note: Now known as the Prussian Ƶ of Sciences.

Creator:  Königlich Preussiche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
Language:  German
Related documents:  pp. 100, 100, 113

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002789.001.jpg

Page 11-94

Letter from Benjamin Baker to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 December 2; Aswan, Egypt.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Baker, Benjamin, 1840-1907; Elected 1899, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002790.001.jpg

Page 11-95a

Letter from William Fogg Osgood to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1899 November 29; Göttingen, Germany.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Osgood, William F. (William Fogg), 1864-1943; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002791.001.jpg

Page 11-95b

Circular: Programme des deux premiers prix Vallauri pour les annes 1899-1902 et 1903-1906, [1899]; [Turin, Italy].

Announces two Vallauri Prizes will be given out: one to an Italian, at home or abroad, whose published work most advanced physical sciences; the second prize to the author of the best critical work of Latin.

Creator:  Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002792.002.jpg

Page 11-96

Brochure, 1899 November 01; Paris.

Provides information on the members of the committees and the events to be held at the International Congress in Horticulture and Arboriculture during the 1900 Exposition Universelle.

Creator:  Congrès Internationaux D’ Horticulture, D’Arboriculture et de Pomologie
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 86, 86e, 89, 90, 115

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.005.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.006.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.007.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.008.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.009.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.010.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.011.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.012.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.013.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002793.015.jpg

Page 11-97

Letter from Committee on the Modification of the Federal Legacy Tax, 1900 January 4; New York City.

Encloses circular calling for a petition against increased federal taxes on legacies and bequests.

Creator:  Committee on the Modification of the Federal Legacy Tax
Related documents:  pp. 97e, 104

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002794.001.jpg

Page 11-97e

Circular, 1900 January; New York City.

Protests increased federal taxes on legacies and bequests, asking for donations and letters of support for petition.

Creator:  Committee on the Modification of the Federal Legacy Tax
Related documents:  pp. 97, 104

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002795.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002795.002.jpg

Page 11-98a

Death notice, 1899 December 29; Gr. Lichterfelde [Berlin].
Read at Stated Meeting, 1899 February 14.

Announces the death of Karl Friedrich Rammelsberg (1813-1899; Elected 1872, FHM).

Creator:  Rammelsberg, Mathilde

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002796.001.jpg

Page 11-98b

Letter from Joseph Hodges Choate to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1900 February 9; American Embassy, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917; Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002797.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002797.002.jpg

Page 11-99

Letter from William Morris Davis to William Watson, 1899 January 12; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election as Corresponding Secretary of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Davis, William Morris, 1850-1934; Elected 1884

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002798.001.jpg

Page 11-100

Letter from John Williams White to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1900 January 20; Rome.

Acknowledges his appointment as a delegate for the Ƶ at the 200th anniversary for the Royal Prussian Ƶ of Sciences.

Creator:  White, John Williams, 1849-1917; Elected 1878
Related documents:  pp. 93, 100, 113

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002799.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002799.002.jpg

Page 11-100

Letter from John Williams White to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1900 January 20; Rome.

Requests further information on the 200th anniversary for the Royal Prussian Ƶ of Sciences.

Creator:  White, John Williams, 1849-1917; Elected 1878
Related documents:  pp. 93, 100, 113

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002800.001.jpg

Page 11-101a

Letter from George Otto Trevelyan to Samuel Hubbard Scudder, 1900 February 6; Welcombe, Stratford on Avon, England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Trevelyan, George Otto, Sir, 1838-1928; Elected 1900, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002801.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002801.002.jpg

Page 11-101b

Letter from Arlo Bates, [1900 March].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bates, Arlo, 1850-1918; Elected 1900

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002802.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002802.002.jpg

Page 11-102

Circular, 1900 April; Vienna, Austria.

Announces the 50th anniversary of the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute.

Creator:  Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002803.001.jpg

Page 11-103

Letter from Liberty Hyde Bailey to William Morris Davis, 1900 April 12; Ithaca, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954; Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002804.001.jpg

Page 11-104

Circular, 1900 March 19; New York City.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1900 May 10.

Reports on petition to protest increased federal taxes on legacies and bequests; encloses revised petition.

Creator:  Committee on the Modification of the Federal Letter Tax
Related documents:  pp. 97, 97e

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002805.002.jpg

Page 11-105

Letter from Francis Blake to Dr. Austin Holden, 1900 September 8; Ampersand, NY.

Asks the enclosed letter be read at next Stated Meeting; notes where $10,000 check has been deposited.

Creator:  Blake, Francis, 1850-1913; Elected 1881

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002806.001.jpg

Page 11-105e

Letter from Abbott Lawrence Lowell to Francis Blake, 1900 September 5; Boston.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1900 October 10.,

Informs the Ƶ of $10,000 bequest left to the Ƶ by his father, Augustus Lowell; notes that a check is enclosed.

Creator:  Lowell, A. Lawrence (Abbott Lawrence), 1856-1943; Elected 1897

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002807.001.jpg

Page 11-106a

Letter from William Ernest Castle to William Morris Davis, 1900 May 26; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Castle, William E. (William Ernest), 1867-1962; Elected 1900

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002808.001.jpg

Page 11-106b

Letter from Merritt Lyndon Fernald to William Morris Davis, 1900 May 28; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, 1873-1950; Elected 1900

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002809.001.jpg

Page 11-107a

Letter from Jeremiah Smith to William Morris Davis, 1900; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges his transfer from Associate Fellow to Resident Fellow.

Creator:  Smith, Jeremiah, 1837-1921; Elected 1871, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002810.001.jpg

Page 11-107b

Letter from Jay Backus Woodworth to William Morris Davis, 1900 May 30; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Woodworth, Jay Backus, 1865-1925; Elected 1900

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002811.001.jpg

Page 11-108

Letter from George Mercer Dawson to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 9; Ottawa, [Ontario, Canada].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dawson, George Mercer, 1849-1901; Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002812.001.jpg

Page 11-109a

Letter from Melville Weston Fuller to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 4; Supreme Court of the United States, Chief Justice’s Chambers.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fuller, Melville Weston, 1833-1910; Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002813.001.jpg

Page 11-109b

Letter from Thomas Day Seymour to William Morris Davis, 1900 May 28; Yale University.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Seymour, Thomas Day (1848–1907); Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002814.001.jpg

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Letter from Henry Morse Stephens to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 19; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Stephens, Henry Morse, 1857-1919; Elected 1900, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002815.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002815.002.jpg

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Letter from Archibald Geikie to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 1; London, SW.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Geikie, Archibald, 1835-1924; Elected 1900, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002816.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002816.002.jpg

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Letter from Friedrich Wilhem Georg Kohlrausch to John Trowbridge, 1900 April 29; Charlottenburg, Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kohlrausch, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg, 1840-1910; Elected 1900, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002817.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002817.002.jpg

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Letter from Rufus Byam Richardson to William Morris Davis, 1900 July 1; Carlsbad.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Richardson, Rufus Byam, 1845-1914; Elected 1900, Associate Member

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002818.001.jpg

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Letter from John Murray to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 28; Edinburgh, Scotland.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Murray, John, 1841-1914; Elected 1900, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002819.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002819.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002819.003.jpg

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Circular, 1900 April 30; Berlin.

Thanks for participation in the bicentennial of the Royal Prussian Ƶ of Science.

Creator:  Königlich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
Language:  German
Related documents:  pp. 93, 100, 100

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002820.001.jpg

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Letter from William Cawthorne Unwin to William Morris Davis, 1900 June 1; Kensington, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Unwin, William Cawthorne, 1838-1933; Elected 1900, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002821.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002821.002.jpg

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Program, 1900; Paris.

Advertises the Congress of the History of Science to take place as part of the 1900 Exposition Universelle.

Creator:  Congress of the History of Science
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 86, 86e, 89, 90, 96

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002822.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002822.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002822.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002822.004.jpg

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Death notice, [1900 August]; Buffalo, NY.

Announces the death of David F. Day.

Creator:  Buffalo Society of Natural Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002823.001.jpg

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Death notice, 1900 August 13; Berkeley, CA.

Announces the death of James Edward Keller.

Creator:  University of California, Berkeley

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002824.001.jpg

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Letter from the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education (Lovick Pierce, Acting Commissioner) to William Morris Davis, 1900 August 6; Washington, DC.

Conveys message from the Department of the Interior that the Ambassador of the United States at Paris will telegraph Ƶ Fellows, currently in Paris who were appointed delegates to the Congress of Applied Chemistry, that they may attend the Congress.

Creator:  United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002825.001.jpg

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Printed invitation, 1900 November 15; Cairo.

Invites recipient to the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Khediviale Society of Geography.

Creator:  Société khédiviale de géographie
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002826.001.jpg

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Circular: Onoranze a Franchesco Brioschi, 1900 November 28; Milan.

Invites recipient organization to send delegates to the dedication of a donated monument to Francesco Brioschi (1824-1897; Elected 1874, FHM) on the third anniversary of his death.
Language:  French
Related documents:  pp. 40-41

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002827.001.jpg

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Letter from James Mason Crafts to Professor Watson, 1900 November 19; Boston.

Requests information on the likely establishment of a National Standards Bureau before he may accept appointment as Chairman of a committee to work with the United States Office of Standard Weights and Measures to establish it.

Creator:  Crafts, James Mason, 1839-1917

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002828.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002828.002.jpg

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Printed invitation, 1900 December; Vienna, [Austria].

Invites recipient organization to send delegates to the 25th anniversary of the Imperial and Royal Zoological and Botanical Society in Vienna.

Creator:  Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002829.001.jpg

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Death notice, 1900 December 15; Brussels.

Announces the death of Baron Michel Edmond de Sélys Longchamps.

Creator:  Société entomologique de Belgique
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002830.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002830.002.jpg

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Death notice, 1901; Paris.

Announces the death of Charles Hermite (1822-1901; Elected 1883, FHM).
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002831.001.jpg

Page 11-124

Printed invitation from University of Glasgow (Robert Herbert Story, Prefect and Vice Chancellor), 1901 January; [Glasgow].

Invites the Ƶ to send delegates to the 9th Jubilee of the Foundation of University of Glasgow.
Note: oversized.

Creator:  University of Glasgow
Language:  Latin

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002832.001.jpg

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Letter from Nikolay Matveeviq Kijner, 1901 January 26; Moscow.

Assures that he will give the Ƶ’s letter of congratulations to Prof. Vladimir Vasilyevich Markovnikov [Markovnikoff] regarding the professor’s 40th anniversary of teaching.

Creator:  Kijner, Nikolay Matveeviq

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002833.001.jpg

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Letter from James Bradley Thayer to William Watson, 1901 January 20; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election as Vice-President of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Thayer, James Bradley, 1831-1902; Elected 1877

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002834.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002834.002.jpg

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Letter from Lewis Jerome Johnson to William Morris Davis, 1901 April 2; Cambridge, [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Johnson, Lewis Jerome, 1867-1952; Elected 1901

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002835.001.jpg

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Letter from Theodore Lyman to William Morris Davis, 1901 April 1; Brookline, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lyman, Theodore, 1874-1954; Elected 1901

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002836.001.jpg

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Letter from Henry Lloyd Smyth to William Morris Davis, 1901 April 2; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Smyth, Henry Lloyd, 1862-1944; Elected 1901

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002837.001.jpg

Page 11-127b

Letter from Frank William Taussig to William Morris Davis, 1901 April 6; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges re-election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Taussig, Frank William, 1859-1940; Elected 1889
Related documents:  Volume 09, p. 37a; Volume 11, p. 45a

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002838.001.jpg

Page 11-128a

Letter from William Stewart Halsted to William Morris Davis, 1901 April 8; Baltimore.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Halsted, William Stewart, 1852-1922; Elected 1901, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002839.001.jpg

Page 11-128b

Letter from Henry Paul Talbot to William Watson, 1901; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to Ƶ’s C. M. Warren Committee.

Creator:  Talbot, Henry Paul, 1864-1927; Elected 1899

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002840.001.jpg

Page 11-129

Alphabetical index to letters, A-O.

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002841.001.jpg

Page 11-130

Alphabetical index to letters, O-Z.

Image:  /RG-IB_v11/002842.001.jpg