Finding Aid |

RG I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks — Bound. Volume 04


Historical note

The Ƶ has received letters, announcements, and other forms of correspondence since the founding in 1780. All such correspondence was the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary, one of the original officers of the Ƶ. Beginning sometime in the late 1800s, incoming letters were pasted into bound scrapbooks, which the Ƶ referred to as “letterbooks.” This practice continued until 1988, when staff began saving correspondence in folders.

For the time period covered by Volume 4, the Presidents of the Ƶ were Edward Augustus Holyoke (1814-1820), John Quincy Adams (1820-1829), Nathaniel Bowditch (1829-1838), James Jackson (1838-1839), and John Pickering (1839-1846). The Corresponding Secretaries were Josiah Quincy (1809-1823), John Pickering (1823-1824), Edward Everett (1824-1829), Jacob Bigelow (1829-1831), Francis Calley Gray (1831-1837), John Pickering (1837-1839), and Charles Folsom (1839- 1844).

Scope and Content

The series of letterbooks in its entirety includes letters from newly-elected Fellows, formally accepting their elections; communications with other learned societies (especially, invitations to attend meetings or send representatives to official events, and offers to exchange publications); correspondence concerning gifts of books, maps, and natural history specimens; and inquiries from members and nonmembers regarding the submission and publication of articles.

Volume 4 contains letters and other documents received by the American Ƶ from 1818 to 1839. Some of this incoming correspondence pertains to the election of members and other administrative duties. This type of correspondence to a lesser extent includes discourse on the scientific work of fellows. Other significant topics include publication of the Ƶ Memoirs, donations to the Ƶ Library, and to a lesser degree, correspondence with other national and international academic societies. Of some note are several proposals to investigate scientific inventions and discoveries such as Benjamin Dearborn’s nautical navigation instruments. Significant to the Ƶ is an account of the first Rumford Premium awarded and a letter detailing the membership to the Ƶ of former Massachusetts first president and the American Ƶ’s fourth President, Nathaniel Bowditch.


1 volume contained within 1.5 document cases (0.75 linear feet


The Ƶ has begun disbinding the volumes of letterbooks and conserving the individual letters, and will continue that practice until all letters are in stable condition. The letterbooks in Series I-B-1 are arranged numerically by volume number. Within each volume, the original order of the pages has been retained. Generally the records are arranged in chronological order. Pages numbered with a “v” indicate that the document was pasted to the verso of the preceding page, and normally relates to document on the following page.

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Series I-B-1: General records. Letterbooks. Bound letterbooks. Volume 4, 1818-1839. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Book donations
Exchange of publications
Learnedinstitutions and societies—America
Learned institutions and societies—Publishing
Letter books Science—History


Page 04-1

Letter from George Hayward to Josiah Quincy, 1818 June 4; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hayward, George, 1791-1863; Elected 1818

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001407.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001407.002.jpg

Page 04-2

Letter from Friedrich Schlichtegroll, 1818 July 18; Munich, Bavaria.

Presents the Memoirs of the Royal Ƶ of Sciences at Munich. Discusses publication exchange.
Note: Possibly a translation of an original letter.

Creator:  Schlichtegroll, Friedrich

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001408.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001408.002.jpg

Page 04-3

Letter from Benjamin Hobhouse to Josiah Quincy, 1818 September 15; Whitton Park.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hobhouse, Benjamin, Sir, 1757-1831; Elected 1818, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001409.001.jpg
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Page 04-4

Letter from Dugald Stewart to Josiah Quincy, 1818 October 7; Kinneil House, near Edinburgh.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Stewart, Dugald, 1753-1828; Elected 1817, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001410.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001410.002.jpg

Page 04-5

Letter from Chester Dewey to Josiah Quincy, 1818 October 11; Williams College, Williamstown, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Dewey, Chester, 1784-1867; Elected 1818, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001411.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001411.002.jpg

Page 04-6

Letter from John Russell to President of The American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1818 November 12; Brig Acorn at sea.

Presents a book to the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences and outlines the procedure for retrieving it from the ship.

Creator:  Russell, John

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001412.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001412.002.jpg

Page 04-6v

Letter from William I to A. H. Everett, 1819 February 22; Brussels.

Accompanying letter in the letter books (Letter from Alexander Hill Everett to William S. Shaw, February 15, 1819) states that this is a note from the King of The United Kingdom of the Netherlands acknowledging a copy of the Memoirs sent by the Ƶ to the King.

Creator:  William I, King of the Netherlands, 1772-1843
Language:  French
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 7, 8v-9, 11, 26, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001413.001.jpg

Page 04-7

Letter from Alexander Hill Everett to William S. Shaw, 1819 February 25; Brussels.

Discusses the delivery of a copy of the Ƶs Memoirs to William I, King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Presents a note written by William I.

Creator:  Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847; Elected 1824
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v, 8v-9, 11, 26, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001414.001.jpg

Page 04-8

Letter from Jeremiah Day to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1819 April 6; Yale College.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 August 11.

Acknowledges receipt of volume 4 of the Memoirs by Yale College.

Creator:  Day, Jeremiah, 1773-1867; Elected 1813, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001415.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001415.002.jpg

Page 04-8v

Letter [from Baron de Nagell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands to Alexander H. Everett, 1819 April 13]; [Brussels].
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 August 11.

Creator:  Nagell, Anne Willem Carel, Baron van, 1756-1851
Language:  French
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v-7, 9, 11, 26, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001416.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001416.002.jpg

Page 04-9

Letter from Alexander Hill Everett to Josiah Quincy, 1819 April 13; Brussels.

Reports on the delivery of a package from the Ƶ to Repelaer von Driel, Commisary General of Public Instruction.

Creator:  Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847; Elected 1824
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v-7, 8v, 11, 26, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001417.001.jpg

Page 04-10

Letter from Benjamin Leigh Lye to Josiah Quincy, 1819 April 14; Bath.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 August 11.

Acknowledges receipt of volume 4 of the Memoirs by the Bath and West of England Society (now the Royal Bath and West of England Society).
Note: The United Kingdoms National Archives finding aid for the papers of the Bath and West of England Society states that their Secretary was Benjamin Leigh Lye.

Creator:  Leigh Lye, Benjamin

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001418.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001418.002.jpg

Page 04-11

Letter from M. Falck to Josiah Quincy, 1819 April 28; Bruxelles [Brussels].

Acknowledges receipt of the Memoirs of the Ƶ by the Biblioteque Royale de Hage.

Creator:  Falck, A. R. (Anton Reinhard), 1776-1843
Language:  French
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v-7, 8v-9, 26, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001419.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001419.002.jpg

Page 04-12

Letter from Henry Davis to Josiah Quincy, 1819 May 12; Hamilton College.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 August 11.

Acknowledges receipt of volume 4 of the Memoirs by the library at Hamilton College.

Creator:  Davis, Henry

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001420.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001420.002.jpg

Page 04-13

Letter from Francis Brown to Josiah Quincy, 1819 May 14; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 November 10.

Acknowledges receipt of volume 4 of the Memoirs by Dartmouth.
Note: Francis Brown was the president of Dartmouth College.

Creator:  Brown, Francis, 1784-1820

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001421.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001421.002.jpg

Page 04-14

Letter from Christopher Gore to Josiah Quincy, 1819 June 9; Waltham, MA.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 August 11.

Declines elected position of President of the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences.

Creator:  Gore, Christopher, 1758-1827; Elected 1796

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001422.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001422.002.jpg

Page 04-15

Letter from Francis Calley Gray to Josiah Quincy, 1819 August 27; Boston.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1819 November 10.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Gray, Francis Calley, 1790-1856; Elected 1819

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001423.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001423.002.jpg

Page 04-16

Letter from Nathan Hale to Josiah Quincy, 1819 September 11; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hale, Nathan, 1784-1863; Elected 1819

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001424.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001424.002.jpg

Page 04-17

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Josiah Quincy, 1820 June 5; Washington.

Accepts the elected position of President of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001425.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001425.002.jpg

Page 04-18

Letter from Edward Everett to Josiah Quincy, 1820 September 30; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Everett, Edward, 1794-1865; Elected 1820

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001426.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001426.002.jpg

Page 04-19

Letter from Peter S. Du Ponceau to Josiah Quincy, 1820 October 25; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844; Elected 1820

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001427.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001427.002.jpg

Page 04-20

Letter from Peter S. Du Ponceau to Josiah Quincy, 1821 January 2; Philadelphia.

Forwards a paper by Frederick Adelung of St. Petersburg to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844; Elected 1820

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001428.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001428.002.jpg

Page 04-21

Letter from Francis Vergnies to Josiah Quincy, 1821 March 26; Newburyport, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Presents gift of four busts (Cicero, Tullia, Cleopatra and Faustina) and books to the Ƶ.
Note: Letter includes a pasted-in note about Vergnies (p. 3) Note on back of letter says that it was read to the Ƶ but gives no date.

Creator:  Vergnies de Bonchiere, Francis, 1767-1830; Elected 1820
Related documents:  p. 25

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001429.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001429.002.jpg
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Page 04-22

Letter from Francis Vergnies to Josiah Quincy, 1821 May 26; Newburyport, MA.

Notes the arrival of the gifts from Vergnies by ship; discusses the procedure for delivery of items.

Creator:  Vergnies de Bonchiere, Francis, 1767-1830; Elected 1820
Related documents:  p. 25

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001430.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001430.002.jpg

Page 04-23

Letter from John Hay Farnham to Francis C. Gray, 1821 June 13; Salem, IN.

Provides instructions for sending the Ƶs transactions to the Indiana Historical Society ; discusses publication exchange. Requests that Francis C. Gray be a member of the Indiana Historical Societys Friends & Partners.

Creator:  Farnham, John H. (John Hay), 1791-1833

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001431.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001431.002.jpg

Page 04-24

Letter from George Ticknor to Corresponding Secretary of the Ƶ, 1821 July 16; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ticknor, George, 1791-1871; Elected 1821

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001432.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001432.002.jpg

Page 04-25

Letter from Francis Vergnies to Josiah Quincy, 1821 August 18; Newburyport, MA.

Acknowledges receipt of letter and diploma from the Ƶ.

Creator:  Vergnies de Bonchiere, Francis, 1767-1830; Elected 1820
Related documents:  pp. 21-22

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001433.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001433.002.jpg

Page 04-26

Letter from A. H. Everett to Josiah Quincy, 1822 April 9; The Hague.

Forwards the Flora Batava from the Minister of Public Instruction and 2 packets to be delivered to the American Philosophical Society.

Creator:  Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847; Elected 1824
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v-7, 8v-9, 11, 58

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001434.001.jpg

Page 04-27

Letter from Wilhelm Humboldt to John Quincy Adams, 1822 October 2.

[Thanks for membership diploma. Discusses the study of languages and alphabets].
Note: Includes notes in English: Humboldt, Baron, 2 Octr. 1822; Baron Wm Humboldt, Oct. 2, 1822; Received and forwarded by E. Everett, Boston Dec. 29, 1822.

Creator:  Humboldt, Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1767-1835; Elected 1822, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001435.001.jpg
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Page 04-28

Letter from John White Webster to Josiah Quincy, ca. 1823.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Webster, John White, 1793-1850; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001436.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001436.002.jpg

Page 04-29

Letter from Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn to Josiah Quincy, 1823 February 18; Brinley Place, Roxbury, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Dearborn, H. A. S. (Henry Alexander Scammell), 1783-1851; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001437.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001437.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001437.003.jpg

Page 04-30

Letter from Samuel F. Jarvis to Josiah Quincy, 1823 February 25; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jarvis, Samuel F. (Samuel Farmar), 1786-1851; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001438.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001438.002.jpg

Page 04-31

Letter from William Zollickoffer, 1823 March 14; Middlebury, MD.

Encloses [undescribed] copies for the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences.

Creator:  Zollickoffer, William, 1793-1853

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001439.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001439.002.jpg

Page 04-32

Letter from William Wells to Josiah Quincy, 1823 April 5.

Presents a gift of a book to the Ƶ.
Note: Note on the back of the letter 5 April 1823 William Wells, with a copy of a Chemical Work of Samuel Parker.

Creator:  Wells, William, 1773-1860; Elected 1813

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001440.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001440.003.jpg

Page 04-33

Letter from John Ware to Josiah Quincy, 1823 May 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ware, John, 1795-1864; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001441.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001441.002.jpg

Page 04-34

Letter from Benjamin Dearborn to John Quincy Adams, 1823 May 27; Boston.

Describes Dearborns nautical navigation instruments and requests the Ƶ appoint a committee to review them.

Creator:  Dearborn, Benjamin, 1754-1838; Elected 1794

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001442.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001442.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001442.003.jpg

Page 04-35

Letter from H. Hutton to Secretary of The American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1823 August 6; London (34. Southampton Row).

Presents gift of medal depicting his late father, Charles Hutton, 1737-1823 (1788, FHM).

Creator:  Hutton, H. [George Henry]

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001443.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001443.003.jpg

Page 04-36

Letter from Lemuel Shaw to Edward Everett, 1824 February 12; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001444.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001444.002.jpg

Page 04-37

Letter from Daniel Treadwell to John Pickering, 1824 March 19; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Treadwell, Daniel, 1791-1872; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001445.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001445.002.jpg

Page 04-38

Letter from Samuel Howe to John Pickering, 1824 March 25; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Howe, Samuel, 1785-1828; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001446.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001446.002.jpg

Page 04-38v

Envelope for letter from John Quincy Adams to Edward Everett, March 29, 1824.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797
Related documents:  p. 39

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001447.001.jpg

Page 04-39

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Edward Everett, 1824 March 29; Washington [DC].

Acknowledges receipt of requests by the Ƶ for Adams to deliver an address and attend meetings in the coming year. Suggests the following year would be a better time.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797
Related documents:  p. 38

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001448.001.jpg

Page 04-40

Letter from George Blake to John Pickering, 1824 April 7; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Blake, George, 1769-1841; Elected 1824

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001449.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001449.002.jpg

Page 04-41

Letter from Benjamin Waterhouse to John Thornton Kirkland, 1824 May 4; Cambridge, MA.

Forwards Historique Notice on Dr. Jenner to the Ƶ as sent by chevalier Valentin [Louis Valentin, 1794, FHM]. Includes Provincial Monument to Dr. Jenner, a printed resolution by the Medical Gentlemen, 1823.
Note: Letter from Waterhouse is written on the same folio as Provincial Monument to Dr. Jenner, a printed resolution by the Medical Gentlemen, 1823.

Creator:  Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846; Elected 1795

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001450.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001450.003.jpg

Page 04-42

Letter from John Glen King to Edward Everett, 1824 September 7; Salem [MA].

Informs the Ƶ that its request, sent August 1824, to make an application to the state government of Massachusetts requesting that a printing be made of the Ancient Journals of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts- Bay, and of Plymouth County, was communicated and considered.

Creator:  King, John Glen, 1787-1857

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001451.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001451.003.jpg

Page 04-43

Letter from Jacob Bigelow to Edward Everett, 1824 November 4; Boston.

Declines the elected position of Recording Secretary.

Creator:  Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879; Elected 1812

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001452.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001452.002.jpg

Page 04-44

Letter from Samuel Hoar to Edward Everett, 1824 December 27; Concord, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hoar, Samuel, 1778-1856; Elected 1824

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001453.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001453.002.jpg

Page 04-45

Letter from Francis Calley Gray to Edward Everett, ca. 1825.

Informs the Ƶ that the Athenaeum does not have space to store copies of the Ƶs Memoirs.

Creator:  Gray, Francis Calley, 1790-1856; Elected 1819

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001454.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001454.002.jpg

Page 04-46

Letter from Levi Lincoln to Edward Everett, 1825 January 8; Worcester, MA.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lincoln, Levi, 1782-1868; Elected 1824

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001455.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001455.002.jpg

Page 04-47

Letter from Samuel Howe to Edward Everett, 1825 January 14; Northampton.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Howe, Samuel, 1785-1828; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001456.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001456.002.jpg

Page 04-48

Letter from Joseph Emerson Worcester to Edward Everett, 1825 January 24.

Presents a paper by Worcester to the Ƶ for potential publication.

Creator:  Worcester, Joseph E. (Joseph Emerson), 1784-1865; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001457.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001457.002.jpg

Page 04-48v

Envelope for letter from John Quincy Adams to Edward Everett, April 23 1825.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797
Related documents:  p. 49

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001458.001.jpg

Page 04-49

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Edward Everett, 1825 April 23; Washington, DC.

Acknowledges receipt of request by the Ƶ for Adams to deliver an address and attend meetings in the coming year.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797
Related documents:  p. 48v

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001459.001.jpg

Page 04-50

Letter from Samuel Putnam to Edward Everett, 1825 April 28; Northampton.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Putnam, Samuel, 1768-1853; Elected 1824

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001460.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001460.002.jpg

Page 04-51

Letter from Samuel Sumner Wilde to Edward Everett, 1825 May 28; Newburyport.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wilde, Samuel S. (Samuel Sumner), 1771-1855; Elected 1825

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001461.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001461.002.jpg

Page 04-52

Letter to Edward Everett, 1825 June 25; Wheeling, VA.

Requests that Z.Z.Z. at Washington City be informed about the results of the prize essay for the question Enumeration of the Materials for the history of the native Tribes of America before Columbus has been awarded.

Related documents:  RG XX: Committees on affairs of the Ƶ (standing). Early Records (pre-1944), 1784-1936. Report of Publications Committee on essays offered for the Ƶ Prize, 10 Aug 1825

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001462.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001462.002.jpg

Page 04-53

Letter from John C. Warren to John Lathrop, [1825]

Presents a copy of the communications of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

Creator:  Warren, John Collins, 1778-1856; Elected 1808

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001463.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001463.002.jpg

Page 04-54

Letter from James Bowdoin to Edward Everett, 1825 July 10; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bowdoin, James, 1794-1833; Elected 1825

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001464.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001464.002.jpg

Page 04-55

Letter from Henry Ware, Jr. to Edward Everett, 1825 July 28; Boston.

Declines election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Ware, Henry, 1794-1843

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001465.001.jpg
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Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001465.003.jpg

Page 04-56

Letter from Octavius Pickering to Edward Everett, 1825 November 14; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Pickering, Octavius, 1791-1868; Elected 1825

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001466.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001466.002.jpg

Page 04-57

Letter from James Luce Kingsley to Edward Everett, 1825 November 19; New Haven.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kingsley, James Luce, 1778-1852; Elected 1825

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001467.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001467.002.jpg

Page 04-58

Letter from Alexander Hill Everett to Josiah Quincy, 1826 April 7; Brussels.

Presents a packet sent by the Baron Falck, minister of Public Instruction to the Ƶ, and requests that an additional packet be forwarded to the Philosophical Society in Philadelphia via Mr. Vaughn.

Creator:  Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847; Elected 1824
Related documents:  Volume 02, p. 121; Volume 03, pp. 6-6e, 8, 21, 33, 120; Volume 04, pp. 6v-7, 8v-9, 11, 26

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001468.001.jpg

Page 04-59

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Edward Everett, 1826 August 16; Quincy.

Acknowledges receipt of the Ƶs Proceedings. Discusses the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Creator:  Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848; Elected 1797

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001469.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001469.002.jpg

Page 04-60

Acknowledges receipt of the Ƶs publication on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

Creator:  Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840; Elected 1799

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001470.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001470.002.jpg

Page 04-61

Letter from Nathaniel Niles to John T. Kirkland, 1827 January 17; Boston.

Presents a gift of a bas relief from Pompeii to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Niles, Nathaniel, 1791-1869

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001471.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001471.002.jpg

Page 04-62

Letter from Joel Roberts Poinsett to Edward Everett, 1827 January 28; Mexico.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1827 May 28.

Presents a gift of an engraved copy of the most ancient hieroglyphical manuscript now in existence. States intention to send specimens of ancient sculpture.
Note: Wrapper annotated: Mr. Poncet with Wm Bullock / Prese. Poinsett elected 1825; Bullock not a member.

Creator:  Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851; Elected 1825
Related documents:  RG I-C Unbound communications, Folder 19. May be published plates; hand-written table of contents. 

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001472.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001472.002.jpg

Page 04-63

Letter from Warren Colburn to Edward Everett, 1827 July 11; Lowell.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Colburn, Warren, 1793-1833; Elected 1827

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001473.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001473.002.jpg

Page 04-64

Letter from Solomon Pearson Miles to Edward Everett, 1827 August 29; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Miles, Solomon Pearson, 1791-1842; Elected 1827

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001474.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001474.002.jpg

Page 04-65

Letter from Thaddeus William Harris to Edward Everett, 1827 November 12; Milton.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Harris, Thaddeus William, 1795-1856; Elected 1827

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001475.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001475.002.jpg

Page 04-66

Letter from George Barrell Emerson to Edward Everett, 1827 November 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Emerson, George B. (George Barrell), 1797-1881; Elected 1827

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001476.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001476.002.jpg

Page 04-67

Letter from David Gould to Edward Everett, 1828 May 27; Boston, No. 17 Court Street.

Presents a system of algebra to the Ƶ for review.
Note: Note on the back of the letter in pencil says referred to Prof. Farrar.

Creator:  Gould, David

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001477.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001477.002.jpg

Page 04-68

Letter from Thomas Young to Edward Everett, 1828 June 1; Park Square, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and receipt of diploma.

Creator:  Young, Thomas, 1773-1829; Elected 1822, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001478.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001478.002.jpg

Page 04-69

Letter from Edward Everett to Francis Calley Gray, 1829 April 4; Winter-hill, Charlestown.

Requests that Gray inform the Ƶ that he does not wish to be a candidate for Corresponding Secretary at the upcoming Ƶ Annual Meeting.

Creator:  Everett, Edward, 1794-1865; Elected 1820

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001479.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001479.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001479.003.jpg

Page 04-70

Letter from Francis Calley Gray to Nathan Hale, 1829 June 11.

Provides information necessary to perform the duties of the Recording Secretary. Encloses papers of the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gray, Francis Calley, 1790-1856; Elected 1819

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001480.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001480.002.jpg

Page 04-71

Letter from Nathaniel Bowditch to Francis Calley Gray, 1829 August 1; Boston.

Acknowledges and accepts the elected position of Ƶ President.

Creator:  Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838; Elected 1799

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001481.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001481.002.jpg

Page 04-72

Letter from John Farrar to Francis Calley Gray, [1829] August 2; New Bedford, MA.

Acknowledges and accepts the elected position of Ƶ Vice President.

Creator:  Farrar, John, 1779-1853; Elected 1808

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001482.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001482.002.jpg

Page 04-73

Letter from Benjamin Waterhouse to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1829 August 10; Cambridge.

Presents a copy of an inaugural oration delivered at Harvard, ca. 1792.

Creator:  Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846; Elected 1795

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001483.001.jpg

Page 04-74

Letter from David Brewster to Edward Everett, 1830 February 15; Allerly by Melrose.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Brewster, David, Sir, 1781-1868; Elected 1822

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001484.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001484.002.jpg

Page 04-75

Letter from Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1831 January 26; Boston.

Discusses a bequest made to the Ƶ by Christopher Gore (1758-1827) and requests that Ƶ make a declaratory vote releasing the bequest.

Creator:  Bowditch, N. I. (Nathaniel Ingersoll), 1805-1861

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001485.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001485.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001485.003.jpg

Page 04-75v

Letter from John Farrar to President Quincy, ca. 1831.

States that Farrar is unable to attend a meeting of the Ƶ; declines candidacy for elected position of Ƶ Vice President.
Note: Note on back of letter reads 24 May 31 (?).

Creator:  Farrar, John, 1779-1853; Elected 1808

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001486.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001486.002.jpg

Page 04-76

Letter from William Sweetser to Francis Calley Gray, 1831 May 31; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Sweetser, William, 1797-1875; Elected 1831, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001487.001.jpg

Page 04-77

Letter from John Waldo Lincoln to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1831 May 31; Senate Chamber.

Presents extracts from the will of Isaiah Thomas that contain bequests to the Ƶ, requests information on behalf of the wills executor.

Creator:  Lincoln, John W. (John Waldo), 1787-1852

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001488.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001488.002.jpg

Page 04-78

[Extracts from the Will and Codicils of Isaiah Thomas]

Enclosed by John Waldo Lincoln in his letter to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1831 May 31.

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001489.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001489.002.jpg

Page 04-79

Letter from Alonzo Potter to Francis Calley Gray, 1831 June 3; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Potter, Alonzo, 1800-1865; Elected 1831, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001490.001.jpg

Page 04-80

Letter from Henry James Anderson to Francis Calley Gray, 1831 June 7; New York Col. Coll.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Requests that his thanks be sent to Nathaniel Bowditch.

Creator:  Anderson, Henry J. (Henry James), 1799-1875; Elected 1831, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001491.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001491.002.jpg

Page 04-81

Letter from John Reed to Jacob Bigelow, 1831 June 29; Yarmouth Port.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Reed, John, 1781-1860; Elected 1830

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001492.001.jpg

Page 04-82

Letter from William Cranch Bond to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 March 12; Dorchester.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bond, William Cranch, 1789-1859; Elected 1832

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001493.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001493.002.jpg

Page 04-83

Letter from Theodore Strong, 1832 April 23; New Brunswick, NJ

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Strong, Theodore, 1790-1869; Elected 1832, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001494.001.jpg

Page 04-84

Letter from Eugenius Nulty to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 May 1; Philadelphia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Nulty, Eugenius. [from old catalog]; Elected 1832, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001495.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001495.002.jpg

Page 04-85

Letter from John Pickering to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1832 May 28.

States that copies of Râles manuscript will be delivered to the Ƶ. States that Pickering will not be attending the Ƶs meeting. Requests that a message be given to Mr. Hale.

Creator:  Pickering, John, 1777-1846; Elected 1810

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001496.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001496.002.jpg

Page 04-86

Letter from Adrien Le Gendre to President and Members of the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1832 July 3; Paris.

Thanks the Ƶ for his diploma as Foreign Honorary Member; regrets that he has no new publications to share.

Creator:  Le Gendre, Adrien Marie, 1752-1833; Elected 1832, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001497.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001497.002.jpg

Page 04-87

Letter from Peter Barlow to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 July 14; Woburn.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001498.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001498.002.jpg

Page 04-88

Letter from John Frederick William Herschel to the Corresponding Secretary of the Ƶ, 1832 July 16; Stough, near Windsor Berk.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William), Sir, 1792-1871; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001499.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001499.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001499.003.jpg

Page 04-89

Letter from Henry Kater to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 July 27; 12 York Gate – Regents Park, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Kater, Henry, 1777-1835; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001500.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001500.002.jpg

Page 04-90

Letter from Michael Faraday to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 July 28; Royal Institution.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001501.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001501.002.jpg

Page 04-91

Letter from Charles Babbage to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 August 5; Dorset P Manchester Square, London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001502.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001502.002.jpg

Page 04-92

Letter from George Biddell Airy to Francis Calley Gray, 1832 September 20; Observatory, Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Airy, George Biddell, Sir, 1801-1892; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001503.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001503.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001503.003.jpg

Page 04-93

Letter from John William Lubbock to Francis Calley Gray, 1833 June 15; London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lubbock, J. W. (John William), 1803-1865; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001504.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001504.002.jpg

Page 04-94

Letter from Davies Gilbert to Francis Calley Gray, 1833 September 20; East Bourne in the County of Sussex England.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.
Note: Gilded edge.

Creator:  Gilbert, Davies, 1767-1839; Elected 1832, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001505.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001505.002.jpg

Page 04-95

Letter from Edward Wigglesworth to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 March 12; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Wigglesworth, E. (Edward), 1804-1876; Elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001506.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001506.002.jpg

Page 04-96

Letter from J.R.L. Kerckhove to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 April 3; Anvers, Belgium.

Thanks the Ƶ for acknowledging his essay on cholera.

Creator:  Kerckhove, Joseph Romain Louis, comte de, 1789-1867
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001507.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001507.002.jpg

Page 04-97

Letter from Thomas Lindall Winthrop to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1834 May 24.
Read at Stated Meeting, 1834 May 27.

Declines candidacy for Ƶ Treasurer. Requests that a committee retrieve Ƶs materials from him.

Creator:  Winthrop, Thomas L. (Thomas Lindall), 1760-1841; Elected 1813

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001508.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001508.002.jpg

Page 04-97 v

Letter from Marie Charles Theodore Damoiseau (Baron de) to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 May 2; Paris.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ; thanks the Ƶ for the honor.

Creator:  Damoiseau de Monfort, Marie-Charles-Theodore, baron de, 1768-1846; Elected 1832, FHM
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001509.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001509.002.jpg

Page 04-98

Letter from Alexandre Moreau de Jonnes to American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, 1834 June 3; Paris.

[At the suggestion of Damoiseau, offers a publication on the population of Europe to the Ƶ(?)].

Creator:  Moreau de Jonnes, Alexandre, 1778-1870
Language:  French

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001510.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001510.002.jpg

Page 04-99

Letter from Edward Hitchcock to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 June 21; Amherst, MA

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864; Elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001511.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001511.002.jpg

Page 04-100

Letter from James Hayward to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 June 26; Cambridge [MA].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Hayward, James, 1786-1866; Elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001512.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001512.002.jpg

Page 04-101

Letter from Joshua Bates to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 July 9; Middlebury College [VT].

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Bates, Joshua, 1776-1854; Elected 1834

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001513.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001513.002.jpg

Page 04-102

Letter from Francis Alger to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 August 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Alger, Francis, 1807-1863; Elected 1833

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001514.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001514.002.jpg

Page 04-103

Letter from Francis Palgrave to Francis Calley Gray, 1834 September 18; Record Office, Treasury of the Exchequer, Chapter House, Poets Corner, Westminster.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Palgrave, Francis, Sir, 1788-1861; Elected 1834, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001515.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001515.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001515.003.jpg

Page 04-104

Letter from Robert Maskell Patterson to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1834 November 6; University of Virginia.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Patterson, Robert M. (Robert Maskell), 1787-1854; Elected 1834, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001516.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001516.002.jpg

Page 04-105

Letter from Gamaliel Bradford to Daniel Treadwell, 1835 January 24; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.
Note: Declines election.

Creator:  Bradford, Gamaliel, 1795-1839; Elected 1830

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001517.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001517.002.jpg

Page 04-106

Letter from the Royal Society (Charles Dietrich Eberhard, Secretary) to the Secretary of the Ƶ, 1835 March 1; Royal Society of London, Somerset House, England.

Announces the topics for the Royal Society medals.
Note: On thin, vellum-type paper.

Creator:  König, Charles Dietrich Eberhard, 1774-1851

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001518.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001518.002.jpg

Page 04-107

Letter from Thomas Lindall Winthrop to Nathaniel Bowditch, 1835 June 23; Boston.

Donates the Meteorological journal by Prof. Winthrop [John Winthrop] 1742-1779. Proposes that the Ƶ publish the journal.
Note: John Winthrops meteorological journals are now on deposit at Harvard University.

Creator:  Winthrop, Thomas L. (Thomas Lindall), 1760-1841; Elected 1813

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001519.001.jpg

Page 04-108

Letter from Marc Isambard Brunel to Francis Calley Gray, 1835 September 7; Thames Tunnel.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Describes Brunels travels and work in New York in the context of his becoming an engineer.

Creator:  Brunel, Marc Isambard, Sir, 1769-1849; Elected 1834, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.003.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.004.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.005.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001520.006.jpg

Page 04-109

Letter from Francis Boott to Francis Calley Gray, 1836 November 10; London.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Boott, Francis, 1792-1863; Elected 1835, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001521.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001521.002.jpg

Page 04-110

Letter from Heinrich Christian Schumacher to Francis Calley Gray, 1836 December 6; Altona, Denmark.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Acknowledges receipt of the Almanac for 1836, sent by Mr. Vaughn librarian, requests the preceding volumes, and provides a forwarding address.

Creator:  Schumacher, Heinrich Christian, 1780-1850; Elected 1834, FHM

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001522.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001522.002.jpg

Page 04-111

Letter from David Humphreys Storer to John Pickering, 1837 December 30; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Storer, David Humphreys, 1804-1891; Elected 1837

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001523.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001523.002.jpg

Page 04-112

Letter from Jasper Adams to Francis Calley Gray, 1837 February 3; Charleston, SC.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Adams, J. (Jasper), 1793-1841; Elected 1835

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001524.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001524.002.jpg

Page 04-113

Letter from Niccolo Cacciatore to John Pickering, 1837 December 18; Palermo.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Cacciatore, Niccolo, 1780-1841; Elected 1837, FHM
Language:  Italian

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001525.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001525.002.jpg

Page 04-114

Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to John Pickering, 1838 January 13; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001526.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001526.002.jpg

Page 04-115

Letter from Charles Thomas Jackson to John Pickering, 1838 January 14; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jackson, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), 1805-1880; Elected 1837

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001527.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001527.002.jpg

Page 04-116

Letter from John Pickering to Josiah Quincy, 1838 March 22; Boston.

Discusses the request that he write a eulogy for Nathaniel Bowditch.

Creator:  Pickering, John, 1777-1846; Elected 1810

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001528.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001528.002.jpg

Page 04-117

Letter from Edward Claudius Herrick to John Pickering, 1838 June 27; New Haven.

Discusses the Connecticut Ƶ of Arts and Sciences resolutions regarding the death of Nathaniel Bowditch. Provides a history of Nathaniel Bowditchs membership in the Ƶ.

Creator:  Herrick, Edward Claudius, 1811-1862

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001529.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001529.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001529.003.jpg

Page 04-118

Letter from Francis William Pitt Greenwood to John Pickering, 1838 October 18; Temple Place.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ and encloses dues.

Creator:  Greenwood, F. W. P. (Francis William Pitt), 1797-1843; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001530.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001530.002.jpg

Page 04-119

Letter from Marcus Catlin to John Pickering, 1838 November 20; Clinton.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ. Inquires about Ƶ publications and their prices.

Creator:  Catlin, Marcus, 1805-1849; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001531.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001531.002.jpg

Page 04-120

Letter from Joseph Hale Abbot to John Pickering, 1839 January 10; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Abbot, Jos. Hale (Joseph Hale), 1802-1873; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001532.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001532.002.jpg

Page 04-121

Letter from Joseph Roby to John Pickering, 1839 January 17; 1 Somerset Place, Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Roby, Joseph, 1807-1860; Elected 1838, Associate Fellow

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001533.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001533.002.jpg

Page 04-122

Letter from Martin Gay to John Pickering, 1839 January 25; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Gay, Martin, 1803-1850; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001534.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001534.002.jpg

Page 04-123

Letter from John Barnard Swett Jackson to John Pickering, 1839 February 8; Boston.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Jackson, J. B. S. (John Barnard Swett), 1806-1879; Elected 1838

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001535.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001535.002.jpg

Page 04-124

Letter from Joseph Lovering to John Pickering, 1839 May 17; Cambridge.

Acknowledges election to the Ƶ.

Creator:  Lovering, Joseph, 1813-1892; Elected 1839

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001536.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001536.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001536.003.jpg

Page 04-125

Letter from Daniel Treadwell to John Pickering, 1839 June 5; Cambridge.

Discusses the awarding of the first Rumford Medal to Robert Hare; discusses the record of the report of the Rumford Committee.

Creator:  Treadwell, Daniel, 1791-1872; Elected 1823

Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001537.001.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001537.002.jpg
Image:  /RG-IB_v04/001537.003.jpg

Page 04-126

Letter from Daniel Treadwell to John Pickering, 1839 October 7; Boston.

Invitation to a meeting of the committees of the several societies associated to erect a monument to the Late Dr. Bowditch on October 10, 1839.
Note: Note on back of the letter reads: met accordingly; and adjourned till information from Europe as to cost of a bronze statue.

Creator:  Treadwell, Daniel, 1791-1872; Elected 1823

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Page 04-[127]

Alphabetical index of Letterbook volume 4, A-I.

Index of correspondents, A-I.

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Page 04-[128]

Alphabetical index of Letterbook volume 4, J-Z.

Index of correspondents, J-Z.

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