Finding Aid |

RGXXI: Committee on School Science


Historical Note

The Committee on School Science (later Educational Activity Committee, 1959-1964) operated from 1947-1964. The Committee was established on April 9, 1947, at the 1317th Stated Meeting of the Ƶ. Ƶ President Howard Mumford, by the authority of the Council, appointed a Committee to “concern itself with the discovery, encouragement, and development of latent scientific talent in New England…and that this Committee be instructed to explore ways for encouraging our potential young scientists.” Nine different chairs served during the life of the Committee.

Initially, the Committee was largely concerned with the New England School Science Fair but later was involved with the Thayer Ƶ Summer Science program. Symposia included a 1961 Summer Study of African Education sponsored by Educational Services Incorporated, the Ford Foundation and the State Department; and a joint symposium with Brandeis University on the Economics of Educational Television, held May 23-26, 1963. Coinciding with the resignation of Bruce Chalmers as chair at an April 8, 1964 meeting of the Council, it was suggested that the Committee be allowed to lapse at the end of the academic year.

Committee Chairs included R. Bruce Lindsay (1947-1950); Robert Ulich (1950-1951); John Welsh (1951-1952); Francis Bitter (1952-1953); Fletcher G. Watson (1953-1957); Sanborn C. Brown (1957-1961); Edwin C. Kemble (1961-1962); Francis L. Friedman (1962-1963); and Bruce Chalmers (1963-1964).

Name Variations

Committee on School Science, 1947-1959
Committee on Educational Activities, 1959-1964

Scope and Content

The series is contained within the Ƶ Archives’ Record Group XXI: Ƶ Projects and Programs. This series contains the administrative and project records of the Committee, from 1947 to 1964 by the executive office of Ralph Burhoe and held with project files. Included among administrative records are correspondence, minutes, and memoranda. Included among project records are correspondence, transcripts, and planning materials. 

A significant amount of material includes the Ƶ's involvement with the New England School Science Fair Governing Board. See also related archival materials on the Ƶ's Committee for the Elizabeth Thompson Award for excellence in science teaching.


Processing for the series utilized MPLP principles, thus minimum preservation steps were taken, and folder titles listed in the finding aid are as they appear on the actual folders. Original order was maintained using CEO Ralph Burhoe’s numeric filing system, with few exceptions. Some files were created outside the filing system and were incorporated with like materials. 
The series is divided into two subseries: Subseries 1: Administrative Records; and Subseries 2: Projects.

Subseries 1: Administrative Records is further divided into three sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 1.1: Committee on School Science; Sub-subseries 1.2: New England Committee on School Science; and Sub-subseries 1.3: Committee on Educational Activities.

Subseries 2: Projects is further divided into three sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 2.1: Science Fair; Sub-subseries 2.2: Thayer Ƶ; and Sub-subseries 2.3: Other Projects.


2 records center cartons (2 linear feet).

Preferred Citation

[Item title, date]. Record Group XXI: Ƶ Projects – Committee on School Science/Educational Activities Committee, 1947-1964. Archives, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Bitter, Francis, 1902-1967
Friedman, Francis L. (Francis Lee), 1918-
Brown, Sanborn C. (Sanborn Conner), 1913-1981
Condé, Bruce, 1913-1992
Kemble, Edwin C. (Edwin Crawford), 1889-1984
Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-1985
Ulich, Robert, 1890-1977
Voss, John, 1917-
Watson, Fletcher G. (Fletcher Guard)
Welsh, John H. (John Henry), 1901-2002
New England School Science Council
Thayer Ƶ
Educational television programs--Economic conditions
Education--New England
Science fairs
Science--Study and teaching


Subseries 1: Administrative Records, 1947-1964

Description: This subseries contains records of the various administrative bodies related to the committee containing the general correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, and a small number of ephemera.

Arrangement: This subseries is further divided by administrative body into three sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 1.1: Committee on School Science; Sub-subseries 1.2: New England Committee on School Science; and Sub-subseries 1.3: Committee on Educational Activities. Each sub-series is arranged mostly by the original order, but is generally chronologic.

Sub-subseries 1.1: Committee on School Science, 1947-1959

Box 1

Folder 1SS 1.1 Records of Committee, collected by RWB, 1948-1953
Folder 2Records of Committee on School Science/Educational Activities Committee 1952-1956
Folder 3Records of Committee on School Science/Educational Activities Committee 1956-1958
Folder 41.1 School Scince Committee - Minutes, 1949-1952
Folder 5ED 1.1 Minutes, 1953 -
Folder 6Annual Reports 1953-
Folder 71.2 SSC Correspondence 1947-1952
Folder 81.2 - School Science Committee, Correspondence, 1953-1955
Folder 91.2 - School Science Committee, Letter on Teaching Apparatus Import Duty Restrictions
Folder 101.3 School Science Committee - Appointments, 1947-1958
Folder 113. Finance of NESCC and SSC
Folder 12ED 3.1 Financial Records
Folder 133.1 Financial Records

Sub-subseries 1.2: New England School Science Committee, 1947-1952

Box 1 (cont.)

Folder 14N.E. School Science Council Organization 2.11 1947-48
Folder 152.1 NESCC Govern. Board Minutes, 1948-1952
Folder 162.1 School Science Committee, New England School Science Council Minutes (Governing Board)
Folder 172.1 NESSC Governing Board Organization, Reports, 1949-52
Folder 182.11 NESSC Governing Board Members, 1950-53
Folder 192.11 NESSC Appointments, 1951-52
Folder 202.3 SSC Newsletters
Folder 217.2 School Science Committeee - Sci. Ed. News 1950-1951
Folder 22NESS - Materials
Folder 23ED 5.6 New England Council
Folder 24ED 5.65 New England Science Center
Folder 25New England Science Center Committee

Sub-subseries 1.3: Committee on Educational Activities, 1959, 1964

Box 1 (cont.)

Folder 26Com. Ed. Activ. Notices & Records of Meetings, 1961
Folder 27Comm. on Ed. Activities, Notes
Folder 28Comm. on Ed. Activities, Historical Material
Folder 29ED 0.0 Committee on Educational Activities, Alphabetical List, 1959-60, 1960-61
Folder 30ED 0 Alphabetical List 1962-63
Folder 31Lists of Committee Members - ED 0
Folder 32ED 1.2 Correspondence 1954-1962
Folder 33ED 1.3 History 1960-Ed 1.7 Policy 1960-
Folder 34Education Committee - General 1960-1965
Folder 35Education Committee - Minutes
Folder 36Educational Activities Committee 1959-1960
Folder 37Educational Activities Committee 1960-1961
Folder 38Educational Activities Committee 1961-1962
Folder 39Educational Activities Committee 1962-1963
Folder 40Educational Activities Committee 1963-1965
Folder 41Comm. On Ed. Activ. Correspondence, To June 62
Folder 42ED 1.2 Correspondence 1963
Folder 43ED 1.12 Report of the EdAc Committee, 9 May 1962 ex mimeo
Folder 44ED 1.7 Letter from Kemble to Hoagland, Copies to Committee 2 je 61 extra mimeo
Folder 45Ed 1.2 Letter to Committee members from Oncley 19 v 61 extra mimeo
Folder 46EdAc 1.2 letter to Committee form Kemble - 5 Oct 1961 extra mimeo
Folder 47Ed 1.2 Letter to Committee form Kemble 27 Mr 62 exxtra mimeo [sic]
Folder 48Ed 1.2 Description of EdAc Com for prospective members 23 May 62 extra mimeo
Folder 49EdAc Report to NSF re Thayer Ƶ project 19 Nov 62 extra
Folder 50ED 1.2 Letter confirming meeting of 17 Dec 1962 ex mimeo
Folder 51EdAc 1.2 Letter to Committee re meeting on 8 April 1963 extra
Folder 52EdAc 1.2 Letter re Meeting 7 Mar 63 extra mimeo
Folder 53ED 1.2 Memo re; fall 63 meeting extra mimeo
Folder 54ED 1.2 Agenda for fall 63 meeting extra mimeo
Folder 55ED 1.2 Chalmers, Aim of Education extra mimeo
Folder 56ED 1.4 Finances 1962-
Folder 57ED 1.51 Meeting with Boston Museum of Science April 160

Subseries 2: Projects, 1947-1964

Description: This subseries contains records relating to the planning and action of specific projects and conferences. It includes correspondence and memos, forms, grant proposals, conference planning materials and minutes, and a small amount of ephemera. 

Arrangement: This subseries is further divided by project into three sub-subseries: Sub-subseries 2.1: Science Fiar; Sub-subseries 2.2: Thayer Ƶ Program; and Sub-subseries 2.3: Other projects. Each Sub-subseries is arranged mostly by the original order, but is generally chronologic.

Sub-subseries 2.1: Science Fair, 1947-1955

Box 2

Folder 1School Science Committee - Contests & Fairs Comm. 
Folder 22.4 SSC
Folder 34.2 School Science Committee, New England School Science Fair, Correspondence, 1955-
Folder 4ED 4.2
Folder 5Science Talent Search 1947
Folder 6SS 4.3 Material on the contests, arranged by year of contest
Folder 7ED 4.3 Material on the contests, by year
Folder 84.3 School Science Committee - 1949 Scholarships
Folder 94.3 School Science Committee - Contest Correspondence, 1953-54
Folder 104.4 School Science Committee - General Material on Contests, forms, etc
Folder 114.5 School Science Committee - Massachusetts State Science Fair
Folder 124.6 School Science Committee - Standards of Judging - Nescc
Folder 138.1 School Science Committee - Massachusetts Science Talent Search - 1955

Sub-subseries 2.2: Thayer Ƶ Program

Box 2 (cont.)

Folder 14ED 5.7 Phillips Exeter
Folder 15SS 5.7 The Philips Exeter Ƶ - Proposed Exeter Advanced Science Program
Folder 16[loose Thayer]
Folder 17[loose Thayer]
Folder 18ED 5.8 Thayer Ƶ 1959
Folder 19ED 5.8 Thayer Ƶ 1960
Folder 20ED 5.8 D Thayer Ƶ Proposal to NSF for 1961 extra copies
Folder 21ED 5.8 D Addendum to proposal by Thayer Ƶ to NSF 7-27-60 extra mimeo
Folder 22ED 5.8 Thayer Ƶ 1961
Folder 23Educ Act

Sub-subseries 2.3: Other Projects

Box 2 (cont.)

Folder 244. School Science Committee - Industry Taks, 1950
Folder 255. SSC General Material on School and Industry
Folder 265.2 SSC Boston Business Sect. - Nat. Science Teachers Assn. 
Folder 276 Committee on Atomic Energy 11.
Folder 28School Science Committee - Tab. & Atomic Energy Com. 
Folder 298.2 School Science Committee - Junior Acad. Sci.
Folder 308.5 SSC Federation of Teachers
Folder 319. School Science Committee - Science Teachers - Lectures
Folder 329.1 School Science Committee - Pilot Program of Counselors for Science Teachers
Folder 3310. Conservation
Folder 3413. School Science Committee - A.A.A.S. grants for secondary schools, 1956
Folder 35ED 13 Application forms, AAAS-Ƶ grants, extra printed forms
Folder 36ED 13 American Association for the Advancement of Science grants to secondary schools
Folder 37Secondary Schools List

Box 3

Folder 1Com. On Ed. Act. - Nat. Specialty Bds Merit Pay
Folder 2ED 14 Massachusetts, State of, Department of Education
Folder 3ED 15.1 African Education Study - Educational Activities
Folder 4ED 15.1 African Education Study 1961-62
Folder 5ED 15.1 Drafts of General Reports Sept. 1961 [African Summer Study]
Folder 6ED 15.1 University of Illinois Arithmetic Study
Folder 7ED 15.2 Award for outstanding scholarly contribution to science
Folder 8ED 15.3 Proposal from Sachar of Brandeis for cooperation in conference on educational television 1961-63
Folder 9Conference on Educational TV - AAAS/Brandeis 19633
Folder 10Com. on Ed. Act. - Brandeis Telev. Conferences.
Folder 11Conference on the Economics of Educational Television, May 23-26, 1963: Audience Evaluation; General Broadcast
Folder 12Conference on the Economics of Educational Television, May 23-26, 1963: Talents, Services, Materials
Folder 13Conference on the Economics of Educational Television, May 23-26, 1963: Production and Distribution
Folder 14Conference on the Economics of Educational Television, May 23-26, 1963: ITV Research, Systems Analysis
Folder 15Conference on the Economics of Educational Television, May 23-26, 1963: ITV Curriculum
Folder 16ED 15.4 Adult education program - BU James Baker 1961
Folder 17Project Simulous
Folder 18ED 15.5 Secondary-school lectures project, 1959-
Folder 19ED 15.51 Lecture notes of Holiday Science Lectures 26-29 December 1962
Folder 20ED 15.6 University of Mass. Centennial 1960-1963
Folder 21Mass Project
Folder 22ED 15.7 Conference on the Aims of Education - Draft Proposal 2 Dec 63
Folder 23ED 15.7 Aims of Education (Chalmers) 1963
Folder 24ED 15.7 Memo re meeting 10 Dec 63