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RG I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks — Bound. Volume 05


Historical note

The Ƶ has received letters, announcements, and other forms of correspondence since the founding in 1780. All such correspondence was the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary, one of the original officers of the Ƶ. Beginning sometime in the late 1800s, incoming letters were pasted into bound scrapbooks, which the Ƶ referred to as “letterbooks.” This practice continued until 1988, when staff began saving correspondence in folders.

For the time period covered by Volume 5, the Presidents of the Ƶ were James Jackson (1838-1839), John Pickering (1839-1846), and Jacob Bigelow (1846- 1863). The Corresponding Secretaries were John Pickering (1837-1839), Charles Folsom (1839-1844), Asa Gray (1844-1850; 1852-1863), and Augustus Addison Gould (1850-1852).

Scope and Content

The series of letterbooks in its entirety includes letters from newly-elected Fellows, formally accepting their elections; communications with other learned societies (especially, invitations to attend meetings or send representatives to official events, and offers to exchange publications); correspondence concerning gifts of books, maps, and natural history specimens; and inquiries from members and nonmembers regarding the submission and publication of articles.

Volume 5 contains letters and other documents received by the American Ƶ from 1839 to 1855. Most are in the form of incoming correspondence from members acknowledging their election. Other topics include notices of members and circulars from national and international scientific societies and institutions.


1 volume contained within 1.5 document cases (0.75 linear feet)


The Ƶ has begun disbinding the volumes of letterbooks and conserving the individual letters, and will continue that practice until all letters are in stable condition. The letterbooks in Series I-B-1 are arranged numerically by volume number. Within each volume, the original order of the pages has been retained. Generally the records are arranged in chronological order. Pages numbered with a “v” indicate that the document was pasted to the verso of the preceding page, and normally relates to document on the following page.

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Series I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks. Bound letterbooks. Volume 5, 1839-1855. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Book donations
Exchange of publications
Learned institutions and societies—America
Learned institutions and societies—Publishing
Letter books


Page 05-1

Letter from Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta Serradifalco to John Pickering, 1839 September 20; Palermo.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Acknowledges receipt of Ƶ diploma.

Creator:  Serradifalco, Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, duca di, 1783-1863; elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001541.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001541.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001541.003.jpg

Page 05-2

Letter from William Hickling Prescott to Charles Folsom, 1840 January 30; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. States that his history of Ferdinand and Isabella’ĝ [likely The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic] will be sent to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859; elected 1840

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001542.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001542.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001542.003.jpg

Page 05-3

Letter from Francis Alger to John Pickering, 1840 February 13; Boston.

Requests several copies of the Ƶs Memoirs to send to various learned societies. Discusses foreign honorary members.

Creator:  Alger, Francis, 1807-1863; elected 1833

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001543.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001543.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001543.003.jpg

Page 05-4

Letter from William Ingersoll Bowditch to John Pickering, 1840 February 29; Boston.

Discusses his cataloging of the Ƶs library.

Creator:  Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001544.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001544.002.jpg

Page 05-5

Letter from Francis Alger to John Pickering, 1840 April 21; Boston.

Requests that a name be placed upon the membership nomination ballot in his absence.

Creator:  Alger, Francis, 1807-1863; elected 1833

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001545.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001545.002.jpg

Page 05-6

Letter from Charles Storer Storrow to Charles Folsom, 1840 April 21; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Storrow, Charles S. (Charles Storer), 1809-1904; elected 1840

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001546.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001546.002.jpg

Page 05-7

Letter from Nathan Tillinghast to Charles Folsom, 1840 April 26; Barre.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Tillinghast, Nathan, 1804-1856; elected 1839

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001547.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001547.002.jpg

Page 05-8

Letter from Edward Reynolds to Charles Folsom, 1840 May 20; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Reynolds, Edward, 1793-1881; elected 1839

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001548.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001548.002.jpg

Page 05-9

Letter from Joseph Lovering to John Pickering, 1840 July 8; Cambridge.

Discusses potential publication of magnetic observations.

Creator:  Lovering, Joseph, 1813-1892; elected 1839

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001549.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001549.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001549.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001549.004.jpg

Page 05-10

Letter from William Cogswell to Charles Folsom, 1840 July 22; Education Rooms, Boston

Requests that someone at the Ƶ be appointed to write an Ƶ history to be published by The American Quarterly Register.

Creator:  Cogswell, William, 1787-1850

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001550.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001550.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001550.003.jpg

Page 05-11

Letter from Cosimo Ridolfi, 1840 September 28; Firenze [Florence, Italy].

Invites members of foreign learned societies to participate in the Third Meeting of Italian Scientists to be held in Florence, 1841 September 15-30.

Creator:  Ridolfi, Cosimo, 1794-1865
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001551.001.jpg

Page 05-12

Letter from Francis Alger to John Pickering, 1841 May 25; Colonel Bomfords mansion.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ on behalf of Colonel Bomford [George Bomford (1782-1848); Fellow, 1841]. States that Bomford will send his acknowledgments and a paper to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Alger, Francis, 1807-1863; elected 1833

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001552.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001552.002.jpg

Page 05-13

Letter from William Ingersoll Bowditch to George B. Emerson, 1841 June 7; Boston.

Thanks the Ƶ for the offer to use its library.

Creator:  Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001553.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001553.002.jpg

Page 05-14

Letter from Augustus Addison Gould to George B. Emerson, 1841 June 21; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gould, Augustus A. (Augustus Addison), 1805-1866; elected 1841

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001554.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001554.002.jpg

Page 05-15

Letter from Asa Gray to Charles Folsom, 1841 December 14; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gray, Asa, 1810-1888; elected 1841

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001555.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001555.002.jpg

Page 05-16

Letter from J. Henshaw Belcher to John Pickering, 1841 December 20; Philadelphia.

Discusses a memorial on the subject of longitudes”.
Note: Note on back indicates that the letter was dictated to and handwritten by Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, 1760- 1844 [elected 1820].

Creator:  Belcher, J. Henshaw
Related documents: pp. 17-19, 22, 29

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001556.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001556.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001556.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001556.004.jpg

Page 05-17

Letter from J. Henshaw Belcher to John Pickering, 1841 December 30; Washington, DC.

Inquires as to whether his previous letter was received. Discusses a memorial on the subject of longitudes.

Creator:  Belcher, J. Henshaw
Related documents:  pp. 16, 18-19, 22, 29

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001557.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001557.002.jpg

Page 05-18

Letter from John Pickering to Professor Pierce [Benjamin Peirce], 1842 January 3; Boston.

Forwards memorial from J. Henshaw Belcher, asks that it be discussed by him and his colleagues.
Note: Note on back reads: Mr. Belcher Memorial and Letters on the Congressional [illeg.] December 20, 1841 =Finished=. Recipient likely Benjamin Peirce, professor at Harvard.

Creator:  Pickering, John, 1777-1846; elected 1810
Related documents:  pp. 16-17, 19, 22, 29

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001558.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001558.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001558.003.jpg

Page 05-19

Letter from J. Henshaw Belcher to John Pickering, 1841 December 4.

Enclosure, Memorial to the House of Representatives of the United States.

Creator:  Belcher, J. Henshaw
Related documents:  pp. 16-18, 22, 29

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001559.001.jpg

Page 05-20

Letter from John Amory Lowell to Charles Folsom, 1842 February 7; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lowell, John Amory, 1798-1881; elected 1841

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001560.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001560.002.jpg

Page 05-21

Letter from British Association for the Advancement of Science to Charles Folsom, 1842 February 12; 2 Duke Street, Adelphi London.

Invites the Members of the Ƶ to the next annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Creator:  British Association for the Advancement of Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001561.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001561.002.jpg

Page 05-22

Letter from Josiah Quincy to John Pickering, 1842 February 23; Cambridge, MA.

Discusses Memorial to the House of Representatives of the United States on the subject of longitudes.

Creator:  Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864; elected 1803
Related documents:  pp. 16-19, 29

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001562.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001562.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001562.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001562.004.jpg

Page 05-23

Letter from James Walker to Charles Folsom, 1842 August 10, Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Walker, James, 1794-1874; elected 1842

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001563.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001563.002.jpg

Page 05-24

Letter from John Lewis Russell to Charles Folsom, 1842 August 29; South Hingham.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Russell, John Lewis, 1808-1873; elected 1842

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001564.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001564.002.jpg

Page 05-25

Letter from Charles Henry Davis to Charles Folsom, 1842 September 15; New-Castle.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Davis, Charles Henry, 1807-1877; elected 1842

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001565.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001565.002.jpg

Page 05-26

Letter from Gino Capponi to Charles Folsom, 20 September 1842; Florence.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Capponi, Gino, 1792-1876; elected 1842, FHM
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001566.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001566.002.jpg

Page 05-27

Letter from Simeon Borden to Charles Folsom, 1842 October 15; Fall-River.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Borden, Simeon, 1798-1856; elected 1842

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001567.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001567.002.jpg

Page 05-28

Extracts from the proceedings of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science addressed to John Pickering, 1842 October 15; Washington.

Provides proceedings of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science, invites Pickering to the National Institutes next meeting.

Creator:  National Institute for the Promotion of Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001568.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001568.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001568.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001568.004.jpg

Page 05-29

Letter from Peter Stephen Du Ponceau to John Pickering, 1842 November 11; Philadelphia.

Discusses the National Institute for the Promotion of Science.

Creator:  Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844; elected 1820
Related documents:  Volume 5, pp. 16-19, 22

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001569.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001569.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001569.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001569.004.jpg

Page 05-30

Letter from Jean Baptiste Benoît Eyriès, 1842 December 15; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Hopes to prove himself worthy and to promote the Ƶs efforts in the propagation of knowledge.

Creator:  Eyriès, J. B. B. (Jean Baptiste Benoît), 1767-1846; elected 1841, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001570.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001570.002.jpg

Page 05-31

Letter from J. J. Dixwell to George B. Emerson, 1843 February 8; Boston.

Discusses reserving space for the American Oriental Society in the American Ƶs space. Describes the Society and encloses the constitution of the Society.
Note: Includes handwritten note in pencil describing potential terms for the American Oriental Society to use the American Ƶs space.

Creator:  Dixwell, J.J.
Related documents:  p. 32

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001571.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001571.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001571.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001571.004.jpg

Page 05-32

Constitution of the American Oriental Society addressed to George B. Emerson, 1843 February 8.

Enclosure of letter from J.J. Dixwell to George B. Emerson, 1843 February 8. Includes blank invitation form.

Creator:  American Oriental Society.
Related documents:  p. 31

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001572.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001572.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001572.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001572.004.jpg

Page 05-33

Letter from British Association for the Advancement of Science to Charles Folsom, 1843 March; 2 Duke Street, Adelphi London.

Invites the Members of the Ƶ to the next annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Creator:  British Association for the Advancement of Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001573.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001573.002.jpg

Page 05-34

Letter from Massachusetts Historical Society (Charles Lowell, Corresponding Secretary) to Charles Folsom, 1843 April 11; Boston.

Invites the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences to join the Massachusetts Historical Society at a centennial celebration of the Massachusetts constitution.

Creator:  Massachusetts Historical Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001574.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001574.002.jpg

Page 05-35

Letter from American Oriental Society (William W. Greenough, Recording Secretary) to George B. Emerson, 1843 May 18; Temple St.

States that the Ƶs vote to allow the American Oriental Society to use their hall was read at the April 5 [1843] meeting of the Society.

Creator:  American Oriental Society
Related documents:  Volume 05, pp. 31-32

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001575.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001575.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001575.003.jpg

Page 05-36

Letter from Francis Peabody to Charles Folsom, 1843 June 16; Salem.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peabody, Francis, 1801-1867; elected 1843

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001576.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001576.002.jpg

Page 05-37

Letter from Pascual de Gayangos to Charles Folsom, 1843; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gayangos, Pascual de, 1809-1897; elected 1842, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001577.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001577.002.jpg

Page 05-38

Letter from Joseph Henry to Charles Folsom & George B. Emerson, 1843 August 29; Princeton College of New Jersey.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878; elected 1840, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001578.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001578.002.jpg

Page 05-39

Letter from Adam Sedgwick to Asa Gray, 1844 January 6; Norwich.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Invites the Ƶ to a meeting of the British Association [for the Advancement of Science].

Creator:  Sedgwick, Adam, 1785-1873; elected 1844, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001579.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001579.002.jpg

Page 05-40

Letter from Uriah A. Boyden to John Pickering, 1844 February 12; Boston.

Inquires whether a paper he sent to the Ƶ was published.

Creator:  Boyden, Uriah A. (Uriah Atherton), 1804-1879; elected 1840

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001580.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001580.002.jpg

Page 05-41

Letter from British Association for the Advancement of Science to President of The American Ƶ, 1844 March 1; 2 Duke Street, Adelphi London.

Invites the Members of the Ƶ to the next annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Creator:  British Association for the Advancement of Science

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001581.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001581.002.jpg

Page 05-42

Letter from Henry Coit Perkins to Charles Folsom, 1844 April 4; Newbury Port.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Perkins, Henry Coit, 1804-1873; elected 1844

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001582.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001582.002.jpg

Page 05-43

Letter from George Rapall Noyes to Charles Folsom, 1844 April 15; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Noyes, George R. (George Rapall), 1798-1868; elected 1844

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001583.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001583.002.jpg

Page 05-44

Letter from Morrill Wyman to Charles Folsom, 1844 May 1; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wyman, Morrill, 1812-1903; elected 1843

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001584.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001584.002.jpg

Page 05-45

Letter from Nicholas Tillinghast to Francis Bowen, 1844 August 10; Bridgewater.

Resigns membership of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Tillinghast, Nicholas, 1804-1856; elected 1839

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001585.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001585.002.jpg

Page 05-46

Letter from Alpheus Spring Packard to Asa Gray, 1844 December 16; Bowd. College.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Packard, Alpheus S. (Alpheus Spring), 1798-1884; elected 1844, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001586.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001586.002.jpg

Page 05-47

Letter from William Smyth to Asa Gray, 1844 December 17; Brunswick.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Smyth, William, 1797-1868; elected 1844, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001587.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001587.002.jpg

Page 05-48

Letter from Charles Beck to Asa Gray, 1845 February 18; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Beck, Charles, 1798-1866; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001588.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001588.002.jpg

Page 05-49

Letter from Edward Tuckerman to Asa Gray, 1845 May 30; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Tuckerman, Edward, 1817-1886; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001589.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001589.002.jpg

Page 05-50

Letter from Elias Loomis to Asa Gray, 1845 June 2; New York University, New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Loomis, Elias, 1811-1889; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001590.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001590.002.jpg

Page 05-51

Letter from Samuel George Morton to Asa Gray, 1845 June 2; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001591.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001591.002.jpg

Page 05-52

Letter from William C. Redfield to Asa Gray, 1845 June 4; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Redfield, W. C. (William C.), 1789-1857; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001592.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001592.002.jpg

Page 05-53

Letter from George Talcott to Asa Gray, 1845 June 4; Washington.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Talcott, George, 1786-1862; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001593.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001593.002.jpg

Page 05-54

Letter from William Barton Rogers to Asa Gray, 1845 June 8; Univ. of Virginia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Confirms that a letter was forwarded to his brother in Philadelphia.

Creator:  Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001594.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001594.002.jpg

Page 05-55

Letter from John James Abert to Asa Gray, 1845 June 9; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Abert, John James, 1788-1863; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001595.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001595.002.jpg

Page 05-56

Letter from A. D. Bache to Asa Gray, 1845 June 9; Coast Survey Station, Island of Rhode Island.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001596.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001596.002.jpg

Page 05-57

Letter from William H. C. Bartlett to Asa Gray, 1845 June 9; West Point, New York

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bartlett, W. H. C. (William Holms Chambers), 1804-1893; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001597.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001597.002.jpg

Page 05-58

Letter from John Edwards Holbrook to Asa Gray, 1845 June 23; Charleston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Discusses his work.

Creator:  Holbrook, John Edwards, 1794-1871; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001598.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001598.002.jpg

Page 05-59

Letter from Henry Darwin Rogers to Asa Gray, 1845 June 23; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rogers, Henry D. (Henry Darwin), 1808-1866; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001599.001.jpg

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001599.002.jpg

Page 05-60

Letter from James Duncan Graham to Asa Gray, 1849 June 28; Rouse’s Point, Clinton County, New York

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Requests the rules of the Ƶ if they are available.

Creator:  Graham, J. D. (James Duncan), 1799-1865; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001600.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001600.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001600.003.jpg

Page 05-61

Letter from George Stillman Hillard to Asa Gray, 1845 July 14; Boston.

Declines election to the Ƶ.
Note: Re-elected in 1873 and accepted.

Creator:  Hillard, George Stillman, 1808-1879; elected 1873

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001601.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001601.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001601.003.jpg

Page 05-62

Letter from Jean-Baptiste Biot to [President of The American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences], 1845 July 20; Paris.

Creator:  Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 1774-1862; elected 1822, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001602.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001602.002.jpg

Page 05-63

Letter from Charles Pickering to Asa Gray, 1845 November 8; Washington.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Pickering, Charles, 1805-1878; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001603.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001603.002.jpg

Page 05-64

Letter from James D. Dana to Asa Gray, 1845 December 11; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001604.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001604.002.jpg

Page 05-65

Letter from Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (Walter R. Johnson, Corresponding Secretary) to Asa Gray, 1846 February 17; Hall of the Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

States that the Ƶs letter and memorial to the joint Library Committee of Congress was received, and that the Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia passed resolutions of approval for the memorial. Includes transcript.

Creator:  Ƶ of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001605.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001605.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001605.003.jpg

Page 05-66

Letter from Essex County Natural History Society (Henry Wheatland, Secretary; elected 1845) to Asa Gray, 1846 March 7; Salem, MA.

States that the Ƶs letter and memorial to the joint Library Committee of Congress was received. States that the Essex County Natural History Society cooperates with the memorial.
Note: Henry Wheatland (1812-1893; elected 1845).

Creator:  Essex County Natural History Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001606.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001606.002.jpg

Page 05-67

Death notice, 1846 March 20; Köningsberg.

Announces the death of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel.

Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001607.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001607.002.jpg

Page 05-68

Letter from Theophilus Parsons to Asa Gray, 1846 March 22; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001608.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001608.002.jpg

Page 05-69

Letter from Horace Mann to Asa Gray, 1846 March 23; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Mann, Horace, 1796-1859; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001609.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001609.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001609.003.jpg

Page 05-70

Letter from John Hapgood Temple to Asa Gray, 1846 March 23; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator: Temple, John Hapgood, 1812-1877; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001610.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001610.002.jpg

Page 05-71

Letter from Ezra S. Gannett to Librarian of the Ƶ, 1846 May 25; Boston.

Encloses a copy of a letter from his grandfather, Ezra Stiles to Sir William Jones, notes that there is a note on the letter: Belonging to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gannett, Ezra S. (Ezra Stiles), 1801-1871
Related documents:  RG I-C-2, Communication 76

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001611.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001611.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001611.003.jpg

Page 05-72

Letter from Edward C. Cabot to Asa Gray, 1846 June.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. States that he has given his dues to the treasurer.

Creator:  Cabot, Edward Clarke, 1818-1901; elected 1848

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001612.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001612.002.jpg

Page 05-73

Letter from Jacob W. Bailey to Asa Gray, [1846] June 25; U. S. Military Ƶ, West Point, NY.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bailey, Jacob Whitman, 1811-1857; elected 1845, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001613.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001613.002.jpg

Page 05-74

Letter from Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton to Asa Gray, ca. 1846.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Northampton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton, Marquis of, 1790-1851; elected 1846, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001614.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001614.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001614.003.jpg

Page 05-75

Letter from Elisha C. Bartlett to Asa Gray, 1846 August 25; Woonsocket.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bartlett, Elisha, 1804-1855; elected 1845

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001615.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001615.002.jpg

Page 05-76

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Engelmann, George, 1809-1884; elected 1846, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001616.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001616.002.jpg

Page 05-77

Letter from Adam Sedgwick to Asa Gray, 1846 September 30; Cambridge.

Acknowledges receipt of Memoirs Volume 2.

Creator:  Sedgwick, Adam, 1785-1873; elected 1844

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001617.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001617.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001617.003.jpg

Page 05-78

Letter from Edouard de Verneuil to Asa Gray, 1846 October 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Verneuil, Edouard de, 1805-1873; elected 1846, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001618.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001618.002.jpg

Page 05-79

Letter from Charles Babbage to Asa Gray, 1846 October 16; Dorset Pl. Manchester Square, London.

Acknowledges receipt of Memoirs Volume 2 (new series).

Creator:  Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871; elected 1832

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001619.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001619.002.jpg

Page 05-80

Letter from Daniel Appleton White to Asa Gray, 1846 November 16; Salem, MA.

Acknowledges receipt of a vote by the Ƶ requesting his eulogy for John Pickering, states that he will send it.

Creator:  White, Daniel Appleton, 1776-1861; elected 1812

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001620.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001620.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001620.003.jpg

Page 05-81

Letter from Anna M. Thornton to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1847 January 18; Washington.

Encloses a work by her husband (deceased), in response to Mr. Emersons article on phonography in the Memoirs.
Note: Anna Maria Brodeau Thornton was the widow of William Thornton (1759-1828). The article to which Thornton refers is

Creator:  Thornton, Anna Maria

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001621.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001621.002.jpg

Page 05-82

Letter from American Antiquarian Society (Rejoice Newton, Recording Secretary)to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, ca. 1847 May 26.

Informs the Ƶ of a vote made at a meeting of the American Antiquarian Society thanking the Ƶ for its offer of its rooms for Boston meetings of the American Antiquarian Society.

Creator:  American Antiquarian Society

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001622.001.jpg

Page 05-83

Letter from Charles C. Jewett to Asa Gray, 1847 June 11; Providence.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jewett, Charles C. (Charles Coffin), 1816-1868; elected 1847, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001623.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001623.002.jpg

Page 05-84

Letter from [George Philip Bond] to Asa Gray, 1847 August 18; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election of Mr. G. P. Bond to the Ƶ [George Philip Bond (1825-1865), elected 1847].

Creator:  [Bond, George Philip, 1825-1865]

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001624.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001624.002.jpg

Page 05-85

Letter from Samuel A. Eliot to Asa Gray, 1847 September 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Eliot, Samuel Atkins, 1798-1862; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001625.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001625.002.jpg

Page 05-86

Letter from John C. Adams to Edward Everett, 1847 September 28; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Thanks Everett for his role in Adams’s nomination. Provides his mailing address.

Creator:  Adams, John Couch, 1819-1892; elected 1847, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001626.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001626.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001626.003.jpg

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001626.004.jpg

Page 05-87

Letter from Joseph Henry to Asa Gray, 1847 September 30; Cambridge, MA.

Presents a programme of organization of the Smithsonian Institution; requests the opinion of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878; elected 1840, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001627.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001627.002.jpg

Page 05-88

Letter from Eben Norton Horsford to Asa Gray, 1847 October 7; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001628.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001628.002.jpg

Page 05-89

Letter from Benjamin A. Gould to Asa Gray, 1847 October 9; Munich, Bavaria.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1824-1896; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001629.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001629.002.jpg

Page 05-90

Letter from Edward Robinson to Asa Gray, 1847 October 14; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863; elected 1847
Related documents:  Volume 06, p. 13

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001630.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001630.002.jpg

Page 05-91

Letter from Charles G. Loring to Asa Gray, 1847 November; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Loring, Charles G. (Charles Greely), 1794-1867; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001631.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001631.002.jpg

Page 05-92

Letter from George Putnam to Asa Gray, 1847 November 14; Roxbury, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Putnam, George, 1807-1878; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001632.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001632.002.jpg

Page 05-93

Letter from William H. Swift to Asa Gray, 1847 November 16; Washington.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Swift, W. H. (William Henry), 1800-1879; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001633.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001633.002.jpg

Page 05-94

Letter from Ormsby M. Mitchel to Asa Gray, 1847 November 24; New York, American Hotel.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Discusses his schedule.

Creator:  Mitchel, O. M. (Ormsby MacKnight), 1809-1862; elected 1847, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001634.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001634.002.jpg

Page 05-95

Letter from Abbott Lawrence to Asa Gray, 1847 December 6; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855; elected 1847

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001635.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001635.002.jpg

Page 05-96

Letter from William H. Smyth to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1847 December 6; 3 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Smyth, W. H. (William Henry), 1788-1865; elected 1847, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001636.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001636.002.jpg

Page 05-97

Letter from Edward H. Courtenay to Asa Gray, 1847 December 18; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.;

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Courtenay, Edward H{enry}, 1803-1853. {from old catalog}; elected 1841

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001637.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001637.002.jpg

Page 05-98

Letter from James M. Gilliss to Asa Gray, 1848 January 24; Washington.

Acknowledges receipt of Resolutions of the Ƶ, passed on the 4th January. Thanks the Ƶ.
Note: The resolutions referred to by Gilliss are in the

Creator:  Gilliss, J. M. (James Melville), 1811-1865; elected 1861, Associate Fellow
Related documents:  p. 105

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001638.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001638.002.jpg

Page 05-99

Letter from M. F. Maury to Asa Gray, 1848 April 10; National Observatory, Washington, DC.

Acknowledges receipt of letter from the Ƶ declining to publish a letter due to its rules.

Creator:  [Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1849-1886]

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001639.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001639.002.jpg

Page 05-100

Letter from William Mitchell to Asa Gray, 1848 June 30; Nantucket.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ on behalf of Maria Mitchell.
Note: Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) is the first woman elected by the Ƶ.

Creator:  Mitchell, William, 1791-1869

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001640.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001640.002.jpg

Page 05-101

Letter from Henry I. Bowditch to Asa Gray, 1848 August 12; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bowditch, Henry I. (Henry Ingersoll), 1808-1892; elected 1848

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001641.001.jpg

Page 05-102

Letter from Epes S. Dixwell to Asa Gray, 1848 August 16; Framingham.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dixwell, Epes Sargent, 1807-1899; elected 1848

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001642.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001642.002.jpg

Page 05-103

Letter from Edward E. Salisbury to Asa Gray, 1848 November 20; New Haven.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Salisbury, Edward Elbridge, 1814-1901; elected 1848, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001643.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001643.002.jpg

Page 05-104

Letter from Arnold Guyot to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1849 January 6; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Guyot, A. (Arnold), 1807-1884; elected 1849, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001644.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001644.002.jpg

Page 05-105

Letter from William C. Bond to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1849 January 31; Observatory, Cambridge.

Presents and describes papers related to Lieut. Gilliss proposed expedition to Chili” [sic]. States that Gilliss’s proposition was approved by the Hon. Secretary of the Navy.

Creator:  Bond, William Cranch, 1789-1859; elected 1832
Related documents:  p. 98

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001645.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001645.002.jpg

Page 05-106

Letter from James Hall to Asa Gray, 1849 January 25; Albany.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Requests that the 3rd volume of the Memoirs be sent to him.
Note: 2 letters, second undated, on page 3.

Creator:  Hall, James, 1811-1898; elected 1848, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001646.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001646.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001646.003.jpg

Page 05-107

Letter from Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences(Francis Bradley, Recording Secretary) to Edward Everett, 1849 March 30; New Haven.

Acknowledges receipt of a communication from the Ƶ regarding Professor Schumacher at Altona, informs the Ƶ of the resolutions passed by the Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences.

Creator:  Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences
Related documents:  Resolution by the Faculty of the University of Virginia regarding Professor Schumacher and the Observatory of Altona, 1849 June 13.


Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001647.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001647.002.jpg

Page 05-108

Letter from Charles B. Adams to Asa Gray, 1849 June 4; Amherst, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Adams, C. B. (Charles Baker), 1814-1853; elected 1849

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001648.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001648.002.jpg

Page 05-109

Resolution by the Faculty of the University of Virginia (William Witzenbaker, Secretary) regarding Professor Schumacher and the Observatory of Altona, 1849 June 13.

Creator:  University of Virginia. Faculty.
Related documents:  Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences. Letter to Edward Everett, 1849.


Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001649.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001649.002.jpg

Page 05-110

Letter from Joseph Leidy to Asa Gray, 1849 July 23; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Leidy, Joseph, 1823-1891; elected 1848, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001650.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001650.002.jpg

Page 05-111

Letter from Robert Charles Winthrop to Asa Gray, 1849 August 30; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894; elected 1849

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001651.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001651.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001651.003.jpg

Page 05-112

Letter from William Francis Channing to Asa Gray, 1849 September 7; Newport, RI.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Channing, William F. (William Francis), 1820-1901; elected 1849

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001652.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001652.002.jpg

Page 05-113

Letter from Wolcott Gibbs to Asa Gray, 1849 November 18; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gibbs, Wolcott, 1822-1908; elected 1849

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001653.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001653.002.jpg

Page 05-114

Letter from Samuel Finley B. Morse to Asa Gray, 1849 November 19; Pokeepsie.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872; elected 1849, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001654.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001654.002.jpg

Page 05-115

Circular, 1849 November 19; Albany.

States that Arnold Guyot (elected 1849) will be visiting Academies to set up instruments and systems for meteorological observation.

Creator:  University of the State of New-York.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001655.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001655.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001655.003.jpg

Page 05-116

Letter from Macedonio Melloni to Asa Gray, 1850 February 15; Naples.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Melloni, Macedonio, 1798-1854; elected 1849, FHM
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001656.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001656.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001656.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001656.004.jpg

Page 05-117

Letter from Samuel Stehman Haldeman to Asa Gray, 1850 February 23; Columbia, PA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Haldeman, Samuel Stehman, 1812-1880; elected 1850, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001657.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001657.002.jpg

Page 05-118

Letter from W. M. Meredith, Secretary of the Treasury, to Asa Gray, 1850 April 4; Treasury Department.

Acknowledges receipt of resolutions by the Ƶ regarding tidal observations. Informs the Ƶ that the necessary observations will be made by the Coastal Survey and that the results will be sent to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Meredith, William M. (William Morris), 1799-1873

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001658.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001658.002.jpg

Page 05-119

Letter from Elias M. Fries to Asa Gray, 1850 May 25; Uppsala, Sweden.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878; elected 1849, FHM
Language:  Latin
Related documents:  p. 120

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001659.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001659.002.jpg

Page 05-120

Letter from Elias M. Fries to Asa Gray, 1850 May 28; Uppsala.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.
Note: Note on back in English: E. Fries, Accepts Fellowship. May 28, 1850.

Creator:  Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878; elected 1849, FHM
Language:  Latin
Related documents:  p. 119

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001660.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001660.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001660.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001660.004.jpg

Page 05-121

Letter from Theodore L. W. Bischoff to Asa Gray, 1850 May 20; Giessen, Germany.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bischoff, Th. Ludw. Wilh. (Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm), 1807-1882; elected 1849, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001661.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001661.002.jpg

Page 05-122

Letter from Jonathan Patten Hall to Augustus A. Gould, 1850 June 1; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hall, Jonathan Patten, 1799-1866; elected 1850

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001662.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001662.002.jpg

Page 05-123

Letter from Johannes Müller to Asa Gray, 1850 June 20; Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Müller, Johannes, 1801-1858; elected 1849, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001663.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001663.002.jpg

Page 05-124

Letter from C. Francis Adams to Jacob Bigelow, 1850 August 1; Quincy.

Explains that Adams has found papers of Count Rumford in the papers of John Adams that may belong to the Ƶ. Requests that Ƶ take the Count Rumford papers.

Creator:  Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886; elected 1857

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001664.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001664.002.jpg

Page 05-125

Letter from Johann F. Encke, 1850 August 13; Berlin

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator: Encke, Johann Franz, 1791-1865; elected 1849, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001665.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001665.002.jpg

Page 05-126

Letter from Carl von Rokitansky to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1851 February 15; Vienna.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rokitansky, Carl von, 1804-1878; elected 1850, FHM
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001666.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001666.002.jpg

Page 05-127

Letter from William Chauvenet to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 March 10; U.S. Naval Ƶ, Annapolis.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Chauvenet, William, 1820-1870; elected 1850, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001667.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001667.002.jpg

Page 05-128

Letter from William Jenks to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 March 13; 1 Crescent place.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jenks, William, 1778-1866; elected 1851

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001668.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001668.002.jpg

Page 05-129

Letter from William A. Norton to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 March 15; Providence.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Norton, William A. (William Augustus), 1810-1883; elected 1851, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001669.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001669.002.jpg

Page 05-130

Letter from Alexis Caswell to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 March 18; Providence.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Caswell, Alexis, 1799-1877; elected 1850, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001670.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001670.002.jpg

Page 05-131

Letter from Charles B. Haddock to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 March 18; Dartmouth College.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Haddock, Charles B. (Charles Bricket), 1796-1861; elected 1851, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001671.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001671.002.jpg

Page 05-132

Letter from Caroline Schumacher to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1851 April 14; Altona.

Thanks the Ƶ for their condolences regarding the death of her husband, Heinrich Christian Schumacher (1780-1850), elected 1834, FHM.

Creator:  Schumacher, Caroline

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001672.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001672.002.jpg

Page 05-133

Letter from Benjamin Silliman Jr. to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 October 8; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Silliman, Benjamin, 1816-1885; elected 1851, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001673.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001673.002.jpg

Page 05-134

Letter from John P. Norton to Augustus A. Gould, 1851 June 3; New Haven.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Norton, John Pitkin, 1822-1852; elected 1851

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001674.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001674.002.jpg

Page 05-135

Letter from John L. LeConte to Asa Gray, 1851 October 15; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Requests that the Ƶ publications be forwarded to Putnam for him.

Creator:  LeConte, John L. (John Lawrence), 1825-1883; elected 1848, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001675.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001675.002.jpg

Page 05-136

Letter from Uriah A. Boyden to Joseph Hale Abbot, 1852 January 7; Boston.

Discusses procedure for withdrawing membership from the Ƶ. Withdraws membership from the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boyden, Uriah A. (Uriah Atherton), 1804-1879; elected 1840

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001676.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001676.002.jpg

Page 05-137

Letter from Stephen Alexander, 1852 August 26; College of New Jersey, Princeton, NJ.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Alexander, Stephen, 1806-1883; elected 1850, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001677.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001677.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001677.003.jpg

Page 05-138

Letter from Samuel Kneeland to Asa Gray, 1852 September 10; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kneeland, Samuel, 1821-1888; elected 1852

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001678.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001678.002.jpg

Page 05-138v

Letter from Carl von Rokitanksy addressed to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1852 October 12; [illeg.].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Rokitansky, Carl von, 1804-1878; elected 1850, FHM
Language: German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001679.001.jpg

Page 05-139

Letter from Joel Parker to Asa Gray, 1853 February 19; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Parker, Joel, 1795-1875; elected 1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001680.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001680.002.jpg

Page 05-140

Letter from William Prescott Dexter to Asa Gray, 1853 February 24; Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator: Dexter, William Prescott, 1820-1890; elected 1852

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001681.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001681.002.jpg

Page 05-141

Letter from T. Walker to Asa Gray, 1853 June 13; Cincinnati.

Thanks the Ƶ for their condolences regarding the death of his brother, Sears Cook Walker (1805- 1853), elected 1842, Associate Fellow.

Creator: Walker, Timothy, 1802-1856

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001682.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001682.002.jpg

Page 05-142

Letter from William Raymond Lee to Asa Gray, 1853 June 3; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lee, William Raymond, 1807-1891; elected 1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001683.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001683.002.jpg

Page 05-143

Letter from the Prussian Legation to Asa Gray, 1853 June 20; London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ on behalf of Chevalier Bunsen [Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von Bunsen (1791-1860); FHM, 1853]. Promises to forward letters that were sent to Bunsen.

Creator:  Prussian Legation. London.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001684.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001684.002.jpg

Page 05-144

Letter from George Grote to Asa Gray, 1835 June 22; London, Savile Row.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Grote, George, 1794-1871; elected 1853, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001685.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001685.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001685.003.jpg

Page 05-145

Letter from August Boeckh to Asa Gray, 1853 July 20; Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boeckh, August, 1785-1867; elected 1853
Language:  Latin

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001686.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001686.002.jpg

Page 05-146

Letter from Richard Lepsius to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1853 July 22; Berlin.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lepsius, Richard, 1810-1884; elected 1853, FHM
Language: French

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001687.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001687.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001687.003.jpg

Page 05-147

Letter from Christian A.F. Peters, 1853 August 17; Königsberg, Prussia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peters, C. A. F. (Christian August Friedrich), 1806-1880; elected 1853, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001688.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001688.002.jpg

Page 05-148

Letter from Carl J.A. Mittermaier, 1853 September 12; Heidelberg, Germany.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Mittermaier, C. J. A. (Carl Joseph Anton), 1787-1867; elected 1853, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001689.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001689.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001689.003.jpg

Page 05-149

Letter from Thomas Hill to Asa Gray, 1853 September 30; Waltham, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hill, Thomas, 1818-1891; elected 1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001690.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001690.002.jpg

Page 05-150

Letter from Benjamin Eddy Cotting to Asa Gray, 1853 October 13; Roxbury.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Cotting, Benjamin Eddy, 1812-1897; elected 1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001691.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001691.002.jpg

Page 05-151

Letter from Samuel Parkman to Asa Gray, 1853 October 14; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Parkman, Samuel, 1816-1854; elected 1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001692.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001692.002.jpg

Page 05-152

Letter from Samuel G. Howe to Asa Gray, 1853 October 24; South Boston.

Declines membership to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Howe, S. G. (Samuel Gridley), 1801-1876

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001693.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001693.002.jpg

Page 05-153

Letter from Benjamin Peirce to Mr. Kneeland [Samuel Kneeland], 1854 January 11; Cambridge.

Resigns membership of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peirce, Benjamin, 1809-1880; elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001694.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001694.002.jpg

Page 05-154

Letter from Benjamin Peirce to Asa Gray, 1854 January 11; Cambridge.

Informs Gray of his resignation from the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peirce, Benjamin, 1809-1880; elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001695.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001695.002.jpg

Page 05-155

Letter from Charles Brooks to Jacob Bigelow, 1854 February 12; Boston.

Discusses his thoughts on weather-law; suggests that the Ƶ pursue the study of weather, suggests a method for doing so.

Creator:  Brooks, Charles

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001696.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001696.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001696.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001696.004.jpg

Page 05-156

Letter from William Hamilton to Asa Gray, 1854 July 27; Cordale-Renton Dumbartonshire.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Requests a copy of the Ƶs Transactions.

Creator:  Hamilton, William, Sir, 1788-1856; elected 1854, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001697.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001697.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001697.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001697.004.jpg

Page 05-157

Letter from Walter Channing to Asa Gray, 1854 September 4; Boston.

Resigns membership of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Channing, Walter, 1786-1876; elected 1818

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001698.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001698.002.jpg

Page 05-158

Invitation from the New York Historical Society (George H. Moore, Secretary), 1854 September 12.

Invites recipient to the 50 year anniversary of the New York Historical Society.

Creator:  New York Historical Society.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001699.001.jpg

Page 05-159

Letter from Charles Eliot Ware to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1854 October 9; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Author elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001700.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001700.002.jpg

Page 05-160

Letter from Matthew F. Maury, 1854 October 21; National Observatory, Washington, DC.

Informs the Ƶ of a discovery of a new asteroid, Euphrosyne. Encloses approximate ephemeries [sic] and observations.

Creator:  Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001701.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001701.002.jpg

Page 05-161

Letter from Benjamin Robbins Curtis to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1854 November 9; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 1809-1874; elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001702.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001702.002.jpg

Page 05-162

Letter from Thomas Mayo Brewer to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1854 November 10; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Brewer, T. M. (Thomas Mayo), 1814-1880; elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001703.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001703.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001703.003.jpg

Page 05-163

Letter from Silas Durkee to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1854 November 11; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Durkee, Silas, 1798-1878; elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001704.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001704.002.jpg

Page 05-164

Letter from Rufus Choate to Asa Gray, 1854 November 12; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859; elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001705.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001705.002.jpg

Page 05-165

Letter from Ephraim Peabody to Asa Gray, 1854 November 14; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Peabody, Ephraim, 1807-1856; elected 1854

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001706.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001706.002.jpg

Page 05-166

Letter from George Livermore to Asa Gray, 1855 February 10; Cambridge, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Livermore, George, 1809-1865; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001707.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001707.002.jpg

Page 05-167

Death notice from Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften(Hausmann, Secretary), 1855 February 26; Göttingen.

Announcement of the death of Carl Friedrich Gauss.

Creator:   Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften.
Language:  German

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001708.001.jpg

Page 05-168

Letter from Francis Parkman to Asa Gray, 1855 May 31; Jamaica Pond.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001709.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001709.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001709.003.jpg

Page 05-169

Letter from Albert N. Arnold to Asa Gray, undated, ca. 1855 November.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Arnold, Albert Nicholas, 1814-1883, {from old catalog}; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001710.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001710.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001710.003.jpg

Page 05-170

Letter from William A. Stearns to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1855 November 16; Amherst College.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Stearns, William A. (William Augustus), 1805-1876; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001711.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001711.002.jpg

Page 05-171

Letter from John Chipman Gray to Asa Gray, 1855 November 19; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gray, John Chipman, 1793-1881; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001712.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001712.002.jpg

Page 05-172

Letter from Richard Saltonstall Greenough to Asa Gray, 1855 December 19; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Greenough, Richard S. (Richard Saltonstall), 1819-1904; elected 1855

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001713.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001713.002.jpg

Page 05-173

Letter from Washington Irving to Asa Gray, 1855 December 20; Sunnyside, Tarrytown, New York

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Irving, Washington, 1783-1859; elected 1855, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001714.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001714.002.jpg

Page 05-174

Letter from John Call Dalton to Asa Gray, 1855 December 21; New York.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dalton, John Call, 1825-1889; elected 1855, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001715.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001715.002.jpg

Page 05-175

Letter from Moses Ashley Curtis to Asa Gray, 1855 December 22; Society Hill, SC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley), 1808-1872; elected 1855, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001716.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001716.002.jpg

Page 05-176

Letter from Richard Owen to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1855 December 22; Royal College of Surgeons of England, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Owen, Richard, 1804-1892; elected 1855, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001717.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001717.002.jpg

Page 05-177

Circular from La Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève (Alph. de Candolle, Chairman of the Committee on Publications), [1856]; Geneva, Switzerland.

The Society of Physics and Natural History of Geneva announces a prize for the best monograph on botany and requests submissions.

Creator:  Société de physique et dhistoire naturelle de Gene`ve
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001718.001.jpg

Page 05-[178]

Invitation to a meeting of the Ƶ, March 11th, 1885, containing handwritten index to Letterbook Volume 5, ca. 1885.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001719.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001719.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001719.003.jpg

Page 05-[179]

Alphabetical index of Letterbook volume 5, A-N.

Typewritten page.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001720.001.jpg

Page 05-[180]

Alphabetical index of Letterbook volume 5, A-W (end of alphabet).

Typewritten page.

Image:  /RG-IB_v05/001721.001.jpg