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RGXXI: Committee on International Studies of Arms Control (CISAC) aka Soviet-American Disarmament Studies (SADS)


Historical Note

The Committee on International Studies of Arms Control (CISAC), was primarily referred to by committee members as the Soviet-American Disarmament Study (SADS). The goal of the project was to promote joint US-USSR study and discussion on issues in arms control. Efforts to organize began in 1961 and 1962 with Richard Leghorn and Donald G. Brennan as Chairs, respectively. In 1963 with Paul Doty as Chair, the Committee received funding from the Ford Foundation. Paul Doty would serve as Chair until the conclusion of the project within the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in 1975, with Benjamin H. Brown serving as Secretary from 1967-1975. Cooperation with the Soviet Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences was secured by its Vice-President, Dmitri Millionshchikov. 

The first US-Soviet meeting was held on June 7-20, 1964 in Cambridge and was an informal meeting, held off the record and death with issues of international tension, proliferation, and anti-missile systems. A follow-up meeting occurred on March 29, 1965 in Moscow. Other meetings with different international constituents followed on February 18-21, 1965 in Cambridge, and on January 26-28, 1966 at Haus Eggenberg in Ebenhausen, Bavaria (held jointly with Gesellschaft für Auswartige Politik of Bonn). Thereafter, as Soviet scientists were more easily able to participate in cooperative efforts via the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, it was decided that Pugwash be the natural alternative for US-Soviet dialog for the next several years.

Efforts in 1966 then turned to issues relating to Indian and Japanese security issues. In 1966, with the cooperation of physicist and astronomer Vikram Sarabhai, the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ organized a bilateral meeting held in New Delhi on June 3-6, 1966; a follow-up meeting was held in Cambridge on June 3, 1968. The Committee also provided initial funding for the eventual Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Committee on Japanese American Relations (1967-1974). 

US-Soviet bilateral discussion was renewed with meetings held October 30, 1969 in Moscow; September 17, 1970 in Cambridge; and on July 10-12, 1972 in Moscow. The 1973 meeting was delayed until February 1-4, 1974 due to the death of Millionshchikov. The last meeting was held in Moscow on August 20-22, 1975, organized with M.A. Markov. 
Thereafter the Ford grant sponsoring the activities of the Committee at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, which had been updated and extended several times, finally expired.

Scope and Content

The series is contained within the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Archives’ Record Group XXI: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects and Programs. It contains the administrative and project records of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ relating to the Committee, from 1961-1975. The majority of the records were created or received from 1963-1974, by Paul Doty and Benjamin H. Brown. The records primarily include correspondence; records related to the planning and activity of international meetings; and records related to the activity of individual meetings of the committee. Of note is correspondence, primarily by cable, between Paul Doty and his Soviet counterpart in the project, President of the Soviet Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences, Dmitri Millionschikov. 

Also included are records related to a Program for Sciences and International Affairs (PSIA) which represents an attempt to continue the project within the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

See related records RGXXII: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects and Programs, Committee on Japanese-American Relations, a project sponsored by CISAC. See also related unprocessed records of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ's Committee on the Public Responsibility of Scientists which organized and sponsored the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ's involvement in Pugwash. CISAC meetings often coincided with Pugwash meetings. More specifically, a later Indian Meeting on Jan 9-12, 1974, held as a continuation of the Indian Meetings organized by CISAC, was held as a Pugwash meeting.


The series is contained within the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Archives’ Record Group XXI: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects and Programs. It contains the administrative and project records of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ relating to the Committee, from 1961-1975. The majority of the records were created or received from 1963-1974, by Paul Doty and Benjamin H. Brown. The records primarily include correspondence; records related to the planning and activity of international meetings; and records related to the activity of individual meetings of the committee. Of note is correspondence, primarily by cable, between Paul Doty and his Soviet counterpart in the project, President of the Soviet Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences, Dmitri Millionschikov. 

This series is arranged into 4 subseries: Subseries 1: Chronology, 1961-1975; Subseries 2: International Meetings, 1963-1969; Subseries 3: Administrative Files, 1963-1975; and Subseries 4: Program for Science & International Affairs (PSIA), 1973-1974.

The collection's individual groups are arranged chronologically. 

Subseries 2: International Meetings is further divided into 6 sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 2.1: General, 1963-1969; Sub-subseries 2.2: 1964 European Meeting, 1963-1965; Sub-subseries 2.3: 1965 European Meeting, 1964-1965; Sub-subseries 2.4: 1965 Moscow Meeting, 1964-1965; Sub-subseries 2.5: 1966 Indian Meeting, 1966; and Sub-subseries 2.6: 1968 Indian Meeting, 1968.

Subseries 3: Administrative Files is further divided into 3 sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 3.1: Compiled Committee Files, 1963-1975; Sub-subseries 3.2: Correspondence, 1963-1974; and Sub-subseries 3.3: Financial Records 1964-1975. Sub-subseries 3.2: Correspondence is further divided into 2 sub-sub-subseries: Sub-sub-subseries 3.2.1: General, 1963-1968; and Sub-sub-subseries 3.2.2: SADS Members 1966-1974.


8 records center cartons (7.25 linear feet)

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Record Group XXI: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Projects – Committee on International Studies of Arms Control (CISAC) aka Soviet-American Disarmament Studies (SADS), 1961-1975, 1987. Archives, American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Brown, Benjamin H.
Doty, Paul M., 1920-2011
Millionshchikov, A. D. (Anatoliĭ Dmitrievich)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
Haus Eggenberg (Germany)
Moscow (Russia)
India -- Relations -- United States
Nuclear arms control
Science and state -- United States
Soviet Union -- Relations -- United States


Subseries 1: Chronology, 1961-1975

Description: This subseries contains files collected together to act as a history of the committee. This primarily includes correspondence, particularly between Paul Doty and Dmitri Millionshchikov, but also notes for meetings and lunches. 

Arrangement: Original order, chronological.

Box 1

Folder 1 COSWA VII [1961]
Folder 2 Original Proposals, Financing, Etc. - 1961
Folder 3 Original Proposals, Meetings, Etc. - 1962
Folder 4 Comparison of Disarmament Treaties - Bull. of At. Sci., Sept. 1962
Folder 5 1963
Folder 6 Shulman: Statement to Senate on Proposed Test Ban Treaty, August 26 1963
Folder 7 Alastair Buchan in Encounter "Age of Insecurity" June and August, 1963
Folder 8 Polyani First Step - Sealed Records Caches? [nd]
Folder 9 Rodberg in Journal of Arms Control "Graduated Access Inspection" - April 1963
Folder 10 Ruth Russell Under the Sword of Damocles (Draft Chap III) [1963]
Folder 11 Memorandum of Doty-Shulman Moscow Trip, June 3-8, 1963
Folder 12 Committee Meeting: Aug. 29, 1963 - Minutes
Folder 13 Finkelstein - Recent Soviet Lit. Dealing with US Studies of Arms Control and Disarmament [1963-1965]
Folder 14 "Bomber Disarmament" - Jeremy J. Stone Febr. 15, '64
Folder 15 Plan for Participation in First Session - American Participants [1964]
Folder 16 [M. Shulman - Opening section on S.A.D. Report] [1963]
Folder 17 "First Step - Sealed Records Caches" John C. Polyani [nd]
Folder 18 M. Shulman - A General Approach to Forms of Collaboration between Adversary Societies… [1963]
Folder 19 Stone Paper: Nov. 15, 1963 - Provisional Draft (there is now new copy)
Folder 20 Planning Materials [1963]
Folder 21 Partan Paper [1963]
Folder 22 Frank Long - Immediate Steps toward GCD [1963]
Folder 23 Betty G. Lall - Preventing the Spread of Nuclear Weapons [nd]
Folder 24 Drafts - Frisch Paper [1964]
Folder 25 Biographical Info on Soviets [1964]
Folder 26 Fisher - Statement to the 18 Nation Committee on Disarmament - April 16, 1964
Folder 27 Washington Star Article - April 19, 1964
Folder 28 Possible Participants - April 23, 1964
Folder 29 Committee Meeting - April 28, 1964 - Agenda, Minutes, etc.
Folder 30 Doty to Millionshchikov - April 29, 1964
Folder 31 Cable Doty to Millionshchikov - April 30, 1964
Folder 32 Participant Assignments [1964]
Folder 33 Minutes & Agenda May 7, 1964
Folder 34 Cable Doty to Millionshchikov - May 21, 1964
Folder 35 People to Involve in June Session [1964]
Folder 36 Report to Ford Foundation Plus Letter and Enclosures May 15, 1964
Folder 37 Committee Meeting - May 15, 1964 - Agenda, Minutes, etc.
Folder 38 Cable Shulman to Doty, May 12, '64
Folder 39 Agenda (Proposed May 29, 1964)
Folder 40 Information Sheets [1964]
Folder 41 Information Sheet - In Russian [1964]
Folder 42 Staff Memorandum [nd]
Folder 43 Meeting - June 1, 1964 - Agenda and Minutes
Folder 44 June 2, 1964 Meeting in Wash. or Committee and Participants
Folder 45 Chart of Session - June 1, 1964
Folder 46 Chart of Session - In Russian - June 2, 1964
Folder 47 Finkelstein Supplementary Memorandum No. II: Soviet Articles of Revelance to Joint Study Group May 18, 1964
Folder 48 Fact Sheet June 6, 1964
Folder 49 Committee Meeting - June 14, 1964 - Agenda, Minutes, etc.
Folder 50 Schedule Week of June 15-19, 1964 - 2nd Week of Conference
Folder 51 Lists from June Conference: Doty's Reception; Rooming; Personnel [1964]
Folder 52 Schedule June 19-24, 1964; 3rd Week, Travel to New York for Soviets and Lall
Folder 53 Biographical List of Participants [1964]
Folder 54 Outline reference to Notes taken on First Session (6/26/64)
Folder 55 Estimated Expenses of First Session (June 26, 1964)
Folder 56 Committee Meeting - July 1, 1964 - Agenda, Minutes, etc.
Folder 57 Letter - Brown to Jung July 3, '64 re Discussion Papers
Folder 58 Cables: Doty to Millionshchikov (7/2/64): Millionshch. To Doty (7/9/64)
Folder 59 Memo from Doty, Quest. re Dates for A/C Disc., Memo to Bren., Hak, Mds, Lbs. Oct. 29 and 30, 1964
Folder 60 Committee Meeting - October 1, '64 - Agenda and Minutes
Folder 61 Committee Meeting: October 23 '64 - Agenda and Minutes
Folder 62 Trans. for Frisch of Articles by Sedov, Emelyanov, Millionshchikov [1964]
Folder 63 Article by Talensky, Internat'l Affairs, Oct. '64, 
Folder 64 Memo from Doty re Dates for Session in Moscow Nov. 5, '64
Folder 65 Cable Doty to Millionshchikov - November 10, 1964
Folder 66 Memorandum Doty to Committee Etc - Nov. 13 re two meetings Dec. 2, 18
Folder 67 Millionshchikov to Doty Cable - November 20, 1964
Folder 68 Suggestions for Europeans [1964]
Folder 69 Draft Letter to a European [1964]
Folder 70 SADS Seminar, December 2, 1964
Folder 71 Draft Cable to Millionshchikov - December 8, 1964
Folder 72 December 8 Meeting: Minutes, Agenda, etc.
Folder 73 Summary of Pravda Article on Sov. Gov. Memo, Dec. 8., 1964
Folder 74 December 11, 1964 Memo from Doty Rescheduling Seminar Jan. 6
Folder 75 December 14, 1964 Cable Doty to Millionshchikov
Folder 76 Final Budget of June Session 1964 - December 31, 1964
Folder 77 Committee Meeting: January 19, '65 - Minutes, Agenda, etc. 
Folder 78 Millionshchikov Visit to U.N. (Speech) and to Cambridge, Febr. 22, 23, 1965
Folder 79 Cable, April 27, 1965: Doty to Millionshchikov
Folder 80 Chakravarty Speech May 4, 1965 at U.N. Disarmament Commission
Folder 81 Master I - Substantive Papers [1963-1965] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 82 Master I - Substantive Papers [1963-1965] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 83 Committee Meeting: May 7, 1965 - Arrangements, Agenda, Minutes
Folder 84 Memo from Brown: May 7, 1965 re: Moscow, May 24, Future SADS
Folder 85 May 20, 1965 Cable to Doty from Millionshchikov
Folder 86 May 25, 1965 Meeting: Agenda, Minutes, Etc. 
Folder 87 May 31, 1965 Cable to Doty from Millionshchikov
Folder 88 Report to AAAS Council, May 1965 (with submission to Ford Found.)
Folder 89 Report to Council: May 1965 and Submission to Ford Foundation 
Folder 90 Wm. Beecher "Missile-Killing Gains" (Wall Street Journal) - July 26, 1965
Folder 91 Meeting August 5, 1965 - Agenda, Minutes, Arrangements
Folder 92 Meeting September 16, 1965 (Agenda, Minutes, Arrangements)
Folder 93 Brennan/Millionshchikov Exchange - Brennan trip to Moscow, Sept '65
Folder 94 Meeting: October 6, 1965 (Agenda, etc.)
Folder 95 Meeting: November 17, 1965 (Arrangements, etc.)
Folder 96 Brown/European Trip - November 1965
Folder 97 Doty Letter to Millionshchikov, December 26, 1965
Folder 98 Meeting: December 6, 1965

Box 2

Folder 1 Millionshchikov: "The Most Rational Ways of Attaining General and Complete Disarmament" 6/8/64
Folder 2 ENDC Statements [1964]
Folder 3 Disarmament and European Security [1964]
Folder 4 "Application of the First Stage of Soviet "Treaty on General and Complete Disarmament…" [1962]
Folder 5 June 15: Memo on Non-Proliferation [1964]
Folder 6 Press Release - First Draft [1964]
Folder 7 Committee meeting December 18 - minutes and agenda [1964]
Folder 8 US Participants for European Conference, December 18, 1964
Folder 9 Cable: Millionshchikov to Doty - December 28, 1964
Folder 10 Final Letter to a European [1964]
Folder 11 Brennan Memo on Complete Test Ban and Exchange with Scoville [1964]
Folder 12 SADS Seminar, January 6, 1965
Folder 13 Score Sheet Participation for European Meeting, Feb. 18-21 [1965]
Folder 14 US Participants: Moscow Meeting [1965]
Folder 15 "What Scientists Say" By Prof. V. Emelyanov (New Times) (Sept 2, 1964)
Folder 16 Cable: Millionshchikov-to Doty - January 12, 1965
Folder 17 Cable: Doty to Millionshchikov - January 21, 1965
Folder 18 Sample Letter to European re Agenda, Travel etc. Jan 29, '65
Folder 19 February 6, 1965 Meeting of Committee & Participants to Plan European Meeting
Folder 20 Report of February 6, 1965 Mtg. - Prepatory Mtg. for Eur. Conf. 
Folder 21 Xeroxed and Other Articles Distributed [1964-1965]
Folder 22 Agenda - European Meeting [1965]
Folder 23 Memo to Committee & Participants from Brown re Moscow Mtg. 3/11/65
Folder 24 Memo to Committee & American Participants re Record of Eur. Mtg. - March 11, 1965
Folder 25 Background Papers by Jay Stone [1965]
Folder 26 Cable Doty to Millionshchikov - March 22, 1965
Folder 27 Cable Millionshchikov to Doty - March 25, 1965
Folder 28 Memo BHB to Participants Moscow re Dates for 2 Prepatory Mtgs. - March 29, 1965
Folder 29 April 25, 1965 Meeting Committee Participants: Prepare for Moscow 
Folder 30 Memo on Doty-Long Visit to Moscow - June 10-11, 1965
Folder 31 Meeting June 29, 1965 - Minutes, Agenda
Folder 32 Meeting July 14, 1965 - Minutes, Agenda
Folder 33 Meeting: January 10, 1966 (Preparation for Ebenhausen)
Folder 34 Washington Briefing for Eggenberg Colloquium, Jan. 17, 1966
Folder 35 Agenda - Eggenberg Colloquium and Discussion Guide [1966]
Folder 36 Material Distributed to Ebenhausen Participants after Meeting [1966]
Folder 37 Notes on Eggenberg Colloquium (Ebenhausen) - European comments [1966]
Folder 38 Participants in Ebenhausen Meeting (and Ltrs. of Invitation) [1965-1966]
Folder 39 Extras of Reading Material for Eggenberg Colloquium, January 26-28, 1966
Folder 40 [binder] Background Readings for U.S. Participants in Ebenhausen Meeting - January 26-28, 1966
Folder 41 Notes on Ebenhausen (Frank Long) [1966]
Folder 42 Record of Eggenberg Colloquium, January 26-28, 1966 (Ebenhausen)
Folder 43 Eggenberg Colloquium, Ebenhausen Preliminary Corres. and Preparations [1965-1966]
Folder 44 Preliminary Corres. with Sarbhai, Lall re Indian Meeting [1965-1966]
Folder 45 Trans. of Article by Millionshchikov, Communist, No. 5, March, 1966.
Folder 46 Meeting: March 30, 1966 - Minutes, arrangements, etc (re future program of Comm.)
Folder 47 Brown Meeting with C.S. Jha and L.K. Jha, March 31, 1966
Folder 48 Notes on Committee's Work in 1965-66 (April 7, 1966)
Folder 49 Joint Arms Control Seminar - April 14, 1966
Folder 50 Exchange of Cables (Doty & Millionshchikov) April, May '66
Folder 51 Meeting: February 11, 1966 (Plans for Indian Meeting)
Folder 52 Washington Briefing, April 21, 1966 - Preparation for India
Folder 53 Meeting with Sarabhai, Cambridge, May 1, 1966 (Plans for India Meeting)
Folder 54 Report to Council, May, 1966
Folder 55 Corres. With Sarabhai re Details of Conference [1966]
Folder 56 Stand-By Statement - May 12, 1966
Folder 57 Meeting: May 13, 1966 (Preparation for India)
Folder 58 Meeting with D. Schneider, Washington, May 16, 1966
Folder 59 Long Notes on Moscow Meeting, May 31-June 1, 1966
Folder 60 Long & B. 4. B. Notes on Indian Meeting, June 3-6, 1966
Folder 61 Agenda for Indian Meeting [1966]
Folder 62 Administrative Details - Indian Meeting (Travel, visas, etc.) [1966]
Folder 63 Record of Indian Meeting - June 3-6, 1966 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 64 Record of Indian Meeting - June 3-6, 1966 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 65 1. Participants in Indian Meeting - 2. Ltrs. Invitation to US Partic. - 3. Amb. Bowles' Participation [1966]
Folder 66 Brown Correspondence re Israel, Japan, Hong Kong Visits, June, 1966
Folder 67 Meeting with A. Fisher, Washington, June 28, 1966
Folder 68 Proposed Schnippenkotter Visit - June, 1966
Folder 69 Proposed Emel 'Yanov Visit - June, 1966
Folder 70 Schedules for SADS Meetings, July 1, 1966-May, 1967
Folder 71 Meeting: July 1, 1966
Folder 72 Moshe Dayan Visit, July 21, '66
Folder 73 September 6 & 7, 1966 Meeting, Paris (Cancelled)

Box 3

Folder 1 Report to Ford on Activities - April 1, 1965 - June 30, 1966
Folder 2 Lall Notes on Soviet Union Trip - Aug. 23-Sept. 4, 1966
Folder 3 Duncan Sandys' Lunch, Cambridge, October 7, 1966
Folder 4 Shulman Notes from Moscow - 10/29/66
Folder 5 Meeting: October 24, 1966 (SADS plans for 1966-1967)
Folder 6 Translation of Article by Millionshchikov, Pavda, Sept. 28 1966
Folder 7 Meeting: November 14, 1966 (Senator Tydings)
Folder 8 Dinner for Inozmetsev, November 17, 1966
Folder 9 Board Meeting of Stockholm Peace Research Institute, December, 1966
Folder 10 Meeting: December 9, 1966 (Prepatory to German Meeting)
Folder 11 Meeting: January 13, 1967 (Prepatory to German Meeting)
Folder 12 Munich Conference with Eigen's Group, January 20-22, 1967
Folder 13 Meeting: February 18, 1967 (orig. sched. Feb. 10)
Folder 14 Meeting: March 24, 1967 (orig. scheduled March 10)
Folder 15 Meeting: April 13, 1967
Folder 16 Meeting with Sarabhai, Cambridge, April 15, 1967 (& prelim. Corres. Re Indian mtg.)
Folder 17 Bergman Visit, April, 1967
Folder 18 Conversations with Pavlichenko and Millionshchikov (Brennan, Long & Kaysen) April, 1967
Folder 19 Meeting: April 22, 1967
Folder 20 Kissinger-Snedjarek Corres. re Czech Conference - 1967
Folder 21 Possible Voslenskii Visit, Spring, 1967
Folder 22 Dinner for Yuli Vorontsov, May 17, 1967
Folder 23 Rathjens Report on Czechoslovakian Meeting, May 13-16, 1967
Folder 24 Proposed Milan Kubat Visit, June 2, 1967
Folder 25 Meeting: June 3, 1967
Folder 26 Meeting with Pavlichenko, CFR, June 7, 1967
Folder 27 Report to Council, June, 1967 (Revision of Ford Report)
Folder 28 Report to Ford on Activities - July 1, 1966-June 30, 1967
Folder 29 Meeting July 7, 1967
Folder 30 Visit of Konstantinov and Others (Soviet U.N. Assoc.) - April 4, 1968
Folder 31 Doty Letter to William Foster, June 12, 1967
Folder 32 17th Pugwash - September 3-8, 1967
Folder 33 Meeting: August 11-12, 1967
Folder 34 Meeting: September 29, 1967
Folder 35 Meeting: October 19, 1967 (Sarabhai visit)
Folder 36 Meeting: October 15, 1967 (cancelled)
Folder 37 Meeting: October 23, 1967
Folder 38 Meeting: November 15, 1967 (H. Sonnenfeldt)
Folder 39 Meeting: November 28, 1967 and Decem. 5 (cancelled)
Folder 40 Meeting: December 19, 1967
Folder 41 Background Reading for Moscow Meeting Dec. 28-30, 1967
Folder 42 Record of Moscow Meeting - December 28-30, 1967
Folder 43 Meeting: December 28-30, 1967 (Moscow)
Folder 44 Revised List of Further Questions to Discuss with Soviets [1968]
Folder 45 Meeting: January 26, 1968
Folder 46 Meeting: February 26, 1968
Folder 47 Meeting: March 12, 1968 (with V.P. Humphrey) cancelled
Folder 48 American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Council Minutes, 1968 (March)
Folder 49 Visit of Konstantinov and Others (Soviet U.N. Assoc.) - April 4, 1968
Folder 50 Follow-up Corres. with Millionshchikov re Further Meeting with Soviets [1968]
Folder 51 Annual Report to Ford - 1967-1968
Folder 52 Report to Ford - April, 1968
Folder 53 Meeting: April 30, 1968 (with Ford Foundation)
Folder 54 Report to Council - May, 1968
Folder 55 Meetings: May 28, 1969
Folder 56 Rathjens' Paper - May 24, 1968
Folder 57 Corres. re Indian Conference - June 3-5, 1968
Folder 58 Indian Conference - June 3-5, 1968 - Agenda
Folder 59 Extension of Ford Grant (Ltr. June 17, '68 to Sutton)
Folder 60 Exchange of Cables Bet. Doty and Vinogradov (July, 1968)
Folder 61 Request for Ford Support of Pugwash (F. Long Ltr. to Bernie Feld 9/1968)
Folder 62 Pavlichenko Visit 7/25/68 & Kistiakowsky Ltr. re Future Meeting with Russians
Folder 63 Cable to Millionshchikov 9/1/68 from Doty, Kistiakowsky, Long and Wiesner
Folder 64 Mehta and Dayal Visit Oct. 17, 1968
Folder 65 Meeting: November 18, 1968 (At Coun. on For. Rel, NYC)
Folder 66 Rumiantsev and Osipov Visit - December 15, 1968
Folder 67 Doty Paper Dec. 1968 on Costs of US Strategic Forces
Folder 68 Doty Ltr. to Millionshchikov - January 6, 1969
Folder 69 Meeting: February 1, 1969
Folder 70 Arbatov and Israelian Visit - Feb. 19 and 20, 1969
Folder 71 Harold Feiveson (paper presented at February 1 meeting) [1969]
Folder 72 Roger Fisher Draft on Private Diplomacy [February 1969]
Folder 73 Millionshchikov Visit - April 14-17, 1969
Folder 74 Possible Artsimovich Visit - April, 1969
Folder 75 Meeting: April 22 - Harvard Club, NYC (cancelled) [1969]
Folder 76 Report to Council - 1968-69 (May. '69)
Folder 77 1969 Correspondence with Sarabhai re 1970 Meeting
Folder 78 Dinner for Snedjarek - May 20, 1969
Folder 79 Meeting: May 28 - Washington [1969]
Folder 80 Corres. re Soviet-US Mtg. (Doty ltr. to Nield 7/28/69) B. Read ltr to Voss 8/6/69)
Folder 81 Corres. with Gerald Smith (Sept., 1969)
Folder 82 Kapitsa Lunch - October 1, 1969
Folder 83 Meeting: October 8 (Washington) [1969]
Folder 84 Pugwash (Sochi, USSR) Oct. 22-29 1969 and Soviet-American Talks, Moscow, Oct. 30, 1969
Folder 85 Back to Ford - 1968-69 (Dec. 1969)
Folder 86 Inozemtsev and Kostko Visit - December 11, 1969
Folder 87 List of Publications - Inst. of World Econ. & Inter Rel., Moscow [1969]
Folder 88 Meeting: December 12, 1969
Folder 89 [loose] File: SADS - WBB Chron [1969 December 23]
Folder 90 Material for 1969-70 Reports
Folder 91 Rathjens-Caywood-Wohlstetter Corres. Re ABM Debate [1969]
Folder 92 Clippings From: Council for Liveable World (Tom Halsted) & Nat'l Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Science (R. Green) [1969-1970]
Folder 93 Meeting: Feb. 20, 1970
Folder 94 Filatov Corres. (Feb. '70)
Folder 95 [binder] Draft Indian Record [1968] [Folder 2 of 2]
Folder 96 [binder] Draft Indian Record [1968] [Folder 1 of 2]
Folder 97 Meeting: March 19, '70
Folder 98 Meeting: April 14, 1970 (Dinner with Solly Zuckerman)
Folder 99 (AAAS) Report to Council - 1970
Folder 100 Meeting: May 29, 1970
Folder 101 Meeting: June 23, 1970

Box 4

Folder 1 Rathjens Report on Moscow Trip, June 1970
Folder 2 Invitation to Kulish (June, 1970)
Folder 3 Corres. re Extension and Renewal of Ford Grant (Sept. 1968-July, 1970)
Folder 4 Meeting: Sept. 8, 1970
Folder 5 Meeting: September 17, 1970 (Record) (with Russians-Cambridge)
Folder 6 Meeting: December 4 (Harv. Club. NYC) [1970]
Folder 7 Meeting: Dec. 11 & Jan. 4 [1970-1971]
Folder 8 Telegram from Soviet Çï¿ûÊÓƵ to Parsons re Davis [1970]
Folder 9 Doty - Moscow - Jan., 1971
Folder 10 "Guide to Strategic Concepts" -- Leo Sartori and others [1971]
Folder 11 Meeting: February 25 [1971]
Folder 12 Doty Cable to Millionshchikov 3/5/71
Folder 13 Visit of Anatoly Gromyko & V. Issraelyan - April 5-7, 1971
Folder 14 Long Memo for the Record - Discussion with Million. - April, 1971
Folder 15 Meeting, Cambridge - July 13, 1971
Folder 16 Millionsnchikov[sic] Ltr. To Long re Resigning from Pugwash [1971]
Folder 17 Meeting, Moscow - Aug. 18-20, 1971
Folder 18 Record of Moscow Meeting - Aug. 18-20, 1971 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 19 Record of Moscow Meeting - Aug. 18-20, 1971 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 20 American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ - Annual Report, 1971
Folder 21 Documents on Middle East Handed to SADS at State Dept 7/28
Folder 22 Marshall 'Shulman's Testimony to Senate F/R Cttee 7/14/71
Folder 23 Meeting Sept. 17 '71 Cambridge
Folder 24 Memorandum - Dinner Nov. 9, 1971 - Harvard Club
Folder 25 Reaffirmation and Change in Pugwash by P.D. Dec. '71
Folder 26 Indonesian Project [1971]
Folder 27 Visit of Larianov and Trofimenko (Suggested) [October 1971-January 1972]
Folder 28 Meeting Jan. 19, '72 - New York City
Folder 29 Marshall Shulman's Visit to Moscow, '72
Folder 30 Report to Ford Fndtn. 2/29/72 covering activities 8/31/69 to 12/31/71.
Folder 31 Meeting Mar. 21 '72 - Cambridge
Folder 32 Kistiakowsky's Letter - May, 1972
Folder 33 Meeting, Cambridge, May 9, 1972
Folder 34 Meeting Sunday, June 4, 1972 Cambridge
Folder 35 SADS June 21, 1972 6:30 - Harvard Club of Boston
Folder 36 Visas - Moscow - July 1972
Folder 37 Meeting, Moscow, July 1972
Folder 38 American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Annual Report - 1972
Folder 39 Record of Moscow Meeting - July 10-12, 1972
Folder 40 [binder] Records of SADS Meetings - Moscow - July 10-12, 1972 - B.H. Brown
Folder 41 Record of SADS Meetings, Moscow - July 10-12, 1972
Folder 42 W. Panofsky, "Limitations on the Evolution of Military technology" - July 1972
Folder 43 F.A. Long, "Agreed Reductions in Military Budgets…" 7/72
Folder 44 G.W. Rathjens - Control of MIRV'S - August 31, 1972
Folder 45 Lunch mtg. at Fac. Club with W. Bader. October 2, 1972 (Also Draft F.F. Budget in file)
Folder 46 Dinner Mtg. Fac. Club. Dec. 14, 1972
Folder 47 AAAS - SADS Dec. 15, 16, 1972
Folder 48 Paper on "Conventional Force Reduction by Budget Cuts" as discussed in Moscow, July '72
Folder 49 Dinner Meeting on India with D. Moynihan, January 12, 1973
Folder 50 All-day Meeting, Cambridge, Sat. Feb. 10, 1973
Folder 51 Visit of Arabatov to Cambridge, Friday, March 23, 1973
Folder 52 Meeting, Washington, Sunday - April 22, 1973 CANCELLED
Folder 53 Cable to Mrs. Millionshchikov - May 29 1973
Folder 54 Proposed Meeting with Russians - May, June or July 1973 (not held)
Folder 55 Possible Arms Control Study, Summer 1973
Folder 56 Report on SADS to American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, July 1973
Folder 57 Doty Visit with Zhores Medvedev - London, July 28, 1973
Folder 58 Report on SADS for Ford Fndtn. - 1/1/72-6/30/73. Submitted
Folder 59 Proposed meeting with British on ASW [1973]
Folder 60 Possible Visits to India, 1972 and 1973
Folder 61 SADS mtg Cambridge, 9/26/73
Folder 62 Cables: Doty-Markov; Markov-Doty; re mtg. Spring 1974
Folder 63 Minutes of SADS Mtg. preparing for US-USSR talks, Jan. 25-26, '74
Folder 64 Agenda Items and Agenda for US-USSR Talks, Feb. 1-4, 1974
Folder 65 US-USSR Talks, Feb. 1-4, 1974 - Participants 
Folder 66 Joint US-Soviet SADS Mtg. - February 1-4, 1974 - Schedule of Events
Folder 67 Record of Joint US-Soviet SADS Mtg., Cambridge, Feb. 1-4, 1974 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 68 Record of Joint US-Soviet SADS Mtg., Cambridge, Feb. 1-4, 1974 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 69 Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group - Cambridge, February 1-4, 1974
Folder 70 Record of US-Soviet SADS mtg. - February 17-19, 1975, Moscow [folder 1 of 3]
Folder 71 Record of US-Soviet SADS mtg. - February 17-19, 1975, Moscow [folder 2 of 3]
Folder 72 Record of US-Soviet SADS mtg. - February 17-19, 1975, Moscow [folder 3 of 3]

Box 5

Folder 1 [binder] Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group, February 17-19, 1975 - B. H. Brown - Personal Copy
Folder 2 [binder] Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group, February 17-19, 1975, copy no. 22
Folder 3 Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group - February 17-19, 1975
Folder 4 SADS Mtg. Moscow Feb. 17-20, 1975 - Visa Material
Folder 5 Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group - February 17-19, 1975
Folder 6 Report on SADS for Ford Fndtn. - 7/1/73 - 3/31/75. Submitted June 1975
Folder 7 SADS Meeting Moscow - Aug. 2-22, 1975 - Visas & Travel Arrangements
Folder 8 Record of US-Soviet SADS mtg - August 17-19, 1975, Moscow
Folder 9 [binder] Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group, August 20-22, 1975 - B. H. Brown - Personal Copy
Folder 10 [binder] Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group, August 20-22, 1975, copy no. 13
Folder 11 Record of Joint Meeting with Soviet Group - August 20-22, 1975
Folder 12 SADS Trip to Moscow Aug 20-23, 1975
Folder 13 [SADS - Background, Soviet Communist Party and USSR Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences] [1975]

Subseries 2: International Meetings, 1963-1969

Description: This subseries contains records related to the meetings held by CISAC with international participants in Moscow, Ebenhausen, Cambridge, and New Delhi. It primarily includes correspondence but also includes general arrangements and transcripts. 

Arrangement: This subseries is further divided into  6 sub-subseries, by meeting date: Sub-subseries 2.1: General; Sub-subseries 2.2: 1964 Soviet Meeting; Sub-subseries 2.3: 1965 European Meeting; Sub-subseries 2.4: 1965 Soviet Meeting; Sub-subseries 2.5: 1966 Indian Meeting; and Sub-subseries 2.6: 1968 Indian Meeting.

Sub-subseries 2.1: General, 1963-1969

Description: This sub-subseries contains records that generally relate to the international meetings, but not to a particular meeting. 

Arrangement: Chronological

Box 5 (cont.)

Folder 14 Soviet Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences [1963-1965]
Folder 15 European and Other Conferences [1964-1965]
Folder 16 Moscow Meeting [1967-1969]

Sub-subseries 2.2: 1964 European Meeting, 1963-1964

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to June 1964 US-Soviet meeting held in Cambridge. It includes notes for planning meetings, correspondence, arrangements, and draft transcripts.

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 5 (cont.)

Folder 17 Meeting with W. Europeans, AAAS - European Relations [1963-1964]
Folder 18 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Background Reading, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 19 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Background Reading, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 20 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Discussion Papers, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 21 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Discussion Papers, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 22 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Discussion Papers, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 23 Joint Disarmament Study Group - Discussion Papers, 1st Session [3/31/1964] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 24 June Session: Sample Information Packet [1964]
Folder 25 S.I. Equipment [1964]
Folder 26 Guests and Speakers [1964]
Folder 27 Travel for Soviets, Weekend and Week after Session [1964]
Folder 28 The Commander Hotel [1964]
Folder 29 Hilton Hotel [1964]
Folder 30 Madison Hotel [1964]
Folder 31 Plan for Jan. 5-20, 1964 Meeting with Soviets (Aborted) (& Dec. 20) [1964]
Folder 32 Daniel G. Partan [1964-1965]
Folder 33 Participants Assignments [ca. 1964]
Folder 34 June Session: Planning File [1964]
Folder 35 Participants [1962-1964]
Folder 36 Brennan's Record of June, 1964 with Comments by Sohn, Lall etc. Inserted
Folder 37 Comments on Record of June 1964 and Comments on Discussions
Folder 38 Record of June Session - Brennan notes and blackboard [1964]
Folder 39 Brennan's Record of June, 1964 - Unrevised

Sub-subseries 2.3: 1965 European Meeting, 1964-1965

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to the February 1965 US-European meeting. It includes notes for planning meetings, correspondence, arrangements, and draft transcripts.

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 6

Folder 1 [binder] Arms Control Meeting, February 18-21, 1965 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 2 [binder] Arms Control Meeting, February 18-21, 1965 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 3 Record of European Meeting, Feb 18-21, 1965 Edited by B.H. Brown, MASTER [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 4 Record of European Meeting, Feb 18-21, 1965 Edited by B.H. Brown, MASTER [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 5 European Meeting: Budget and Finances (including Feb 6 & European trips in 1964-5)
Folder 6 European Meeting: Europeans Declined [1964-1965]
Folder 7 European Meeting: Drafts-Letters [1964-1965]
Folder 8 [loose] CISAC - Arms Control Meeting - 2/18-21/65
Folder 9 Eur. Mtg.: Agenda [1965]
Folder 10 Eur. Mtg.: Check Lists and Doty/Brown Exchanges [1965]
Folder 11 European Meeting: Information Sheet [1965]
Folder 12 European Meeting: Washington [1965]
Folder 13 Eur. Mtg.: Arrangements [1965]
Folder 14 European Meeting: International Travel [ca. 1965]
Folder 15 Eur. Mtg.: List of Participants [1965]
Folder 16 Distributions: Substantive Papers, Background Materials [1965]

Sub-subseries 2.4: 1965 Soviet Meeting, 1964-1965

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to the March 1965 US-Soviet meeting. It includes notes for planning meetings, correspondence, arrangements, and meeting notes.

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 6

Folder 17 Moscow Session, March 29, 1965
Folder 18 Moscow: Agenda [1964-1965]
Folder 19 Moscow: Doty-Millionshchikov Cables [1964-1965]
Folder 20 Moscow Participants Availability [1964-1965]
Folder 21 Moscow: Planning [1965]

Sub-subseries 2.5: 1966 Indian Meeting, 1966

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to the June 1966 US-Soviet meeting. It includes background reading for the meeting, as well as some financials. 

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 6 (cont.)

Folder 22 Background Readings, US Participants in mtg w/ Indians - June 4-6, 1966
Folder 23 Indian Meeting, June 4-6, 1966, Background Reading
Folder 24 Financial: Indian Meeting, June 4-6, 1966

Sub-subseries 2.6: 1968 Indian Meeting, 1968

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to the June 1968 US-Soviet meeting. It includes background reading for the meeting, meeting transcript, as well as some financials. 

Arrangement: Chronological.

Box 6 (cont.)

Folder 25 Readings for Indian Conference, June 3-5, 1968 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 26 Readings for Indian Conference, June 3-5, 1968 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 27 Draft Indian Record - June 1968 [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 28 Draft Indian Record - June 1968 [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 29 Financial - Indian Conference, June 3-5, 1968 Cambridge

Subseries 3: Administrative Records, 1963-1975, nd

Description: This subseries contains records related to the operation of the Committee. It includes compiled collections of records used by members and staff, correspondence, and financials.

Arrangement: This subseries is further divided into 3 sub-subseries by type: Sub-subseries 3.1: Compiled Committee Files; Sub-subseries 3.2: Correspondence; and Sub-subseries 3.3: Financial Records.

Sub-subseries 3.1: Compiled Committee Files, 1963-1975

Description: This subseries contains collected files used by the committee members and staff. This includes multiples of papers, correspondence, and meeting agendas and transcripts. 

Arrangement: Generally chronological, with groupings of records kept together in original order. 

Box 6 (cont.)

Folder 30 [binder] AAAS - Soviet American Disarmament Study - Compiled Minutes in Summary Form [1963]
Folder 31 Master II - Substantive Papers [1963-1965] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 32 Master II - Substantive Papers [1963-1965] [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 33 Master I - Administrative: Letters, Cables, etc. [1963-1964]
Folder 34 Master II - Administrative: Letters, Cables, etc. [1963-1964]
Folder 35 Master I - Meetings: Minutes & Agendas [1963-1964]
Folder 36 Master II - Meetings: Minutes & Agendas [1963-1964]
Folder 37 [binder] [Committee Records] [1963-1964] [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 38 [binder] [Committee Records] [1963-1964] [folder 2 of 2]

Box 7

Folder 1 [loose] [Minutes and Comments on Meeting] [1970]
Folder 2 SADS Papers [1971]
Folder 3 [loose] [Draft Papers and Statements] [1971-1972] [folder 1 of 3]
Folder 4 [loose] [Draft Papers and Statements] [1971-1972] [folder 1 of 3]
Folder 5 [loose] [Draft Papers and Statements] [1971-1972] [folder 1 of 3]
Folder 6 AAAS - Pugwash - SADS [1972-1975]
Folder 7 SADS extras [1973]

Subseries 3.2: Correspondence, 1963-1974

Description: This subseries contains individual correspondence files. It includes both internal and external correspondence.

Arrangement: This subseries is further divided into 2 sub-sub-subseries by type: Sub-sub-subseries 3.2.1: General, 1963-1968; and Sub-sub-subseries 3.2.2: SADS Members 1966-1974.

Sub-subseries 3.2.1: General, 1963-1968

Description: This subseries contains individual correspondence files, primarily with staff members, with some external correspondence.

Arrangement: Original order, generally chronological. 

Box 7 (cont.)

Folder 8 Marina Finkelstein [1963-1965]
Folder 9 Jeremy J. Stone [1963-1969]
Folder 10 Betty Goetz Lall [1963-1968]
Folder 11 Report to Council Corrected for Publication by Çï¿ûÊÓƵ 1965
Folder 12 Correspondence with Eric Stevenson, George Washington University - Spring, 1967
Folder 13 Corres. with Frank Long re Milton Esman [1968]

Sub-subseries 3.2.2: SADS Members, 1966-1964

Description: This subseries contains individual SADS member correspondence files.

Arrangement: Original order, individual member files arranged alphabetically, with other related files arranged chronologically. 

Box 7 (cont.)

Folder 14 Correspondence with SADS Members: Doty [1966-1973]
Folder 15 Correspondence with SADS Members: Garwin [1972-1973]
Folder 16 Correspondence with SADS Members: Kleiman [1973-1974]
Folder 17 Correspondence with SADS Members: Long [1972-1973]
Folder 18 Correspondence with SADS Members: Panofsky [1972-1973]
Folder 19 Correspondence with SADS Members: Shulman [1971-1974]
Folder 20 Correspondence with SADS Members: Vance [1971]
Folder 21 SADS Correspondence, Miscellaneous [1968-1974]
Folder 22 SADS Members - Writings [1973]
Folder 23 Material for Directory of Russians [1973]

Sub-Subseries 3.3: Financial Records, 1964-1975

Description: This sub-subseries contains records relating to the accounting and funding of CISAC. This primarily includes grant proposals and reports to the Ford Foundation, budgets, and receipts. 

Arrangement: Chronological. 

Box 7 (cont.)

Folder 24 Submission to Ford Foundation, 1964
Folder 25 Submission to Ford Foundation, 1965
Folder 26 American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Financial Report on SADS [1964-1974]
Folder 27 Financial: II European Meeting, Jan. 26-28, 1966 (Incl. Jan. 10 & 17)
Folder 28 OLD Financial: Travel Representation [1963-1970]
Folder 29 OLD Financial: Proposed Indian Budget - 1970 Meeting
Folder 30 OLD Financial: Meetings, Honoraria, Through 1970
Folder 31 Financial, General, and Books, Mag, subs. 1971-[1974]
Folder 32 Financial: 1971 - Meetings, Honoraria, Etc. 1971
Folder 33 Financial: General Books, Mag. Subs. [1963-1970]
Folder 34 Financial: 1972-[1975] Travel Explanations, etc. [folder 1 of 2]
Folder 35 Financial: 1972-[1975] Travel Explanations, etc. [folder 2 of 2]
Folder 36 Administrative -- Phone Bills, Credit Cards, etc. Petty Cash [1971-1975]
Folder 37 Bills & Reimbursements Conference [1974-1975]
Folder 38 SADS Preliminary Mtg. - Jan. 25-26, 1974. Bills, etc.
Folder 39 SADS Preliminary Mtg. - Jan. 28-29, 1974. Bills, etc.
Folder 40 Visit of Russians, Feb. 7, 8, 9, 1974 Arrangements
Folder 41 Moscow mtg. Feb. 17-19, 1975 Expenses
Folder 42 [SADS - Grant Reporting, Ford Foundation - Benjamin H. Brown] [1975]

Subseries 4: Program for Science & International Affairs (PSIA), 1973-1974

Description: This subseries contains records related to the search to secure funding for an established program, continuing and expanding CISAC projects. It primarily includes draft grant proposals, with some correspondence and meeting records. 

Arrangement: Chronological. 

Box 7 (cont.)

Folder 43 Program for Sci. & Int. Affairs (Doty): SADS Financing and Renewal of Grant, 1973 (Terminal Group) [Folder 1 of 3]
Folder 44 Program for Sci. & Int. Affairs (Doty): SADS Financing and Renewal of Grant, 1973 (Terminal Group) [Folder 2 of 3]
Folder 45 Program for Sci. & Int. Affairs (Doty): SADS Financing and Renewal of Grant, 1973 (Terminal Group) [Folder 3 of 3]

Box 8

Folder 1 [loose] Proposal, Center for Arms Control at Harvard - Ford Foundation [1973]
Folder 2 PSIA - Minutes of Meetings [1973]
Folder 3 PSIA - Requests for Reimbursement [1973]
Folder 4 PSIA - General [1973-1974]
Folder 5 Prog. for Sci. and Int. Affairs Meeting Information, Agendas, etc. [1974]
Folder 6 PSIA - Research Fellows' Papers [1974]
Folder 7 Program for Sci. & Int. Affairs (Doty): Description of PSIA Program [nd]
Folder 8 PSIA Annual Report [nd]